Law of supply and demand re. Tom Cruise


Villified User
It would appear that Cruise has hit the law of supply and demand in hollywood :)

I am sure this will fall back on the demoncratic party in some way....
It would appear that Cruise has hit the law of supply and demand in hollywood :)

I am sure this will fall back on the demoncratic party in some way....

I don't think Tom is even involved in politics.

He's just waiting for the spaceship to arrive to whisk scientologists away....or whatever the hell they believe ;)
Yes but, wasn't it Razor or Dano, who was always posting news about the Charlie Sheen divorce and claiming democrats were going to lose elections over it?

See, you can't start from rationality Cypress, that's your mistake, you have to start from the place where Charlie Sheen getting an ugly divorce is going to lose elections for the dems. And then, it's not really all that far of a leap to say that Tom Cruise's career going into the dump does not bode will for the midterms.
Yes but, wasn't it Razor or Dano, who was always posting news about the Charlie Sheen divorce and claiming democrats were going to lose elections over it?

See, you can't start from rationality Cypress, that's your mistake, you have to start from the place where Charlie Sheen getting an ugly divorce is going to lose elections for the dems. And then, it's not really all that far of a leap to say that Tom Cruise's career going into the dump does not bode will for the midterms.

LOL Honestly, I was really concerened when "prominent Democrat" Snoop Dogg got in that fistfight in the airport....I thought that may be the domino that snaps the spine of the Demos.

tom is such an ass.

Hes not that great an actor either.

I did like him in the last samuri though.
LOL Honestly, I was really concerened when "prominent Democrat" Snoop Dogg got in that fistfight in the airport....I thought that may be the domino that snaps the spine of the Demos.


LOL, prominent Democrat! I forgot that part. Its so funny.
Lets face it all those liberal actors sins will cause the demise of the democratic party. Personally I think inbreeding among other actor and entertainment types is their real problem.
I don't care much for JOhn Revolta much either, another LRH worshipper. Pretty strange, people worshipping a book written in my lifetime. But then perhaps not, people worship Bush.
LOL, prominent Democrat! I forgot that part. Its so funny.

I think it was Lorax and I, who were kidding around about the snoop dogg incidnet. I can't pin it on any Neocon ;)

BTW - I wish Lorax would come over here. That boy is smart as a whip....
I think it was Lorax and I, who were kidding around about the snoop dogg incidnet. I can't pin it on any Neocon ;)

BTW - I wish Lorax would come over here. That boy is smart as a whip....

Yes, I was thinking that too, I don't know why he doesn't. I like him, he is smart.

But, on the bright side, we did get Dixie. :(
Yeah getting dixie is sort of like Rob getting Monteauma's revenge on vacation :)
He is good fro some laughs and some good directions on how to proceed though....

Just listen to what he says and do the opposite. I wish he gave stock advise so I could invert it and get ritch.