Klavan on Culture

Retards attacking higher learning cause it makes people critical of their retarded ideas. This is a new one.
Why is it the only way of life worth living? You've provided no justification for that statement. You've just assumed it. This entire thing begs the question.
Why is it the only way of life worth living? You've provided no justification for that statement. You've just assumed it. This entire thing begs the question.
If you don't like it that way you can live in France, or New York. Why inflict your socialism on everyone through the federal government? If its so fucking great, turn California and New York into a communist utopia and see how many people move there. :pke:
Retards attacking higher learning cause it makes people critical of their retarded ideas. This is a new one.

That's the first thing that extremist attack. The intelligencia and academics and those whom promote critical thinking skills.

Critical thinking skills are the enemies of the true believer. That's why you find so many on the far right who are so hostile towards those who are educated.

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are perfect examples. Both are college dropouts (actually Limbaugh attended two semesters and flunked out) and even though Hannity owes his career to academia he's been down right militant in his attacks on academia, the little hypocrit.

What's hugely ironic is how academia and the ACLU are two of the biggest targets of Hannity's vile attacks but he owes his career to both. Gives you some insight to his character, doesn't it?
Culture? What a buffoon. Has anyone noticed the same people want the government through the military and other government agencies to keep them safe and then when something happens cry like babies that gov is not working. Fools who cannot see it is them who need government as gov provides the means for their dissemination of idiocy and their safety and their robbery. Freedom would poke him in the ass and he would run like hell to the local government for protection. Chickenhawk wackos.


There is one area in which I agree with him, when you are as naive and stupid as he is please stay in the background whining about the big bad ogre as you guys sure as hell can't lead and your lack of leadership shows too well.

Culture? What a buffoon. Has anyone noticed the same people want the government through the military and other government agencies to keep them safe and then when something happens cry like babies that gov is not working. Fools who cannot see it is them who need government as gov provides the means for their dissemination of idiocy and their safety and their robbery. Freedom would poke him in the ass and he would run like hell to the local government for protection. Chickenhawk wackos.


There is one area in which I agree with him, when you are as naive and stupid as he is please stay in the background whining about the big bad ogre as you guys sure as hell can't lead and your lack of leadership shows too well.

This essentially explains why I left the Republican party and why I think Libertarians are a joke. Competent and effective governance is important. How can one expect either from political parties who don't believe government is legitimate in the first place.
This essentially explains why I left the Republican party and why I think Libertarians are a joke. Competent and effective governance is important. How can one expect either from political parties who don't believe government is legitimate in the first place.

where in there did any republican or libertarian say that government was not legitimate? the chief complaint is that the government is far too large and way more powerful than they were ever supposed to be.
where in there did any republican or libertarian say that government was not legitimate? the chief complaint is that the government is far too large and way more powerful than they were ever supposed to be.
Or more centralized than it should be. Most Rs and Ls believe that local government is more effective and efficient than creating a National behemoth. Most Ls even believe in the "Roads and commodes" theory of government, there are certain things that we expect from government, but that does not mean it must come from a centralized national source of government.
where in there did any republican or libertarian say that government was not legitimate? the chief complaint is that the government is far too large and way more powerful than they were ever supposed to be.
and that's just the problem. You cannot objectively quantify "supposed to be". You make the size and scope of government an ideological issue with out accounting for the importance of the effective management of government and how important it is to our civic and private lives. You consider any action of government outside of your undefined "Supposed to be" as illigetimate and as a consequence of placing ideology above practical reality Republicans are proving to be completely incompetent at governing and therefore not deserving of the public trust.
Or more centralized than it should be. Most Rs and Ls believe that local government is more effective and efficient than creating a National behemoth. Most Ls even believe in the "Roads and commodes" theory of government, there are certain things that we expect from government, but that does not mean it must come from a centralized national source of government.
Then I would ask you, if this concept does not prove practical or effective are you willing to compromise or would you insist on this ideological role for the central government?
and that's just the problem. You cannot objectively quantify "supposed to be". You make the size and scope of government an ideological issue with out accounting for the importance of the effective management of government and how important it is to our civic and private lives. You consider any action of government outside of your undefined "Supposed to be" as illigetimate and as a consequence of placing ideology above practical reality Republicans are proving to be completely incompetent at governing and therefore not deserving of the public trust.

read my signature line.

and 'limited government' isn't a 'republican' party benchmark anymore, as should be obvious with the nightmarish creations of DHS.

there is nothing undefined in the constitution with regards to the enumerated powers. lets repeat that, there is NOTHING undefined in the constitution with regards to the constitution.

read my signature line.
Then I would ask you, if this concept does not prove practical or effective are you willing to compromise or would you insist on this ideological role for the central government?
Willing to compromise what?

If it doesn't work, we have your say that it is because Democrats didn't want it to so they got elected and proved it.


More seriously, in what way do you suppose I would need to compromise and what is your measure of "doesn't work?" Ideologically speaking we may have contrary views on "work" and "not working". Consider. People who believe that government isn't working because people take on risk in our markets and my get fired or lose their job and work to remove that risk believe that "government isn't working", but I would disagree. Were the roads available for them to get to work? Were there emergency personnel available if there was an emergency medical, criminal, or property threatening?

The idea that you can simplify it to "Libertarians think there should be no government" is silly. If they believed that they'd be Anarchists not Libertarians.