KingRaw! update!!!!!!


I dare you to stop us GL
I'm closer to buying my new computer so don't worry. I'll be back in no time.

Facebook has sure gone to hell since I've been away. That site sucks balls now. To see the best of KingRaw kicking Bill Keller's ass, just go to the group "Bill Keller's getting owned" on FB. That might not be the name...

Good Luck is still a douche for comparing Pro-choicers to the KKK and Hitler. What's even more pathetic is that he's doing nothing to stop us from killing 4,000 babies a day. That makes him just as bad as us.

My old home still hasn't been fixed since someone else tipped off a watchdog group about how fellow users post child porn on there.

WinterBorn/Solitary, I still haven't forgotten about you. Too bad GT is off limits. I know how much a 48 year old man on a teen-dominated chat site loves to talk about sex and invite people online to meet you at a BBQ in real life. Plus, you agree with Good Luck about pro-choicers being like KKK members! YOUR DAUGHTER IS SUPER LIBERAL! WAY TO INSULT HER!!!

McCain says he knows how to catch Bin Laden? THEN WHY ISN'T HE TELLING US OR BUSH OR THE PENTAGON? He is aiding him in order to scare people into voting for him. Why wait until after you've been elected to catch Osama? Why not do it now? Our army and pentagon officials wouldn't screw it up. They'd get the job done if you told them seeing is how YOU KNOW HOW TO GET HIM!
Need to borrow some cash to buy your laptop? Its been a couple of months you have been saying you are almost ready to buy a laptop.

Pity you couldn't come to the barbeque. The venison & wild pig were both delicious.
Raw and I have a history. He was a troll on another forum I used to frequent.

The forum was originally formed as a gamer's board, but then added political and spiritual forums. These are frequented by a much wider age group.

I made a fool of Raw and he has never forgotten. I gave him a means to get in touch with me so that we could continue our, rather hostile, discussions in private. He used that as a means to stalk me.

He is like a cancer. You can have remission sometimes, but he always comes back.
Raw and I have a history. He was a troll on another forum I used to frequent.

The forum was originally formed as a gamer's board, but then added political and spiritual forums. These are frequented by a much wider age group.

I made a fool of Raw and he has never forgotten. I gave him a means to get in touch with me so that we could continue our, rather hostile, discussions in private. He used that as a means to stalk me.

He is like a cancer. You can have remission sometimes, but he always comes back.

Well Sol, I have a feeling that some angels are going to come down and take him out of the picture pretty soon.
Well Sol, I have a feeling that some angels are going to come down and take him out of the picture pretty soon.

Huh? That would be great, I guess. I am guessing you are referring to something other than true angels, meaning you are not predicting his death.
He is like a toy poodle yapping at your heels. Annoying and noisy, but nothing behind it.

REALLY needs some serious counseling.

Hard to refrain from baiting him, though. The reaction is incredible to watch.
He is like a toy poodle yapping at your heels. Annoying and noisy, but nothing behind it.

REALLY needs some serious counseling.

Hard to refrain from baiting him, though. The reaction is incredible to watch.

GoodLuck, you seem to understand him rather well. He can be entertaining.

And yes, I think he is harmless.
"My old home still hasn't been fixed since someone else tipped off a watchdog group about how fellow users post child porn on there."

Horseshit, Raw. The reason GT is still down is because Mike is one of the most ADD people I have ever known. He has revamped the entire system so there won't be as many loopholes for the trolls, but it can still be the same open format as before.

I have talked to several people who know Mike well, and they have not mentioned anything about this "kiddie porn" nonsense you are rattling on about. Try and make yourself look big in some other way.

The site was not shut down by anyone but the owner. He got tired of the problems caused by the little retards who spammed it constantly.