Kill The Killers


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Have you noticed that television mouths and social media liberals are wailing about all the killing Democrat Party ideology unleashed on the world? “Society must stop the killing.” while you never hear a word about killing the killers, or kill the people responsible?

Touchy-feely freaks must mean stop killing the killers because you can be sure that every killer captured alive will spend decades in prisons running out their appeals paid for by tax paid lawyers. After convicted killers lose every appeal activist judges find ways to overturn the death penalty, give killers a new trial because they never got a fair trial, or turn them loose because they were not guilty in the first place.

Make me commander in chief and I would order every soldier, and every front line federal law enforcement officer, to immediately execute killers captured on the battlefield in the war Democrats declared against their own country decades before today’s killers were born.

NOTE: Today’s battlefields are not scenes of tanks and planes fighting it out in a war movie. A highway, a mall, a school are today’s battlefields. In short: Every innocent American killed in the Democrat Party’s war is killed on a battlefield.

Make no mistake about it. Americans are engaged in a war where killers are enemy soldiers regardless of why they kill. Basically, there is not an iota of difference among drug pushers, illegal alien gangs, and Muslims killing for Islam.

I have a plan for victory.

A bullet in the back of the head would work wonders on television mouths, Socialists, lawyers, and clerics of every denomination. Imagine how much better the world would be today had killing our homegrown killers took place during the Vietnam War. Sad to say the Kent State killings in 1970 did not go far enough. Television mouths turned those killings into the biggest inheritance today’s killers ever collected.

Finally, did you ever wonder why demonstration organizers seldom shed a drop of their own blood? Answer: They are long-gone before the sign-carriers get their heads busted. As far as I know not one organizer got shot at Kent State. If you do not agree with my take, ask yourself how many demonstration organizers shed a drop of their own blood in any of the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations?

And how come every American is supposed to cry crocodile tears whenever the Kent State shootings is mentioned? Four demonstrators were killed and nine wounded, while more than 80 men, women, and children were killed in the Branch Davidian Compound slaughter on Hillary Clinton’s orders. Hell, that massacre is never mentioned. Even today, you will never hear television mouths refer to it as the Waco Massacre let alone talk about it. Not one television mouth ever accused then-First Lady Hillary Clinton of being responsible for the Waco Massacre even though a mass killing in this country belongs in her minus column. (It is no wonder that Democrats want to disarm the American people.)
Touchy-feely freaks must mean stop killing the killers because you can be sure that every killer captured alive will spend decades in prisons running out their appeals paid for by tax paid lawyers. After convicted killers lose every appeal activist judges find ways to overturn the death penalty, give killers a new trial because they never got a fair trial, or turn them loose because they were not guilty in the first place.

Here comes another one about to be turned loose on society.


While exhausting his appeals, he has maintained his innocence for more than 20 years. Now, celebrities and members of Congress from Rihanna and Oprah Winfrey to Sens. Ted Cruz and Kirk Watson have banded together in a noble attempt to stop his killing.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and the Texas Board of Pardon and Paroles have a moral duty to grant a reprieve of execution to Rodney Reed to ensure he is truly guilty before possibly making the grave mistake of executing an innocent man.

Halt Rodney Reed’s Execution — He Could Be Innocent
By Molly Davis
November 13, 2019


I doubt if all of those convicted murderers being set free are not guilty twenty years after being convicted. There is too much room for bribery and tampering with evidence to convince me that so many prosecutors made so many mistakes. Or maybe juries made all of those mistakes which does not say much for the jury system.

Life without parole is another myth.
There have been 220,000 unsolved murders in the U.S. since 1980. Are serial killers to blame? Here's everything you need to know:

How many serial killers are there?
Since 1900, there have been 3,000 identified American serial killers who've collectively killed nearly 10,000 people, says Dr. Michael Aamodt, who oversees the Radford University/Florida Gulf Coast University Serial Killer Database.

Why serial killers kill
The Week Staff
November 16, 2019

The question should be “Is the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death responsible for the slaughter?
The question should be “Is the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death responsible for the slaughter?"

Democrats added solar panels to their list of killing. Even if you are not a biologist, or a chemical engineer, or a mechanical engineer you should be able to understand what do-gooders are doing:

Dr. David Nguyen, a cancer biologist, remarked, “The toxic chemicals in solar panels include cadmium telluride, copper indium selenide, cadmium gallium (di)selenide, copper indium gallium (di)selenide, hexafluoroethane, lead, and polyvinyl fluoride. Additionally, silicon tetrachloride, a byproduct of producing crystalline silicon, is highly toxic.”

Silicon tetrachloride, the byproduct of making wafers for monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels, is highly toxic and its improper handling can cause skin burns, pollute the air, cause lung disease, and, when exposed to water it releases hydrochloric acid (HCl), a corrosive substance. Manufacturers and recyclers are directly affected and even homeowners if their homes catch on fire.

To get a picture of the environmental impact of chemicals due to solar panels manufactured and installed by 2016, a study estimates that “photovoltaics had spread about 11,000 tons of lead and about 800 tons of cadmium” into the ecosystem.

EPA has classified cadmium as a Group B1, probable human carcinogen.

There are no salvageable parts on a solar panel so it must be decomposed, and the chemicals disposed of properly. Disposal costs are exorbitant and unscrupulous. Chinese manufacturers are releasing the toxic chemicals into the environment.

The Toxic Pandora’s Box of Solar Panels?
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
November 27, 2019
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