Legion Troll: Damo sock puppet, friend, relative?

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
damo has banned a few (maybe dozens) of legion troll's monikers for various reasons...posting personal info, trolling, obsessive stalking etc...

yet -- damo continues to allow legion troll to post. and now, damo is taking the extra step of vocally defending him. despite banning him numerous times.

damo has banned a few (maybe dozens) of legion troll's monikers for various reasons...posting personal info, trolling, obsessive stalking etc...

yet -- damo continues to allow legion troll to post. and now, damo is taking the extra step of vocally defending him. despite banning him numerous times.


ANOTHER thread devoted to your boyfriend?

My God Yurtsie...get a room why don't you?
funny how you ignore all his threads about me and dune's threads about me

oh yeah....they lean left so it is ok

No...I flat out ignore them because they are pinheads...on the other hand you constantly bleat about how much better you are, yet for all your whining you've never once taken the high road, choosing instead to create thread after thread after thread filled with your patented whining about what losers they are

If you are so fair & balanced, why don't we see thread after thread from you taking bravo or tinfoil or any of the other Rightie trolls to task for their trolling?
No...I flat out ignore them because they are pinheads...on the other hand you constantly bleat about how much better you are, yet for all your whining you've never once taken the high road, choosing instead to create thread after thread after thread filled with your patented whining about what losers they are

If you are so fair & balanced, why don't we see thread after thread from you taking bravo or tinfoil or any of the other Rightie trolls to task for their trolling?

lmao...mr. board civility who runs around demanding others act civil yet never once practicing what you preach, in fact, you had to RENOUNCE your civility request because YOU could not live up to your own demands.

fair and balanced? give me a break whiner. just another example of your rife hypocrisy. when do ever bitch about anyone on the left? dozens of threads made by your fellow lefties and not a peep....yet you are so quick to whine and moan because someone who leans right makes a few threads. you're nothing but a complainer. you should take a long look in the mirror and heal yourself instead of constantly whining and moaning about others.