Legitimacy and Legality : The Colorado Screwjob


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Earlier on this week I wrote about how the event happened. About how the popular straw poll was cancelled due to the RNC making these polls binding on the delegates. I wrote about how Colorado had a history of having their caucus manipulated in the past. About how in a proportional system that they have a candidate can be the front-runner and receive 40% of the straw poll votes and 35% of the actual caucus votes and come up with 0 actual delegates voting for him. I showed how another candidate being third in the straw poll with 14% get 0 delegate votes but the last place candidate getting 6 delegate votes. In a normal world this would have been enough to show how the Colorado race is designed to circumvent the will of the voters. It appears it is not.

The main argument of the political establishment is that they followed the rules that they wrote. Is that a correct statement? Absolutely. Is that the point? Not even close. There are two factors at play here. Legality. Whether or not the political establishment followed the very same rules that they wrote. Legitimacy. Whether or not the perception is those rules were effective in its chosen goal. If the goal is to have a contest which determined who the average Colorado republican wanted on the ballot in November then it failed. If the goal was to have the Political Establishment select which candidate it wanted then it succeeded.


It is useful to take a look at the powers of the RNC in this matter to see if the rules would pass the standard of legality. It has been perfectly clear from its statements that the power of the RNC is absolute. It is their party and the voters are just there to put them into power during election time. If the RNC wanted to make a rule said “candidates whose first name begins with a D and last name begins with a T are prohibited from winning the presidential nomination” then they can. The RNC powers are so widespread that it would be perfectly legal for them to cancel every election from here onand just declare Cruz the nominee.

I can already see some people thinking that I am just being engaged in hyperbole and am being overdramatic. Remember that in 2012 the RNC changed its rule and required a candidate to win a majority of 8 states just to be nominated. It was done so that Mr. Paul could not get nominated and get any votes and it is a perfectly legal thing for the RNC to do. Even the bound nominees are given at the whim of the RNC. Trump won the highest number of the votes in Florida and got all the delegates. That rule is there because the RNC agreed to it. If the RNC decided that it suddenly did not want Florida to be winner take all then it is within its rights to do so. It has been made abundantly clear by the RNC that everything they do is legal, following the procedures which they themselves made, and the voter is only needed on November.


If you are watching an election of a dictatorship say North Korea and they say that the latest generation of the Kim family got 100% of the vote, do you believe the people really wanted him as their leader? Or do you believe they were somehow coerced into voting for him? They could have followed the rules correctly and most likely did as they set up the rules but the impression is the whole thing is a sham so in the eyes of the world he has no legitimacy.

Lets take another example closer to home. The Supreme Court. Everybody knows how they are supposed to do things. They take a look at the merits of the arguments and decide based on existing case-law and their interpretation of the constitution. Do they follow the rules? Of course. Do the people feel they are legitimate decisions? If you feel that they are making this decisions based not on the merits but on whether or not they are conservative or liberal then the answer is no. Due to the lack of legitimacy or the feeling that the cases are actually decided on merits rather than politics the great issues facing the country are not settled but rather put on hold. Until the other side has a majority at which time another case comes up to overturn the previous decision.

Legitimacy is the greatest counterbalance to the powers of government. You can design all the rules you want and you will more than likely follow the paper laws you yourself set. Legitimacy is a moral law. A higher law than that which is written in books and can be withdrawn by the people as they see fit.

The GOPe in Colorado had two choices. They could continue on with the arcane caucus system they have now which requires people to show up at multiple dates for multiple hours at a time or they could have instituted a straw poll or an actually primary to make it as easy as possible for the voices of common people to be heard. They chose the system which makes it as hard as possible for the common person to be counted.

This is by no means limited to the GOP. Consider Clinton going to the convention without the required number of delegates. The same feeling of illegitimacy will occur among the Sanders supporters as she would have been given the nomination by the party elite in the form of superdelegates.


There have been two great criticisms of the Trump campaign during this period. First why it did not work harder in Colorado. Did Trump not understand the rules which led to him being caught flat-footed. The answer to this is simple. If the rules are so stacked in the favor of the political establishment that there is no semblance of legitimacy to the whole process then there is no point in competing. There is no merit in the attempt when the outcome has already been predetermined by the rule makers. Could Trump have complained earlier? The answer is yes, but let me remind you. There was an attempt to put a primary in Colorado this year which was defeated unanimously and the straw poll was removed unanimously as well. The GOP in Colorado proved they were not interested in the will of the people. Much better to let the process conclude and have the GOPe exposed.

Second, that the rules aren't that bad because Trump has benefited from them in other states. Like Trump said in one of his interviews, the rules don't matter. This is something our political establishment needs to get through their heads. It is the legitimacy that the rules lead to that counts. For example in Florida Trump was a few points shy of a majority yet got all of the delegates. That is acceptable because there was a primary which made it as easy as possible for people to vote and participate. Colorado made it as hard as possible which is why it is not acceptable. The beneficiaries don't really matter. What matters is a process wherein citizens have the easiest time possible having their voices heard.


The most troubling thing about this issue is the divergence between the political rulers and the average citizens in the country. On the one hand the rulers are saying “We followed the rules and you could have to therefore you are just whining” while the ruled are saying “We do not feel that the rules are fair”. The political class of the country has moved so far away from the people that they cannot comprehend the basis of the outrage. They assume that people are complaining that they did something procedurally wrong and are being called out on it. Whereas nothing is being done to address the actual concern of the populace that they have been locked out of the process.

People should not feel ashamed at protesting this. The media and elite will make it seem like you are stupid because you did not sufficiently understand the rules. They will ignore the actual problem which is that the rules themselves have been set up to exclude citizens. Everyone should be angry at that and demand that it be fixed.

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Leftist Democrats should not be eligible for the GOP nomination, whether it's 1940 or 2016.

i did spend one paragraph saying that that is well within the GOP's right. If the GOP were to put up a rule that said persons named donald trump cannot be the parties nominee they would have the authority to do so and I am sure they will be able to do it in a perfectly legal way.
Actually, they could just make a rule stating that one needs to have been a registered Republican for X number of years before seeking party nomination. I think Trump has been registered for all of three years, or so...
lol im getting hate tweets form cruzers right and left for this article. Had to turn of twitter for a while Xd
Actually, they could just make a rule stating that one needs to have been a registered Republican for X number of years before seeking party nomination. I think Trump has been registered for all of three years, or so...

Indeed....Trump is a "dimwit/democrat" trojan horse with a convulted plan to turn the RNC upside down....and the prima facie evidence is clearly enough to conclude the reality thereof beyond the shadow of any doubt, that is to anyone that is intellectually honest and not pretending to be braindead or an Alinsky liar that thinks any means justifies the end result.

Its simple. One's children are a direct reflection of the personal morals and values of the parent (or as grand dad says, "The apple does not fall far from the tree". Its an exercise in logic to conclude the true values held by THE DONALD.

1. NY is Donald's home state. 2. All his children are registered to vote in that state. 3. NY does not hold an open primary where one can cross party lines to vote in the opposing party's election cycle...its closed, democrats must be registered to vote for the democrats, republicans must be registered to vote for the republicans.

4. None of Trumps children can vote for their father because all are registered "DEMOCRATS" after having lived their life so far under the rules of the king (Trump) in that family hierarchy...... Trump clearly has DEMOCRAT LIBERAL NY VALUES and its reflected by his offspring. As late as 2012 Trump was supporting left wing candidates via direct monetary contributions.

5. Trump is just another Megalomaniacal Narcissistic individual who actually "thinks" his superior intellect can be used to deceive the "gullible" masses...by pushing the most basic button of human emotions....ANGER. And so far...he is correct he's a great deal of American Working People as chumps....like he was strumming on a cheap 4 string banjo.

6. The one truth he continues to tout that depends upon the ignorance and anger of those that support him? THE PROCESS is "UNDEMOCRATIC". He is correct as Hell.....the process was established as a republican endeavor as we the people live in a "representative republic" not a democracy....with the very process of republicanism protected and guaranteed by the CONSTITUTION ITSELF....to stop ignorant asses such as TRUMP from stealing the nation from the people with a simple plurality of ginned up angry crowds....Trump can never get the MAJORITY required via guaranteed republicanism promised to every level government in the constitution by LAW (Article 4 Section 4 Clause 1)

Republicanism....not democracy is to be enforced by the Federal Government (all 50 states working in harmony by contract..i.e. THE US CONSTITUTION).

Some liberal socialists are always attempting to revise/rewrite history and claim Article 4, Section 4, Clause one is ambiguous with no supporting evidence to clarify that clause...so it must be interpreted by the court. THE BIG LIE....this clause is very UN-ambiguous and there is a great deal of evidence that points out the direct reason that REPUBLICANISM was chosen over social democracy by our founding fathers.

Simply read Madison's Federalist Papers......the companion documents used to explain the writing and context of the US CONSTITUTION before it was ratified by THE PEOPLE/STATES. Article 10 of the federalist paper clearly explains why Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1 was to be part of the standard that calibrates law in this nation....read it for yourself. Democracies always fail due to the radical nature of the beast....THE US WAS ESTABLISHED FOR SUCCESS...not failure. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalist_No._10
Indeed....Trump is a "dimwit/democrat" trojan horse with a convulted plan to turn the RNC upside down....and the prima facie evidence is clearly enough to conclude the reality thereof beyond the shadow of any doubt, that is to anyone that is intellectually honest and not pretending to be braindead or an Alinsky liar that thinks any means justifies the end result.

Its simple. One's children are a direct reflection of the personal morals and values of the parent (or as grand dad says, "The apple does not fall far from the tree". Its an exercise in logic to conclude the true values held by THE DONALD.

1. NY is Donald's home state. 2. All his children are registered to vote in that state. 3. NY does not hold an open primary where one can cross party lines to vote in the opposing party's election cycle...its closed, democrats must be registered to vote for the democrats, republicans must be registered to vote for the republicans.

4. None of Trumps children can vote for their father because all are registered "DEMOCRATS" after having lived their life so far under the rules of the king (Trump) in that family hierarchy...... Trump clearly has DEMOCRAT LIBERAL NY VALUES and its reflected by his offspring. As late as 2012 Trump was supporting left wing candidates via direct monetary contributions.

5. Trump is just another Megalomaniacal Narcissistic individual who actually "thinks" his superior intellect can be used to deceive the "gullible" masses...by pushing the most basic button of human emotions....ANGER. And so far...he is correct he's a great deal of American Working People as chumps....like he was strumming on a cheap 4 string banjo.

6. The one truth he continues to tout that depends upon the ignorance and anger of those that support him? THE PROCESS is "UNDEMOCRATIC". He is correct as Hell.....the process was established as a republican endeavor as we the people live in a "representative republic" not a democracy....with the very process of republicanism protected and guaranteed by the CONSTITUTION ITSELF....to stop ignorant asses such as TRUMP from stealing the nation from the people with a simple plurality of ginned up angry crowds....Trump can never get the MAJORITY required via guaranteed republicanism promised to every level government in the constitution by LAW (Article 4 Section 4 Clause 1)

Republicanism....not democracy is to be enforced by the Federal Government (all 50 states working in harmony by contract..i.e. THE US CONSTITUTION).

Some liberal socialists are always attempting to revise/rewrite history and claim Article 4, Section 4, Clause one is ambiguous with no supporting evidence to clarify that clause...so it must be interpreted by the court. THE BIG LIE....this clause is very UN-ambiguous and there is a great deal of evidence that points out the direct reason that REPUBLICANISM was chosen over social democracy by our founding fathers.

Simply read Madison's Federalist Papers......the companion documents used to explain the writing and context of the US CONSTITUTION before it was ratified by THE PEOPLE/STATES. Article 10 of the federalist paper clearly explains why Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1 was to be part of the standard that calibrates law in this nation....read it for yourself. Democracies always fail due to the radical nature of the beast....THE US WAS ESTABLISHED FOR SUCCESS...not failure. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalist_No._10

a republic is a form of democracy you complete brain owned right wing fool

Republicanism is the guiding political philosophy of the United States. It has been a major part of American civic thought since its founding.[1] It stresses liberty and "unalienable" rights as central values, making people sovereign as a whole, rejects aristocracy and inherited political power, expects citizens to be independent in their performance of civic duties, and vilifies corruption.[2] American republicanism was founded and first practiced by the Founding Fathers in the 18th century. For them, according to one team of historians, "republicanism represented more than a particular form of government. It was a way of life, a core ideology, an uncompromising commitment to liberty, and a total rejection of aristocracy."[3]

Republicanism was based on Ancient Greco-Roman, Renaissance, English models and ideas.[4] It formed the basis for the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Constitution (1787), as well as the Gettysburg Address (1863).[5]

Republicanism may be distinguished from other forms of democracy as it asserts that people have unalienable rights that cannot be voted away by a majority of voters.[6] Alexis de Tocqueville warned about the "tyranny of the majority" in a democracy, and suggested the courts should try to reverse the efforts of the majority of terminating the rights of an unpopular minority.[7]

The term "republicanism" is derived from the term "republic", but the two words have different meanings. A "republic" is a form of government (one without a hereditary ruling class); "republicanism" refers to the values of the citizens in a republic.[8]

Two major parties were explicitly named after the idea—the Republican party of Thomas Jefferson (founded in 1793, and often called the "Democratic-Republican Party"), and the current Republican Party, founded in 1854.[9] The modern Republican Party has evolved such that its ideological foundation is no longer a pure republicanism so much as a conservatism that incorporates republican ideals
a republic is a form of democracy you complete brain owned right wing fool

Right....the CONSTITUTION and the FEDERALIST PAPERS are a vast right wing conspiracy. And no....a republic is not in the least associated with a democracy. A republic is representative in nature...that allows minority representation regardless of population. A democracy allows the majority to rule by omni-potent majority.

You suggest that a republic is a TYPE OF DEMOCRACY....but reject the idea that SOCIALISM IS A TYPE OF COMMUNISM? Really? In a democracy, any minority has no protection against the unlimited power of the majority. The very reason for a REPUBLICAN FORMAT of DELEGATE REPRESENTATION that appears to be incomprehensible to people like TRUMP and some DIMWITS....funny ain't it, the RNC actually has the gall to use republican principles in their own national party...that does not allow an angry plurality of voters to hijack the 65 majority by attempting to count votes instead representative delegates.

What would happen if THINGS WERE "FAIR" according to THE DONALD and the populous vote dictated the outcome of any party election? The states with the largest populations like...NY, CALIFORNIA, Ill. Fla....etc. would be the only states that would be capable of true representation.....to hell with all those mid western states with the population spread out....those states don't deserve representation right....THE DONALD is millions of votes ahead. Laugh My Proverbial Ass Off. :)
And FYI. Megalomania is a false perception of being "SUPERIOR"......like stating that others must be STUPID if they don't agree.....Cruz was right psychological "projection" seems to be the one true indicator of the disease known as LIBERALISM. Your guild THINKS everyone must be ignorant assholes....because you do the things you accuse others of doing....EVERYONE must act and think like you..no?
no you fucking idiot

we are a democracy

why do you hate democracy

are you a fan of Mussolini?

Right...Madison was crazy as hell......You have to be right some 250 years removed from the original explanation of Article Four, Section Four, Clause 1....that WE THE PEOPLE are democratic in nature, "THE UNITED STATES (as in the federal government) shall guarantee to every state in the union a REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT".

While Federalist No. 10 did not say, "democracies have always been spectacles of turbulence and contention (sound familiar with TRUMP and his wooden spoon always stirring up the shit...with anger and lies?) have always been incompatible with personal security and the rights of property (redistribution of wealth, sound familiar?) and have in general been as short in the lives as they have been violent in their deaths." Now who promotes violent rallies in the attempt to silence the 1st amendment rights of other....the left that THINK They are living in a democracy. :palm:

Republicanism is the guiding political philosophy of the United States. It has been a major part of American civic thought since its founding.[1] It stresses liberty and "unalienable" rights as central values, making people sovereign as a whole, rejects aristocracy and inherited political power, expects citizens to be independent in their performance of civic duties, and vilifies corruption.[2] American republicanism was founded and first practiced by the Founding Fathers in the 18th century. For them, according to one team of historians, "republicanism represented more than a particular form of government. It was a way of life, a core ideology, an uncompromising commitment to liberty, and a total rejection of aristocracy."[3]

Republicanism was based on Ancient Greco-Roman, Renaissance, English models and ideas.[4] It formed the basis for the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Constitution (1787), as well as the Gettysburg Address (1863).[5]

Republicanism may be distinguished from other forms of democracy as it asserts that people have unalienable rights that cannot be voted away by a majority of voters.[6] Alexis de Tocqueville warned about the "tyranny of the majority" in a democracy, and suggested the courts should try to reverse the efforts of the majority of terminating the rights of an unpopular minority.[7]

The term "republicanism" is derived from the term "republic", but the two words have different meanings. A "republic" is a form of government (one without a hereditary ruling class); "republicanism" refers to the values of the citizens in a republic.[8]

Two major parties were explicitly named after the idea—the Republican party of Thomas Jefferson (founded in 1793, and often called the "Democratic-Republican Party"), and the current Republican Party, founded in 1854.[9] The modern Republican Party has evolved such that its ideological foundation is no longer a pure republicanism so much as a conservatism that incorporates republican ideals

a republic is a democracy