lead or drive as a style of leadership

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
imo dems try to lead more than drive and reps tend to drive more than lead

oth even with rove, mcsame is waging a cleaner campaign than bushco did
imo dems try to lead more than drive and reps tend to drive more than lead

oth even with rove, mcsame is waging a cleaner campaign than bushco did
Yea, the democrats, with their "Agree with us 100% or you are no democrat" are a true "leader" type. (/sarcasm)

I view them as much more of the driver type. They push their view with the tenacity of a religious fundamentalist, and are not above running over (or running off) anyone who does not toe their line.

As for republicans, they are neither type. They just go their merry way without regard to anything else (to include reality). If some happen to follow, the only time they become aware of it is at election time.
Lead is a more powerful and effective style which followers actually respect. The driving style is just being an asshole.