Kudos To Ole Lyin Ted, The Good Guy


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The old saying that “pay-backs are a bitch” proved true again last night.

The Donald who coined the title “lyin Ted” all of a sudden flipped his opinion about Ted Cruz and called him “a good guy” in the spirt of party unity. Then the brilliance of The Donald made a party unity gesture and ask ole Lyin Ted, the good guy to speak at the Republican Convention. This of course is the kinda stuff America’s future Presidents should be made of and the kind of decisions they should make, yeah right!:rofl2:

Here we have the Republican candidate who publically insulted ole Lyin Ted, the good guy’s wife and father and of course ole Donald the brilliant boob was expecting ole Lyin Ted, the good guy to endorse him, (The Donald), for the Presidency.

Kudos to Ole Lyin Ted, the good guy!:rofl2: