Left shot down mental health bill

Where are the lefties I thought they wanted a conversation about facts.

Why did ACLU block mental health laws?

We know why lefties avoid the facts. Because this isn't about facts. Thus is about them trying to use children to restrict freedoms. They are vile

Like I said you don't want a real conversation. You have been exposed. At least have the balls to be honest about what you really want. You know the deck is stacked against you that is why you can't even e honest about wha you really believe. You hide behind lies and children like an al Qaeda terrorist. It won't help you. The Supreme Court had ruled an we know how much you think that the Supreme Court is ways right. You will not restrict my freedoms. Sorry
Moron. What did Lanza previously do that would've made him a candidate for forcible institutionalization?
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Libs prove they don't want to discuss real solutions. Like Al Queda terrorists they hide behind innocent children. You have all been exposed. Now kindly go fuck yourselves.
Moron. What did Lanza previously do that would've made him a candidate for forcible instutionalization?

The mother found animal body parts... There are reports she spoke with friends about how she was "losing him". Dude at the local bar talked about how the kid would burn himself with cigarettes to show he had no feelings...

This guy was messed up on some serious level.

However I think hardening the target is a better solution than pretending we'll always catch nutters before they go off like nitroglycerine in some unpredictable way. We spend millions protecting politicians who aren't a treasure, and with our actual treasure we spend almost nothing.

This nutter shot through a window, unlocked the door, killed people on his way to kill more, and it was broadcast on the frickin' intercom for all the kids to hear. Instead of having somebody there to protect them, like we do for politicians, they were so unimportant all they had to protect them were signs that assured the killer that nobody there was armed.
The mother found animal body parts... There are reports she spoke with friends about how she was "losing him". Dude at the local bar talked about how the kid would burn himself with cigarettes to show he had no feelings...

This guy was messed up on some serious level.

However I think hardening the target is a better solution than pretending we'll always catch nutters before they go off like nitroglycerine in some unpredictable way. We spend millions protecting politicians who aren't a treasure, and with our actual treasure we spend almost nothing.

This nutter shot through a window, unlocked the door, killed people on his way to kill more, and it was broadcast on the frickin' intercom for all the kids to hear. Instead of having somebody there to protect them, like we do for politicians, they were so unimportant all they had to protect them were signs that assured the killer that nobody there was armed.

While I agree with your pragmatic attempt to save children, I also think mental health needs more focus.
That could have stopped Lanza.

Left wing bleeding hearts have blood on their hands


Unfortunately, when weighing the benefits of a bill that involuntarily commits someone, we need to look at the civil rights of that person. You do understand even the mentally ill, like you, have civil rights?

This bill did not respect the civil rights of the ill. Period.

While I agree with your pragmatic attempt to save children, I also think mental health needs more focus.

I have no problem with that. Really. None at all. By all means help these people as much as possible and catch them beforehand if we can, but we must understand that there is zero possibility to stop them all.

I just note that the best way to protect the kids is the same way we protect the politicians, make the targets hardened. Hire people to protect them and show that they are as important to us as the crappy politicians we have "leading" us. I don't think the best solution is a teacher with a gun. Such training needs to be kept up, practiced. We need qualified people to protect our kids. Not that I think teachers shouldn't be allowed to carry if they have CCW permits, I just think that if we are going to be serious we need to find some money in the ever increasing budgets of our schools to show that this is intolerable and will not happen again on our watch.

Seriously, the idea that re-instituting another cosmetic bill to ban "assault weapons" that is being promoted (not by you, Rune) is worthless. This guy didn't even bring an "assault weapon" into the school. He used two handguns to massacre innocents leaving the rifle in the car. A trained armed guard could have stopped this, just like trained armed guards are used to stop attacks on our "beloved" politicians. Why do we protect people we so often hold in contempt with all possible care and disregard protection for those we hold as some of the most important people in our lives, near sacred?
The mother found animal body parts... There are reports she spoke with friends about how she was "losing him". Dude at the local bar talked about how the kid would burn himself with cigarettes to show he had no feelings...

This guy was messed up on some serious level.

However I think hardening the target is a better solution than pretending we'll always catch nutters before they go off like nitroglycerine in some unpredictable way. We spend millions protecting politicians who aren't a treasure, and with our actual treasure we spend almost nothing.

This nutter shot through a window, unlocked the door, killed people on his way to kill more, and it was broadcast on the frickin' intercom for all the kids to hear. Instead of having somebody there to protect them, like we do for politicians, they were so unimportant all they had to protect them were signs that assured the killer that nobody there was armed.
Can you link me? I've been reading so many conflicting reports. Nancy's sister in law refers to her as a 'prepper', stockpiling food/ammo/etc. because Obama was about to ruin society.

Friends denounce that claim. I read she was a rather well off retired stock broker, who divorced (amicably) a G.E C.E.O.

She supposedly told her son they'd move anywhere he wanted, if he got accepted into the college of his choice. I've read about the bartender, but nothing more than 'he was a quiet kid'.
I have no problem with that. Really. None at all. By all means help these people as much as possible and catch them beforehand if we can, but we must understand that there is zero possibility to stop them all.

I just note that the best way to protect the kids is the same way we protect the politicians, make the targets hardened. Hire people to protect them and show that they are as important to us as the crappy politicians we have "leading" us. I don't think the best solution is a teacher with a gun. Such training needs to be kept up, practiced. We need qualified people to protect our kids. Not that I think teachers shouldn't be allowed to carry if they have CCW permits, I just think that if we are going to be serious we need to find some money in the ever increasing budgets of our schools to show that this is intolerable and will not happen again on our watch.

Seriously, the idea that re-instituting another cosmetic bill to ban "assault weapons" that is being promoted (not by you, Rune) is worthless. This guy didn't even bring an "assault weapon" into the school. He used two handguns to massacre innocents leaving the rifle in the car. A trained armed guard could have stopped this, just like trained armed guards are used to stop attacks on our "beloved" politicians. Why do we protect people we so often hold in contempt with all possible care and disregard protection for those we hold as some of the most important people in our lives, near sacred?
