Lefties wonder "what's the holdup"?

The links contain many examples of the left's sense of outrage at Congressional Democrat's volte face on bugging out of the war against terrorists, as you'd know if you read them.

Unless you did read them and don't understand what they say...

Why not find a Republican to explain the bigger words to you?

I gave you a link kto a congressman who is persuing defunding the war.

Now dont try to make me do your fucking homework for you and PRODUCE more than stupid links..

Say something instead of just repeting over and over again that you think half this country are traitors.
Dear Indicativeofidiocy,

You are an utter waste of time.

You hate half of America and most of the world because they refuse to see the world in your fact blinded manner.

You get your ass owned here every 20 minutes or so and then move to make a new thread saying the same fact free propagada filled paplum.

You never own up to being wrong and you are rarely right.

No wonder you love Bush.
Where did you get the idea that I "love Bush" or "hate" anyone? Got any quotes that prove either?

Last November, the exit polls indicated that 67 percent of voters felt Iraq was either "very important" or "extremely important" when they voted.

Of the 56 percent that said they "disapproved" of the Iraq war, 80 percent voted for Democrats.

82 percent of those that wanted "all troops withdrawn" (representing 29 percent of voters) supported Democrats.

As a result, millions of Americans voted for the Jackass Party due to a belief that this would lead to a withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

It hasn't happened, despite Russ Feingold's attempts, and it isn't going to, in my opinion.

The Democrats' fear is that our Armed Forces will succeed in Iraq. If that happens, Democrats will be exposed as the waffling appeasers they are and their anti-US left wing will be even more furious.

But, please, do continue to post. You heighten my enjoyment of the board with every one of your "thoughts".
Where did you get the idea that I "love Bush" or "hate" anyone? Got any quotes that prove either?

Man if you dont realize every word you say it a hate rant against half your country.

I dont know about you but I hate traitors.

You claim every other sentance how democrats are traiors to this country.

If you dont hate traitors then you are an even bigger assclown than I thought.
so you think pretending to have two personalities is not unhealthy?

You Hate democrats and you know you do.

Just take a look at the list of your own threads fool.
[ame="http://justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=10277"]The tradition of treason - Just Plain Politics![/ame]

Oh yeah this is not hate filled?

Today's 'Dems are simply repeating their sordid past. Nobody should be surprised by "Turban" Durbin, "Mullah" Murtha, and "I Love Yasser" Carter's anti-American antics.

The infamous racist Franklin Roosevelt (who interned Japanese-Americans in concentration camps) presided over a Democratic administration riddled with Soviet spies.

Why should the Jackass Party of Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs change it's ways, just because their beloved Evil Empire was brought down by a strong, resolute America?

The current crop of closet-Socialist 'Crats, deprived of their erstwhile Soviet masters, have pinned their hopes on America's terrorist assailants.

Watch them as they mouth insincere "support the troops" platitudes while lobbying for the defeat and retreat of our Armed Forces.

But don't blame them. It's their heritage of hate for their own country that drives them.
I don't see the word "hate"....

Except as it relates to the heritage of the party that brought us Jim Crow, the KKK, and the internment of Japanese-Americans.

I see a dispassionate and accurate recounting of factual information.

Which fact are you ready to disprove?
The current crop of closet-Socialist 'Crats, deprived of their erstwhile Soviet masters, have pinned their hopes on America's terrorist assailants.

I see a dispassionate and accurate recounting of factual information.

No its confirmed you are insane.

No intelligent person would charactorize this statement of yours as "a dispassionate and accurate recounting of factual information" unless they were completely unbalenced.

Well maybe you are just really stupid?
"The US war in Iraq is lost and a further build-up of US troops in the country will not recover the situation, the senior Democrat in the US senate has said.

"This war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything, as is shown by the extreme violence in Iraq this week," Harry Reid, the senate Democratic majority leader, told reporters."

Want me to read it aloud to you?