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Well - placed sources in DC have confirmed that VP, Kamala Harris, will receive the "green light" from Party bosses to become the official Democratic nominee for President "within days".

In addition, a DNC source - (who wished to remain anonymous) - said yesterday "it is almost certain" VP Harris will choose the popular Black, celebrity, "Poopi Goldberg," as her running matter on top of the ticket. The source confided that VP Harris has aways admired "Poopi's" sharp political instincts and hair-styling.

A spokesman for the Trump campaign said former-President Trump was "not surprised" by these reports. Former-President Trump, he said, viewed "Poopi Goldbgerg" as "grub" and an "embarrassment to the United States."

Asked for his thoughts about a potential, Harris - Goldberg, Democrat ticket for the election in November, Trump told "FOXNEWS" anchor, Sean Hannity, yesterday evening ....

Y'know, Sean there are some very disturbed, very sick, people in this country today - I mean mentally - unbalanced people - so I never take anything for granted when I'm running for election. I mean - just that look for yourself ( !! ) - you already have lots of crazy people who've been elected to Congress - total "bananas", like: AOC; Ilhan Omar, John Fetterman, Pocahontas, Maxine Waters and all the other "Coo-Coo birds" like them. No sane adult would ever have believed that John Fetterman would be voted into the Senate when he ran, right (?), that's because Fetterman's' crazy as a "moon-bat" - but he was elected, so there you go ! It mean, if you put clown like "Poopi Goldberg" on the ticket, all of the stupid women in "Blue State America" who watch low-brow trash like "The View" on day-time television, will vote for for it - and there's millions of them. This is what we've come to as nation, Sean. It's a very sad thing; but, you know, I never despair; and that's why I made the decision to enter politics back in 2015 - I believed I could MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN !! then. And I did during my first term in office. Now I believe I can do it again. The likes of Kamala Harris and "Poopi Goldberg" will not stop me. On the 20 January 2025 a New Order will be swept into power in Washington DC. Like a cleansing wind, it will blow away the thick rot of corruption chocking the heart of American politics, then it will implement bold, radical policies to promote: healthy economic growth; greater cultural advance and the progressive flourishing of an ever more civilised, harmonious and happy society."

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound
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Well - placed sources in DC have confirmed that VP, Kamala Harris, will receive the "green light" from Party bosses to become the official Democratic nominee for President "within days".

In addition, a DNC source - (who wished to remain anonymous) - said yesterday "it is almost certain" VP Harris will choose the popular Black, celebrity, "Poopi Goldberg," as her running matter on top of the ticket. The source confided that VP Harris has aways admired "Poopi's" sharp political instincts and hair-styling.

A spokesman for the Trump campaign said former-President Trump was "not surprised" by these reports. Former-President Trump, he said, viewed "Poopi Goldbgerg" as "grub" and an "embarrassment to the United States."

Asked for his thoughts about a potential, Harris - Goldberg, Democrat ticket for the election in November, Trump told "FOXNEWS" anchor, Sean Hannity, yesterday evening ....

Y'know, Sean there are some very disturbed, very sick, people in this country today - I mean mentally - unbalanced people - so I never take anything for granted when I'm running for election. I mean - just that look for yourself ( !! ) - you already have lots of crazy people who've been elected to Congress - "bananas", like: AOC; Ilhan Omar, John Fetterman, Pocahontas, Maxine Waters and all the other "Coo-Coo birds" like them. No sane adult would ever have believed that John Fetterman would be voted into the Senate when he ran, right (?), that's because Fetterman's' crazy as a "moon-bat" - but he was elected, so there you go ! It mean, if you put clown like "Poopi Goldberg" on the ticket, all of the stupid women in "Blue State America" who watch low-brow trash like "The View" on day-time television, will vote for for it - and there's millions of them. This is what we've come to as nation, Sean. It's a very sad thing; but, you know, I never despair; and that's why I made the decision to enter politics back in 2015 - I believed I could MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN !! then. And I did during my first term in office. Now I believe I can do it again. The likes of Kamala Harris and "Poopi Goldberg" will stop me. On the 20 January 2025 a New Order will be swept into power in Washington DC. Like a cleansing wind, it will blow away the thick rot of corruption chocking the heart of American politics, then it will implement bold, radical policies to promote: healthy economic growth; greater cultural advance and the progressive flourishing of an ever more civilised, harmonious and happy society."

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound
Your worst fear is so thick that Kamala is leading the ticket- We can stir it with a stick now!

You idiots shot your wad at the RNC- and all the people saw was a dribble and SHIT SHOW!

Meanwhile Harris shot out like a canon ball!

This is going to be so much fun watching Harris kick Trump and all of his idiots to the curb- and CACKLING ALL THE WAY TO THE WHITE HOUSE!
Your worst fear is so thick that Kamala is leading the ticket- We can stir it with a stick now!

You idiots shot your wad at the RNC- and all the people saw was a dribble and SHIT SHOW!

Meanwhile Harris shot out like a canon ball!

This is going to be so much fun watching Harris kick Trump and all of his idiots to the curb- and CACKLING ALL THE WAY TO THE WHITE HOUSE!
Yeah all the hatred was aimed at Joe

I bet that is part of why Joe wanted to wait to make the final decision

Joe is one sharp guy
Yeah all the hatred was aimed at Joe

I bet that is part of why Joe wanted to wait to make the final decision

Joe is one sharp guy
Joe is a mature man. He has been showing his maturity ever since the naysayers accused him of being too young when he became a Senator at only 30 years old- the youngest ever. Amazing how he has always proven to be the Adult in the room, even during his own realization that he just got too old to be the best shot on the campaign trail.

It takes a mature man to realize this.

Ironic, how he is the only politician in American History to be accused of being too young and too old in his career BOTH!

But he is and has been the most successful and effective public servant for 51 years now, and no one else even comes close!

And he goes down in the History books now as a NATIONAL TREASURE AND HERO!
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Your worst fear is so thick that Kamala is leading the ticket- We can stir it with a stick now!

You idiots shot your wad at the RNC- and all the people saw was a dribble and SHIT SHOW!

Meanwhile Harris shot out like a canon ball!

This is going to be so much fun watching Harris kick Trump and all of his idiots to the curb- and CACKLING ALL THE WAY TO THE WHITE HOUSE!

Thanks for confirming that you're truly away with the fairies,
Well - placed sources in DC have confirmed that VP, Kamala Harris, will receive the "green light" from Party bosses to become the official Democratic nominee for President "within days".

In addition, a DNC source - (who wished to remain anonymous) - said yesterday "it is almost certain" VP Harris will choose the popular Black, celebrity, "Poopi Goldberg," as her running matter on top of the ticket. The source confided that VP Harris has aways admired "Poopi's" sharp political instincts and hair-styling.

A spokesman for the Trump campaign said former-President Trump was "not surprised" by these reports. Former-President Trump, he said, viewed "Poopi Goldbgerg" as "grub" and an "embarrassment to the United States."

Asked for his thoughts about a potential, Harris - Goldberg, Democrat ticket for the election in November, Trump told "FOXNEWS" anchor, Sean Hannity, yesterday evening ....

Y'know, Sean there are some very disturbed, very sick, people in this country today - I mean mentally - unbalanced people - so I never take anything for granted when I'm running for election. I mean - just that look for yourself ( !! ) - you already have lots of crazy people who've been elected to Congress - total "bananas", like: AOC; Ilhan Omar, John Fetterman, Pocahontas, Maxine Waters and all the other "Coo-Coo birds" like them. No sane adult would ever have believed that John Fetterman would be voted into the Senate when he ran, right (?), that's because Fetterman's' crazy as a "moon-bat" - but he was elected, so there you go ! It mean, if you put clown like "Poopi Goldberg" on the ticket, all of the stupid women in "Blue State America" who watch low-brow trash like "The View" on day-time television, will vote for for it - and there's millions of them. This is what we've come to as nation, Sean. It's a very sad thing; but, you know, I never despair; and that's why I made the decision to enter politics back in 2015 - I believed I could MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN !! then. And I did during my first term in office. Now I believe I can do it again. The likes of Kamala Harris and "Poopi Goldberg" will not stop me. On the 20 January 2025 a New Order will be swept into power in Washington DC. Like a cleansing wind, it will blow away the thick rot of corruption chocking the heart of American politics, then it will implement bold, radical policies to promote: healthy economic growth; greater cultural advance and the progressive flourishing of an ever more civilised, harmonious and happy society."

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound
That was stupid.
Your worst fear is so thick that Kamala is leading the ticket- We can stir it with a stick now!

You idiots shot your wad at the RNC- and all the people saw was a dribble and SHIT SHOW!

Meanwhile Harris shot out like a canon ball!

This is going to be so much fun watching Harris kick Trump and all of his idiots to the curb- and CACKLING ALL THE WAY TO THE WHITE HOUSE!

Probably more appropriate to say: "Meanwhile, Harris shot out like a wad of cum", Geeko.

The Dems are totally snookered, dude. (They actually snookered themselves when the left insisted Biden select a Black, female (i.e. diversity-hire) running mate back in in 2020). Either they put Kamala on top of their ticket for November, or, they go with an "open" DNC (Democratic National Convention) in Chicago in August (19th - 22nd) this year.


(1) Kamala Harris would end up looking like a piece of 'Road-Kill" if she took on Trump in the November election. While (2) an open conference in Chicago in August, would almost certainly immediately degenerate into an unseemly, chaotic free-for-all. (Fist-fights could break out !!) It would have all the propriety and sobriety of a floating brothel on a Saturday night. The electorate would be unimpressed, to say the least.

It's difficult to predict what the Dems will do next - their Party has unravelled and is now "spilling its guts" all over the place. Obama is still an influential voice though, and he does NOT want to see Kamala Harris to run against Trump.

I predict that the DEMS will get their collective ass handed to them on a plate in November. Hopefully the Republicans will take BOTH chambers of Congress.

This will be karma for the Democrats, and "poetic justice" for Trump and the MAGA - men. Hopefully the Democrats will learn that: lying; cheating; deceiving; grifting; breaking the law (of the land) conspiring to design and implement machiavellian plots against their political rivals. As well as, deliberately planning and acting to erode and corrupt and bring down core American Institutions (like the monogamous, heterosexual family, the Christian faith, the Justice System/ the Rule of Law, the Education System, the Constitution. Not to forget encouraging the spread of Identity Politics in America, which has included fomenting divisive racial hatred (and racial violence) across the United States; and a bolstering of the innate racism in the DEI bureaucracy and the CRT movement (Biden specifically endorsed the spread of both of these racist social mechanisms in Executive Orders that he signed).

It is the Democrats who are solely responsible for all the insane wickedness I have mentioned above (and much more that I do not have the time/ space to record.) They will receive their comeuppance (i.e. their FAIR and DESERVED punishment) when they crushed like swatted flies by Donald Trump's MIGHTY (RIGHTEOUS) MAGA-MACHINE in the Presidential election of early November, this year.

As mentioned above, the Democrats are about to find out what happens when you purposely do lots of bad shit; or knowingly allow bad things to be done by "turning a blind eye." This is that you are eventually "paid back" by fate for all of you evil behaviour. This is precisely what happened to Joe Biden. Biden was: a fully-blown narcissist; was always obsessed with maximising his personal power (to the exclusion of anything else (i.e. his constituency, his country); he was a (shockingly brazen) pathological liar; a cheat, an inveterate GRIFTER and REPROBATE (with the morals of a "Skanky, $10 Ho"; a crooked politician and a racist. Biden was a political rat from the first day he took up his seat in the Senate in 1972. ( BTW: If you think the various racist remarks Biden has made over the past 3 1/2 years were just "gaffes" caused by his dementia, the following might be of interest you.... Biden was a VERY close friend of a BIG, former Democrat Party "Grand Pooh-Bar, named Robert Byrd. In fact, Joe Biden delivered a lengthy eulogy at his former buddy, Byrd's funeral, in 2010, which was attended by all of the Party's "aristocracy; people like Bill and Hillary Clinton, etc. When Biden gave his eulogy at this televised funeral, the American public did not know that Byrd was a former member of the Ku Klux Klan who had held the rank of "Grand Cyclops" in the organisation. That is a vile, racist ASS-kHOLE Byrd apologised for his membership in the Klan as "a youthful indiscretion" a number of times during his political career. And despite the fact that his voting record in Congress clearly reflected racist and separatist views throughout the 1960s and he had used the term "White Niggers" in a television interview during the Bush Presidency the Democrat MSM/Press always covered for him. They refused to ever investigate his activities as a former member of the KKK. So if the question is: "Why would Biden and Byrd have been such close pals? One big reason is that it seems they were both hard-core racists. Finally, the same Democrat MSM/Press who protected Robert throughout his political career, have just spent 3 1/2 years assiduously covering up the frightening truth of President Joe Biden's mental condition).


Thousands of years ago in ancient Athens, the Greek poet, Euripides, wrote: "THE GODS FIRST SEND MAD THOSE WHOM THEY WISH TO DESTROY." This prediction was intended to be a very serious warning, in the same kind of way that the concept of "Karma" is; namely, if you do lots of bad/evil shit, you will eventually be held accountable for it and have to "pay the price" for your wickedness Note, just as Euripide's proverb forecasts, Hitler, for instance was sent insane before he finally shot himself in his Fuhrerbunker in Berlin. More recently, President Biden - an evil-doer of the first order- was first sent mad (with progressively worsening dementia), before he was finally destroyed (in a messy, humiliating and drawn - out political execution that will render his legacy nothing more than a stinking crock of shit). The same fate awaits whoever now accepts the official Democrat Presidential nominee. To willingly lead the diabolical Democrat party into battle against the forces of GOOD is a grievous wrong-doing, and it will provoke the wrath of the Gods (of "Karma"). Whoever that wretched person is, they are already standing - ( and, in Kamala Harris's case - "Cackling maniacally") on the very precipice of insanity. Once they have officially accepted the Democrat nomination, they will be rendered totally "mad". Their ultimate fate will be a brutal, merciless "execution" on election day. Yes, they will be squashed flat under the giant wheels of the TRUMP MAGA- MACHINE as it steams across all the 50 states of America. They and their campaign cronies will be destroyed politically - they will never again be able to run for ANY kind of public office in the US, Even a humble position like "Chief Bottom Inspector" , (for Gay Bath Houses in SF) would be ruled out.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Your worst fear is so thick that Kamala is leading the ticket- We can stir it with a stick now!

You idiots shot your wad at the RNC- and all the people saw was a dribble and SHIT SHOW!

Meanwhile Harris shot out like a canon ball!

This is going to be so much fun watching Harris kick Trump and all of his idiots to the curb- and CACKLING ALL THE WAY TO THE WHITE HOUSE!
I have a husband

He’s a lucky man

Does Putin approve of your nob bobbing abilities?
So, the answer is "Yes", you do. That's very interesting.

Now tell us, Evince, do you "spit" or "swallow" ?

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound
Most successful one term president In History
That one really "takes the cake", Evince.

Why do you post comments like this that you (and everyone else) knows are ridiculous lies ?

What do you think doing this will achieve ?????

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound