Khamenei: America is supporting ISIS


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The Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei accused the United States of supporting the so-called ISIS in Iraq, while called for the unity of the Islamic countries to fight against the terrorist groups, stressing that Iran is feeling a sense of brotherhood towards the Muslim countries.

Khamenei said in a press statement quoted by the Iranian semi-official news agency “Fars” and followed by, “The American support for ISIS in Iraq is a form of the insincere practice by different coalitions that claim to fight terrorism in order to justify their dual practices,” asserting that, “The Islamic countries can remove this threat through sincere cooperation.”

Khamenei added, “The Islamic countries are facing, today, the risk of active terrorist groups,” claiming that, “Some of the Western powers do not want the unity of the Islamic states.”
Why wouldn't the USA support ISIS?

Don't American Christian conservatives have similar goals for establishing theocracy and enforcing intolerance by rule of law?
Why wouldn't the USA support ISIS?

Don't American Christian conservatives have similar goals for establishing theocracy and enforcing intolerance by rule of law?
no. that's more about separation of church and state -not using law ( for the most part) to "enforce" (Religious Freedom Act)

ISIS is a whole another ball game when you add in the caliphate idea.
no. that's more about separation of church and state -not using law ( for the most part) to "enforce" (Religious Freedom Act) ISIS is a whole another ball game when you add in the caliphate idea.

Isn't the goal of the Religious Right to establish "God's Kingdom on Earth"?
Isn't the goal of the Religious Right to establish "God's Kingdom on Earth"?
the religious right are not that powerful, and that would be some apocalyptic strain..
ISIL (salafi jihad) -it's worldwide- and a much more problematic entity to root out.
Why wouldn't the USA support ISIS?

Don't American Christian conservatives have similar goals for establishing theocracy and enforcing intolerance by rule of law?

That's what you want to believe. As usual, you're wrong. As usual, you don't have then guts to admit it.
the religious right are not that powerful, and that would be some apocalyptic strain..ISIL (salafi jihad) -it's worldwide- and a much more problematic entity to root out.

I disagree. The Religious Right in America is powerful enough that nearly every single GOP candidate and politician must kowtow to them.

ISIL can never be entirely rooted out. Nor can conservative Christianity.
I disagree. The Religious Right in America is powerful enough that nearly every single GOP candidate and politician must kowtow to them.

ISIL can never be entirely rooted out. Nor can conservative Christianity.
the religious right can get laws passed - like the RFRA at fed'l level -but increasingly they are being dismantled at the state level.

Best case scenario on ISIL is to small it down to a hot insurgency; much like AQI was before it bloomed into ISIS
the religious right can get laws passed - like the RFRA at fed'l level -but increasingly they are being dismantled at the state level.

Best case scenario on ISIL is to small it down to a hot insurgency; much like AQI was before it bloomed into ISIS

I guess you haven't seen the flurry of "bathroom bills" that the Religious Right has rammed through several legislatures recently, or the abortion restrictions they've passed in several states.

Remind me, does ISIS share the views of the American conservative movement on LGBT rights and abortion?
I guess you haven't seen the flurry of "bathroom bills" that the Religious Right has rammed through several legislatures recently, or the abortion restrictions they've passed in several states.
Remind me, does ISIS share the views of the American conservative movement on LGBT rights and abortion?
LOL ,have you looked at why the bills have been shoved thru? there are men ( transgenders - many with penis) gong into women's bathrooms, under the guise of "civil rights"

ISIS would kill anyone who was a homosexual, much less LGBT.
Typically male homosexuals are tossed off high buildings -sometimes tied to a chair. I'm not sure on abortion
LOL ,have you looked at why the bills have been shoved thru? there are men ( transgenders - many with penis) gong into women's bathrooms, under the guise of "civil rights"

So? In fact, the Religions Right is more active than you thought, aren't they? Like ISIS, they want to control everyone's behavior according to their religious beliefs. The only difference is the name of the sky daddy and the details of the fantasy.

ISIS would kill anyone who was a homosexual, much less LGBT. Typically male homosexuals are tossed off high buildings -sometimes tied to a chair. I'm not sure on abortion

Your assuredness doesn't match your knowledge, then, does it?

Are you pretending that American conservatives don't want to follow the commands of the Bible?

Maybe you should read up on what ISIS believes regarding abortion and compare their policy to the American Christian conservative's wishes and get back to me.
So? In fact, the Religions Right is more active than you thought, aren't they? Like ISIS, they want to control everyone's behavior according to their religious beliefs. The only difference is the name of the sky daddy and the details of the fantasy.
keeping men out of women's bathrooms is hardly 'controlling behavior by religious beliefs'

Are you pretending that American conservatives don't want to follow the commands of the Bible?
I think you need to differentiate between "conservatives" and religious fundamentalist in the USA..
Not so much in Muslim countries where there is sharia law

Maybe you should read up on what ISIS believes regarding abortion and compare their policy to the American Christian conservative's wishes and get back to me
I haven't read the latest copy of Dabiq :rolleyes: