Legalization of Canabis


Hello! I'm new, so if I'm doing something wrong, my apologies...

Anyways! Do you support the legalization of the cultivation of the Cannabis plant for industrial hemp, medical uses, and recreational uses? Do you support it for other reasons? Do you only support some of it (like hemp)? Why?
Hello! I'm new, so if I'm doing something wrong, my apologies...

Anyways! Do you support the legalization of the cultivation of the Cannabis plant for industrial hemp, medical uses, and recreational uses? Do you support it for other reasons? Do you only support some of it (like hemp)? Why?

Yes. Because of many reasons.

The first being that some little (young) girl is going to be killed today,,,,,, or tomorrow because of some drug cartel, and or gang fighting over certain stupid reasons that only benifit lawyers, judges, politicians, bureaucrats, drug cartel, and gangs. At my expense.

Second would be that I have every God given right to enjoy it.
what constitutional power does the federal government have to tell me whether I can grow flowers, marijuana, or pumpkins in my back yard?

What constitutional power does the federal government have to tell me what I can, or cannot put in my body?
We need to seriously just amend the constitution to omit the Commerce Clause, as it pertains to the states, and then simply itemize all of the useful legislation into sections that we want to keep which were passed by Congress in accordance with the Clause, from the Pure Foods Act, onward.

For example:

1. The phrase "and among the several States" from Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of this Constitution is hereby repealed.

2. (a)The following, existing legislation pertaining to the above mentioned phrase shall be incorporated under this article of amendment, and remain federal law:

(b) PL 59-384 (1906), PL 90-148 (1966), etc.

3. Additional legislation may be added to section 2, paragraph B of this article of amendment, via the same voting procedures that would be necessary to pass a separate amendment, as outlined in Article V of this constitution.
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