

This is very interesting in a recent history sense. We can all remember I'm sure, the iconic picture of a young future President shaking the hand of then President JFK. And once he became President, the Clintons and the Kennedys appeared to be quite close.

I think this is a real end of an era here. This marks an out with the old in with the new tide change, and I really don't think Hillary has the nomination as locked up as many believe.

Kennedy Chooses Obama, Spurning Plea by Clintons
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Senator Edward M. Kennedy, rejecting entreaties from the Clintons and their supporters, is set to endorse Senator Barack Obama’s presidential bid on Monday as part of an effort to lend Kennedy charisma and connections before the 22-state Feb. 5 showdown for the Democratic nomination.

Both the Clintons and their allies had pressed Mr. Kennedy for weeks to remain neutral in the Democratic race, but Mr. Kennedy had become increasingly disenchanted with the tone of the Clinton campaign, aides said. He and former President Bill Clinton had a heated telephone exchange earlier this month over what Mr. Kennedy considered misleading statements by Mr. Clinton about Mr. Obama, as well as his injection of race into the campaign.

Mr. Kennedy called Mr. Clinton Sunday to tell him of his decision.

The endorsement, which followed a public appeal on Mr. Obama’s behalf by Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of President John F. Kennedy, was a blow to the Clinton campaign and pits leading members of the nation’s most prominent Democratic families against one another.

Mr. Kennedy, a major figure in party politics for more than 40 years, intends to campaign aggressively for Mr. Obama, beginning with an appearance and rally with him in Washington on Monday. He will be introduced by Ms. Kennedy.

Mr. Kennedy then heads west with Mr. Obama, followed by appearances in the Northeast. Strategists see him bolstering Mr. Obama’s credibility and helping him firm up support from unions and Hispanics, as well as the party base.
Hopefully Mr Kennedy's support will drive Barack Obamas to bridge that polling gap with Hillary Clintons.

Who knows, maybe Ted may even manage to avoid driving off it this time.
Hopefully Mr Kennedy's support will drive Barack Obamas to bridge that polling gap with Hillary Clintons.

Who knows, maybe Ted may even manage to avoid driving off it this time.
I doubt that. But this is certainly an interesting turn of events and certainly creates a new personality to the Primary campaign. I suspect that the Clintons will get nastier...
LOL, WRL will not know whether to consume execrement or lose his eyesight if that happened.
I prefer losing my eyesight. The process is so much more, shall we say, "comfortable"...

McCain looks like he is about to bust into one of those convention hugs in your avatar there, uscit.
I completely disagree.

Many republicans will vote for Obama in my opinion .. thank you George W. Bush.

I am but one person but as a Republican I like Obama. I like his message of hope and his message of change. His voting record I do not care for. Would his message of hope persaude me to vote for him over his voting record? It's possible but very unlikely. Could it persaude others like me? I would think it could.
God, I thought the Kennedy's stopped mattering before I was born. Why the hell do people ever bother to find out what they are up to? The only important story to come out of the Kennedy's in my lifetime was Teddy's attack on Bork and the tragic death of Jr. Seriously, the Clintons are a relatively recent political family, roughly 16 years to their name...

Anyway, I wonder what Charles Francis Adams IV and the current decendents of Robert Taft think, since ultra important political families are now to be trodded out and interviewed...