Kerry: Our Troops are Uneducated Idiots!

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” --John Kerry

WOW.... the Republican's October Surprise is John Kerry's mouth! That Karl Rove is a fucking genius, I don't know how the hell he does it! They are trying to reach Nancy Pelosi for a statement, but she is nowhere to be found, an Amber Alert has been issued. Apparently, liberals were told to lay low until after the election... I guess Lurch didn't get the memo?

I think there is so much said in this statement, as it illustrates how the liberal elite really feel about our armed forces. Maybe it also explains why the armed forces aren't so hot on the liberal elite, as well?
You ever read Jarhead, by Anthony Swofford, Dix? Without rancor -- or a political agenda -- he does a pretty convincing job of demonstrating that only a moron, a loser or someone desperately confused is likely to join up these days.

Kerry didn't say anything that most of us don't know already. Chill, dude.
Yep many of them are uneducated, that is one of the reasons they joined, to get educational assistance.
But their Commander and chief is the stupidest one of all ;)
So... you guys agree with Senator Kerry, that our troops are uneducated idiots? I have to disagree with you, I have known many people who went to the Air Force Academy and West Point, who were anything BUT uneducated. In fact, most of them are smarter than all of you pinheads combined. They have to be, seeing how they are the ones who have to launch the nuclear weapons and stuff.

Besides, if the poor and downtrodden had no choice but to join the military, as you want to claim, the liberals would have a 'love affair' with the poor disadvantaged troops, that would be a prime source for Democrat support, it would seem. Instead, liberals take every opportunity to denigrate them and put them down.
You ever read Jarhead...

Gosh, it's so predictably amazing to me, everytime I post something good, the first comment from a pinhead is about some book they read. Does everything in life revolve around something you read in a book?
Senator Kerry was speaking about President Bush Dixie...oh, please don't tell me that you did not read the entire statement in context Dixie, and are not just following your marching orders from your party....

You are really worrying me Dix....I know this is all "fun and games" to you, but if your party can not run a single ad with conviction about the job they have done and why they deserve to stay in power, and only find statements and incidences that they can twist and turn and lie about regarding their opponents in the races they face, they CERTAINLY DON'T DESERVE the American people's vote imo!

Show me your walk and not your talk, is what I say to them...and quite frankly, they haven't even taken baby steps during the 12 years in power, towards what Republicans of the true nature believe in...only a bunch of talk, and lying "talk" at's sad, really.

Senator Kerry was speaking about President Bush Dixie...

Really? {insert Nancy Pelosi doe eyes}

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Damn, he didn't even mention Bush! But yet... he was talking about him?

and quite frankly, they haven't even taken baby steps during the 12 years in power

Well, you see Care, we had this little problem of Democrats wanting to gum up the works with filibusters and require super-majority votes to get anything passed. I think that was the main problem, the legislation was written, and Republicans would have voted for it, but Democrats obstructed anything they tried to do, and insisted it was their Constitutional right to do so... you even made that very point to me. So, don't go lashing out at Republicans for failing to do anything with their "power" when it was Democrats who prevented anything from being done.
Senator Kerry was speaking about President Bush Dixie...

Really? {insert Nancy Pelosi doe eyes}

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Damn, he didn't even mention Bush! But yet... he was talking about him?


The sentence before the one you posted makes it very clear he was speaking about president bush...

put this one line that your party pulled out of context, in to context and you got absolutely nothing but smoke and mirrors, twists and turns, and lies..ONCE AGAIN, ...and par for the course that you are following what you are told by your party, and passing on clear lies without ever bothering to look up what kerry said....president bush is the devil's lying pawn dixie, it's about time you stop following know better, somewhere deep down inside....

Oh I know Care... he was talking about the administration when he denigrated the troops in 1971, he was talking about the administration when he denigrated the troops in 2004, and he's talking about the administration now. It seems every time this clown denigrates our troops, he was actually talking about the administration. I think we get it.

He said what he fucking said! He inferred that people who serve in the armed forces, are the ones who didn't work hard in school and do their homework! I think it is an insult beyond belief, to the men and women who devoted their life to military service, and I think he should have apologized for it. Instead, we hear a defiant Kerry today, stating that "I apologize to no one!" inferred that...he most certainly did not.

he said that if you work hard and study you'll do well...if you don't.... like slacker Bush and his stupid crowd of neocons, you end up doing stupid shit like getting us into Iraq. He is right. Bush - that man that gives you a chubbie when you see him in blue jeans - fucked up, Dixie.... the Iraq war is an abysmal has made us less safe and the world less safe than if we had proceeded in such a way as to leave alone the one guy who could keep islamic extremists at bay in Iraq and who could keep Iran from flexing their muscles as well. Bush fucked up...and you supported him...and the blood is on YOUR hands, asshole.
infer  [in-fur]verb, -ferred, -ferring.

–verb (used with object) 1. to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises or evidence: They inferred his displeasure from his cool tone of voice.
2. (of facts, circumstances, statements, etc.) to indicate or involve as a conclusion; lead to.
3. to guess; speculate; surmise.

YOU are the one doing the inferring, not Kerry inferred that...he most certainly did not.

he said that if you work hard and study you'll do well...if you don't.... like slacker Bush and his stupid crowd of neocons, you end up doing stupid shit like getting us into Iraq. He is right.

This is obvious. But the spin machine is in full effect, and the sheep are eating it up like a ripe meadow. Kerry is an idiot, and he should have chosen his words more carefully, but this was an assault on the Retared clown in the whitehouse, not the troops. I heard Hannity Talking about it today, and he kept playing these soundbytes that were so obviously cut off or started in the middle of some other contextual statement. The fact that W's cronies want the troops to feel like Kerry is calling them fools is very telling, and anyone who embraces that totally obvious fallacy is nothing more than a drone with the inability to recognize factual context.
“You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

I don't buy that he is talking about Bush. He is clearly making a statement regarding the intelligence of our troops, and this is typical of John Kerry. The first two knee-jerk liberals to post to this thread, confirm this is how the liberals view the military. They didn't mistake his comments for anything other than the truth, read what they posted!

...only a moron, a loser or someone desperately confused is likely to join up these days.

Kerry didn't say anything that most of us don't know already.

Yep many of them are uneducated, that is one of the reasons they joined, to get educational assistance.

Hmmm... doesn't sound like Ornut and usc thought Kerry was talking about Bush! Did you guys forget to send them the emergency email damage control talking points, or did they just emotionally react before they got it?
But the spin machine is in full effect, and the sheep are eating it up like a ripe meadow.

No sir, "spin" is trying to sell us on "Kerry was talking about Bush!"

It doesn't fly anymore! He bashed our troops in '71, he bashed them again in 2004, and both times, he used the "I was talking about the leadership!" excuse. In my opinion, he doesn't get any more passes for denigrating the troops. Enough is enough!
I don't buy that he is talking about Bush. He is clearly making a statement regarding the intelligence of our troops, and this is typical of John Kerry.

That is not clear at all.... and do you really think that anyone with a fucking brain gives a SHIT what you do or do not "buy"? You bought the bullshit about Saddam and OBL being bought the bullshit about Saddam having WMD's.... you have bought a whole host of ridiculous shit over the years..... no one cares what you buy.

if you want to read multitudinous examples of how someone can misspeak and mangle the english language and misstate their intent....just go visit any of the many BUSHISMS sites..... people in glass houses should not throw stones.
and whether racist slanderous assholes from birmingham give him "passes" or not is, I am sure, not at all on John Kerry's list of things that keep him up at night.
Hey Maine, shut up! According to Kerry, you are an uneducated idiot. You see, you didn't do your homework or work very hard, and you wound up stuck in the Navy. It is such a shame too... you coulda been a politician... as I listened to the self-aggrandizing Kerry issue his defiant statement today, it sounded just like some of the shit you spew here. It's too bad you are an ignorant uneducated swabbie, you could have ran for president with your mouth!
Repeated from other thread...

I don't know about the troops, but the tactics US commanders in Iraq have used show that they are pretty dumb.

They seem to have no ideas apart from overwhelming force....