Lanny Davis, Attorney and Democratic strategist:


New member
more from the commie bastards..the Amercian citizens need to push back and hard...


Lanny Davis, Attorney and Democratic strategist:
The "shout downs" organized by the Republican right meet one of the classic definition of "fascist" tactics--defined as using shouting and disruption to deprive the civil and respectful debate of ideas. There is literally no defense to these tactics. I don't criticize those who feel genuine anger or fear and show up to meetings to express those emotions. But I do call out the tactic of screaming and disrupting a meeting and the fact that this is a systematic tactic by thugs who want to prevent civil discourse, not promote it.

Let's have the media name names, publish photographs, and do interviews of those responsible for approving, even organizing these techniues. And let's find an investigative journalist - are there many left - to prove these so-called grassroots shouters are, or are not, being paid.

It took a year or more to prove that the so-called grassroots protesters shouting and pounding on the windows of the vote counters in Dade County -- successfully stopping the vote -- were really paid Republican congressional staffers, many then on the public payroll, and from the Republican National Committee and the Bush 2000 presidential campaign staff.

Will that story of paid people to disrupt and block discussion organized by the Republican Party or tacitly encouraged while Republican rightwing organizations organize them at least be investigated?

more from the commie bastards..the Amercian citizens need to push back and hard...


Lanny Davis, Attorney and Democratic strategist:
The "shout downs" organized by the Republican right meet one of the classic definition of "fascist" tactics--defined as using shouting and disruption to deprive the civil and respectful debate of ideas. There is literally no defense to these tactics. I don't criticize those who feel genuine anger or fear and show up to meetings to express those emotions. But I do call out the tactic of screaming and disrupting a meeting and the fact that this is a systematic tactic by thugs who want to prevent civil discourse, not promote it.

Let's have the media name names, publish photographs, and do interviews of those responsible for approving, even organizing these techniues. And let's find an investigative journalist - are there many left - to prove these so-called grassroots shouters are, or are not, being paid.

It took a year or more to prove that the so-called grassroots protesters shouting and pounding on the windows of the vote counters in Dade County -- successfully stopping the vote -- were really paid Republican congressional staffers, many then on the public payroll, and from the Republican National Committee and the Bush 2000 presidential campaign staff.

Will that story of paid people to disrupt and block discussion organized by the Republican Party or tacitly encouraged while Republican rightwing organizations organize them at least be investigated?


I am disappointed with Lanny. He knows better than to spout this nonsense. What we have here is a government that is trying to shut us up....a dictatorship.
/shrugs....maybe if the Democrats had let the Republicans talk in Congress they wouldn't need to talk in town hall meetings....
I wonder if Lanny ever decried the shoutdowns that the leftwing was famous for at law schools around the country when people came to talk at federalist meetings about doing away with affirmative action. It happened time and again while I was in law school. I don't agree with most of the white whining that went on at these forums but I agreed even less with the thuggish behaviour of left wingers that sought to kill the debate by yelling the whole time the speaker was at the podium. Happens on both sides and it is anti-democratic no matter who does it.
Republicans are attempting to shut down any debate on the issue. Republicans are pure evil. There's no other explanation.

No, that is what your lord and master Obama is trying to do. I might be reported for saying anything against him and his goons will come after me.