Lady T!!!!!


Junior Member
just got a text from Nick "I just want to let you know im thinking about you"


is this normal?? BRENT DON'T ANSWER this is for Lady T and some other guys.. to be honest usually im not so smitten, and despite my bold and masc muscular outward features i get all like excited and teary eyed, is that normal Lady T?

im just not like this... i thought it was my friend in NY who is at jury duty but it was Nick.
sorry everyone i woulda sent this to Lady T in a private message but i figured toby would want to be kept up to date.... i mean i put it in current events, and these are current events so its not a total fabrication.
Thanks Dawg, but it's not just me who wants to know your every move. All the posters on this Political site love to hear about all the men you meat.
Not to mention what car you might buy, how you feel today, what you did today...............
Well, I'm interested! I haven't even posted on any political threads today! I'm all about RD's love life today! :p

Well, that's a very good sign! You're smitten. That's so cute! Thats how my boyfriend and I were at first! You are entering in the best part of any relationship! I'd something naughty back! He'll like that!
Well, I'm interested! I haven't even posted on any political threads today! I'm all about RD's love life today! :p

Well, that's a very good sign! You're smitten. That's so cute! Thats how my boyfriend and I were at first! You are entering in the best part of any relationship! I'd something naughty back! He'll like that!

TOTALLY SMITTEN!!! and im honestly not used to being smitten... this reminds me of how i was when i was dating my ex in Jersey... im THAT SMITTEN... i just went down to smoke a cigarette (i started smoking again blah) so now im back all happy like whatever. but im trying to keep myself grounded b/c im not used to being this way about anyone, and im trying not to get my hopes up but when i get messages like this it really does a number on me....
Yeah. I can understand. Do you think he feels the same way about you?

thats the thing you never really 100% know what the other person is thinking ya know... but i mean if im getting text messages like that im just going to go with it and think he's as into me as i am into him.
Just going by your many posts Dawg. If you put it all out there don't be suprised if someone notices. Isn't that what you want? To be noticed?
thats the thing you never really 100% know what the other person is thinking ya know... but i mean if im getting text messages like that im just going to go with it and think he's as into me as i am into him.

awww, thats so cool~! did you write back?
awww, thats so cool~! did you write back?

not yet i don't know what to write, i don't want to be dirty lol

so i was thinking something like well im lookin over at you now or something like that but i think that sounds lame, what do you think lady t?
This response is critical. You want it to say, "I'm interested, but I'm laid back".

What about, " may make me fall for you ;)"

Does he like dogs? I'm thinking a nice second date would involve you him and eddie on the beach since dog season is approaching. Right after labor day.