Lehman Bros. Bailout --Oh hell no!

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Lehman bros. house of scum is tanking and the CNBC talking heads are talking about "Should the government be forced to bailout Lehman bros.?"

Fuck no!
Lehman bros. house of scum is tanking and the CNBC talking heads are talking about "Should the government be forced to bailout Lehman bros.?"

Fuck no!

I did not know who freddy and fanny really were until three days ago. (and I am now refinancing to private industry) Do me a favor, and get me up to speed on Lehman brothers. Am I gonna have to do more paper work? :)
I did not know who freddy and fanny really were until three days ago. (and I am now refinancing to private industry) Do me a favor, and get me up to speed on Lehman brothers. Am I gonna have to do more paper work? :)

All I require of you is internet bitching on this issue.:clink:
Lehman bros. house of scum is tanking and the CNBC talking heads are talking about "Should the government be forced to bailout Lehman bros.?"

Fuck no!

for once.... I agree with you 100%. They should sink or swim on their own. If another firm/investment group wants to buy them out, so be it.... but no way in hell the government should.
for once.... I agree with you 100%. They should sink or swim on their own. If another firm/investment group wants to buy them out, so be it.... but no way in hell the government should.

Do you also agree that Jews control our government and that women should not be allowed to vote?
All I require of you is internet bitching on this issue.:clink:

Common---you know that is not the nature of a truth seeker man!! How could I sleep at night?

Sorry for being ignorant--but I need substance (long story I am sure) before having supportive or opposing views.
for once.... I agree with you 100%. They should sink or swim on their own. If another firm/investment group wants to buy them out, so be it.... but no way in hell the government should.

Ohh---they are just a investment group? That is it? Sounds like they made some bad investments--like helping with selling the American people out for slave labor mabey? Bummer for them. If my intuition is right---I wanna see them jumping our of their high rise office wall street windows. No bail out---not even a net over the sidewalk! :)

Did I catch on fast AHZ, and do ya proud? :)
Ohh---they are just a investment group? That is it? Sounds like they made some bad investments--like helping with selling the American people out for slave labor mabey? Bummer for them. If my intuition is right---I wanna see them jumping our of their high rise office wall street windows. No bail out---not even a net over the sidewalk! :)

Did I catch on fast AHZ, and do ya proud? :)

I'm bullish on you, l'il buddy!
Atsome point Americans may wake up and understand that we exist in a plutocracy, not a democracy.

That's the illusion.
lehman.. fuck no.. they are kinds of naked shorting. i hate them. they have fucked me on a few stocks.
Atsome point Americans may wake up and understand that we exist in a plutocracy, not a democracy.

That's the illusion.

Right ooown right ooown right oowwn. Right on.

That is the purpose of the two party system today--the illusion of the people having a choice IMO.

Then--a gift from McCain--a gal with a corruption breaking record from Alaska gets thrust into the top levels, and it drives the establishment nuts because they got bypassed. Thats how I see it.

Waking up here--I will tell others.
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Right ooown right ooown right oowwn. Right on.

That is the purpose of the two party system today--the illusion of the people having a choice IMO.

Then--a gift from McCain--a gal with a corruption breaking record from Alaska gets thrust into the top levels, and it drives the establishment nuts because they got bypassed. Thats how I see it.

Waking up here--I will tell others.

You are ready for this now, perspicacious adept,

[ame="http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=3388"]Oligarchical Collectivism[/ame]
You are ready for this now, perspicacious adept,

Oligarchical Collectivism

Thanks for the good words, and the write. IMO, the whole world through out time is human nature. Control vrs freedom. Both are strong human traits. The cycle just repeats itself, with a different twist here and there to confuse people in burden. IMO, you can not push socialism/liberialism or any other mafia philosophy unless the people are in a hardship. We are not in enough hardship right now (but losing a bit of our lifestyle--so it seems like it to some--and of course--the media is saying we are)--and the socialists/communists know it.

They want high gas prices for us--they want high energy and food costs for us--the socialists want to hurt our people- to talk them into their society--because they can't compete with us if we were not corrupted.

You are a very detailed person. I just know what is right in my heart for me--my right to live my life the way I want--as long as I don't hurt anybody else.
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Bail um out!!! Woo Hoo

They had to take over Fannie and Freddie though, it was their policy that turned them into shit. This whole mess proves the Government has no buisiness in the Market. Backing shitty loans that take away risk, don't allow Investment banks a chance to use the discount window and therefore able to regulate cash reserves, 1% interest rates, community re-investment act, failure to prosicute fraud, ect ect....

Hopefully the Fed sells off the debt, dismantles Freddie and Fannie and stays away from the Mortgage markets in the future.
Bail um out!!! Woo Hoo

They had to take over Fannie and Freddie though, it was their policy that turned them into shit. This whole mess proves the Government has no buisiness in the Market. Backing shitty loans that take away risk, don't allow Investment banks a chance to use the discount window and therefore able to regulate cash reserves, 1% interest rates, community re-investment act, failure to prosicute fraud, ect ect....

Hopefully the Fed sells off the debt, dismantles Freddie and Fannie and stays away from the Mortgage markets in the future.

If people refinance to the private sector, like I plan to do--may be that will happen. I have no interest in government owned home loans--or the stock market for that matter today.
Bail um out!!! Woo Hoo

They had to take over Fannie and Freddie though, it was their policy that turned them into shit. This whole mess proves the Government has no buisiness in the Market. Backing shitty loans that take away risk, don't allow Investment banks a chance to use the discount window and therefore able to regulate cash reserves, 1% interest rates, community re-investment act, failure to prosicute fraud, ect ect....

Hopefully the Fed sells off the debt, dismantles Freddie and Fannie and stays away from the Mortgage markets in the future.
No obfuscate. The officers were perfectly willing to exploit the government backing, and have been rewarded for their irresponsibility. Bailing them out only guarantees more of the same. You're too intelligent to be this wrongheaded on the issue. Fascism is not cool.
Once you make the mortgage the mortgage company can sell it to anyone they like. I think fannie and freddie have about 50% or more of the mortgages.