Lady T / Darla Guess who just came by??


Junior Member
oh geez... didn't go as bad as i thought, i was actually on the phone w/ my friend Michael, and he goes is that they guy from friday ngiht....

then he told me how he had a busted night on sat... good thing i could be all like im on the phone...
Nice save. Although now, I'm not sure how you're going to be able to blow him off completely. Unfortunately its professional to humor coworkers. Are you out at work? Or do a few people know?
Nice save. Although now, I'm not sure how you're going to be able to blow him off completely. Unfortunately its professional to humor coworkers. Are you out at work? Or do a few people know?

Noooooo!!!!~!! definently not... some people do know, but they are actual friends that i hang out w/ outside of work.. im sure more people know than i think b/c people talk etc but one of my friends that i go to hockey games with here knows and one girl that used to work here that moved to NYC knows. thats pretty much it... oh and Jimmy who i was crazy about like 2 years ago, if he still works here haven't seen him around i mean there are like 3 buildings here so its hard to know if he is still here.
i felt like saying though Lady T, Why you asking me who im on the phone with?? i mean its not really any of your business, but i can't be that rude i guess... which is what my problem is in the first place.
Yeah, you're in a precarious situation now. Who knows what this guy is like. There are people you can't trust and that will tell your business just to get back at you. And this turd is calling you, showing up at your desk, asking about who you're talking to? After one gd cigarette break? The nerve.

Side note:
I need ot teach you how to blow people off. I'm really really really good at it. I mean, its like an art. One of friends used to marvel at it. Its like I have the ability to give the impression that I'm telling you what you want to hear, but I'm not telling you anything at all, but I do with a smile. Oh, the things I can teach you young grasshopper. I can ignore someone like no other too.
Well first off, work is offlimits. You complicate things 10 fold by humoring people at work. I don't know rob. This is like a code 5 situation. You may have to let a smelly/loud fart (note: that 'smelly and loud' not 'smelly or loud'). Or maybe start picking your nose when he comes around. Whatever you do, I'd make sure he is the one that thinks he's not choosing you.
You guys don't have caller ID? Well, it may or may not have been him. God I hope he's not a stalker
You guys don't have caller ID? Well, it may or may not have been him. God I hope he's not a stalker

i do have caller id, thats how i knew it was him and didn't answer... dunno how he got my work phone number though....
Rob, does this guy know for sure that you're gay? As in, did you actually confirm it to him? Because he sounds pretty weird and if you haven't, maybe you should start acting like a real hetero jackass. Like, you could look to Bill O'reilly for inspiration, and tell him that you showed your penis to a girl on Friday and she was "amazed."

Or, closer to home, look to Sir Evil's posts.