LA Murder Convictions A Big Problem


Not So Junior Member
I believe in folks getting serious time for serious crime, yet the system has to have a semblance of fairness or we could all be at risk. Luckily a judge that committed suicide felt the need to explain why Louisiana, (arguably one state that make Illinois look a tad better), needs to investigate their criminal system:

Scandal in Louisiana's Criminal Courts

Radley Balko * October 28, 2008, 2:33pm

There's a major scandal brewing in Louisiana's criminal justice system.

Since 1994, Chief Judge Edward Dufresne has been handling the appeals of indigent Louisiana convicts who had to file their own briefs. Last year, the aid Dufresne had assigned to handle those appeals committed suicide. According to his suicide note, Jarrold Peterson killed himself in part because of the guilt he faced over what he had been asked to do as part of his job.

Peterson sent a posthumous letter to Louisiana's Judiciary Commission with a damning allegation. He said Dufresne had instructed him to deny every appeal not prepared by an attorney. Peterson said he was instructed to write up and file the denials without every showing the appeals to the judges. Peteson handled about 2,400 such cases in the 13 years he was in charge of them.

The Louisiana Supreme Court will now decide if the investigation of the allegations and the review of those cases will be handled by another circuit, and outside panel, or the same 5th Circuit court where all of this may have happened. ...
Ehh most indigent defendants in LA are black so no big deal, no one cares if the darkies rot in prison when they shouldn't.
THIS is why I do not believe in elected judges.

I think that judges are deliberately ignoring sound legal doctrine and putting people on death row just to prop up the number of executions, so that they aren't vulnerable to "soft on crime" election challenges. Think about it. Mississippi had had seven executions in total since 1978, but this year we've executed like three people. Coincidentally, there's a supreme court election coming up. And the two moderates on the court are probably going to be kicked off. The one in my district, Oliver Diaz, has had absolutely brutal attacks on him. He had good reason to vote for a stay of execution (waiting on the US supreme courts verdict on the lethal injection case, for christ sake), but it's so very easy to insert that one little soundbite "TRIED TO LET A CONVICTED KILLER GO!", completely ignoring all the things that happened in the case.
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