Laughing at libs

Big Money

New member

The climate has been changing ever since this rock got an atmosphere.

To wish it wasn’t constantly changing would obviously be a) giant waste of time and b) contrary to the history of our planet.

No one is wishing climate change away.

Instead they’re wishing away the unproven narrative that man is causing climate change and pointing to the history of the planet that says what is happening is most likely natural and unstoppable.

Human civilization has survived in eras like the Medieval Warm Period – with nary an single SUV on the planet – quite well.

In fact, human civilization settled and farmed Greenland during that period and seems to have flourished under those warmer conditions.

It appears that instead of wringing their hands and relying on cherry picked data and false claims called “science” they accepted, assessed, adapted and thrived.

The only reason anyone’s grandchildren might think we’re a criminal would be due to the indoctrination they’ve received in their schools concerning the “science” of global warming.

The “hockey stick” found to be invalid, or the tree ring data being grossly skewed or the temperature data being cherry picked? The computer models being improperly built, or the claim that AGW would reduce 40% of the Amazon rainforest to savannah coming from a non-peer reviewed article originally about logging...