Kennedy and MA attempts to change law for political purposes again

Massachusetts Republicans spoke out today against a proposal by US Senator Edward M. Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer, under which Kennedy's Senate seat would be filled by an appointment by Democratic Governor Deval Patrick until a special election could be held.

Didn't the criminalcrats do something like this years ago to ensure that their gov couldn't appoint a republican before the special election?

Didn't the criminalcrats do something like this years ago to ensure that their gov couldn't appoint a republican before the special election?

1) While it is true Kennedy wants to change the rules, it is incorrect to say Democrats want to. The Democratic leaders in the state Legislature are opposed to changing it.

2) Yes, back when Kerry was running for President and the state had a Rep Governor, the legislature voted to change from Gov appointed to special election because they didn't want the Gov to appoint a Rep if Kerry had won.
1) While it is true Kennedy wants to change the rules, it is incorrect to say Democrats want to. The Democratic leaders in the state Legislature are opposed to changing it.
the dem leaders are 'silent' on the issue.

2) Yes, back when Kerry was running for President and the state had a Rep Governor, the legislature voted to change from Gov appointed to special election because they didn't want the Gov to appoint a Rep if Kerry had won.
and now they want to change it back so they can ensure a dem vote for any healthcare bill that comes up in case they don't have the seat filled by special election yet.
Actually they changed the law from governor appoints until end of term to special election then the elected serves until end of term. Kennedy is trying to change it so that the governor can make an interim appointment, which obviously wouldn't have mattered much if Romney had appointed a Republican at the time since he the appointment would be defeated anyway.
the dem leaders are 'silent' on the issue.

and now they want to change it back so they can ensure a dem vote for any healthcare bill that comes up in case they don't have the seat filled by special election yet.

The article I read this morning had the leaders stating they were opposed to changing it.... now I cannot find it.... I will keep looking.
the dem leaders are 'silent' on the issue.

and now they want to change it back so they can ensure a dem vote for any healthcare bill that comes up in case they don't have the seat filled by special election yet.

If "dem leaders are 'silent' on the issue, who are the "they" you are referring to in the second part? Does Kennedy have a mouse in his pocket or something?
If "dem leaders are 'silent' on the issue, who are the "they" you are referring to in the second part? Does Kennedy have a mouse in his pocket or something?

'they' would be nearly everyone UNDER the dem leaders. and it's entirely possible that kennedy has a mouse in his pocket. does he like them?
If we kiss the Dems good-bye, who will we have, the Republicans can't define who are they anymore, and the Dems have always been that way.

Shit, we do need a couple more parties.
No matter how you slice it, Teddy led the charge five years ago to convince Massachusetts state legislators to change the state's law dealing with the filling of Senate vacancies. Now he's begging them to do it again?
No matter how you slice it, Teddy led the charge five years ago to convince Massachusetts state legislators to change the state's law dealing with the filling of Senate vacancies. Now he's begging them to do it again?

Doesn't seem right, but that is them dab nab politicians. Remember the Alamo!