Let the hazing of Odonnel beginnings


I hope the left intends on scrutinizing their own candidate in Delaware as much as they have O'Donnell over the past couple of days. Apparently Bill Mahr the guy on HBO who has transformed from a libertarian minded stand up comic to water bucket boy for the Democrats ...is going to air a piece on O'Donnell where she admits to having dated a Witch(Warlock)and dabbled a little. So ..I guess the left intends on being discriminotory against witches. Interesting... since this is coming off of a recent wave of Left Wing Religous Tolerence ... you know with supporting the rights of Muslims and Sharia Law , the Mosque..etc ...

Now... how about that Coons ... anyone know anything about him? Do you lefty's even care? Not really because hey...he is an Ivy Leaguer, big on Marxism and that should be good enough...

I heard that he has a Pro Masterbation Ad coming out ..... says he is an advocate and is thinking about starting a grass roots Circle Jerk Party ...
You sound kind of frustrated Klat. Maybe you should join that circle jerk. Get of load of your mind or just simply get a load off! LOL LOL LOL
You sound kind of frustrated Klat. Maybe you should join that circle jerk. Get of load of your mind or just simply get a load off! LOL LOL LOL

well ... I understand this Coon guy is carrying quite a bit of baggage as well.. yet Im not hearing a word from the "supposed" main stream press....
Kind of sad watching their obvious attempts at lynching this young lady who pretty much epitomizes the average struggles of real America.
I hope the left intends on scrutinizing their own candidate in Delaware as much as they have O'Donnell over the past couple of days. Apparently Bill Mahr the guy on HBO who has transformed from a libertarian minded stand up comic to water bucket boy for the Democrats ...is going to air a piece on O'Donnell where she admits to having dated a Witch(Warlock)and dabbled a little. So ..I guess the left intends on being discriminotory against witches. Interesting... since this is coming off of a recent wave of Left Wing Religous Tolerence ... you know with supporting the rights of Muslims and Sharia Law , the Mosque..etc ...

Now... how about that Coons ... anyone know anything about him? Do you lefty's even care? Not really because hey...he is an Ivy Leaguer, big on Marxism and that should be good enough...

I heard that he has a Pro Masterbation Ad coming out ..... says he is an advocate and is thinking about starting a grass roots Circle Jerk Party ...

She's the one with the checkered past...Nobody forced her to do what she did. It's up to her to allay the fears many religious people might have with regards to voting for someone who's dabbled in the Black Arts.

Got something everyone should know about Coons?

By all means share.
She's the one with the checkered past...Nobody forced her to do what she did. It's up to her to allay the fears many religious people might have with regards to voting for someone who's dabbled in the Black Arts.

Got something everyone should know about Coons?

By all means share.

Im not a member of the media and I dont live in Delaware. Im just amazed at O'Donnell ..this Unknown Candidate from the little state of Delaware coming under all this scrutiny from the National Press, yet her opponent is barely mentioned. The left or I should say left stream media has a real issue with Conservative Women. Especially if they are attractive.

Coons and his baggage? I hear he is carrying it ..it starts with his fascination with Castro and Marx.
She's the one with the checkered past...Nobody forced her to do what she did. It's up to her to allay the fears many religious people might have with regards to voting for someone who's dabbled in the Black Arts.

Got something everyone should know about Coons?

By all means share.

Unbelievable. Selective memories without a doubt. What about all the doggin' on Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Valerie Jarrett, Desiree Rogers, Elizabeth Warren and every other woman within the Obama administration. I guess it's different because they're just "eeeevil liberals".
So if this Coons chap is so terrible, and was favourite to be beaten by the potential Republican nominee Mr Castle, then why chose to run some weird woman who reckons touching yourself 'down there', yes there you dirty oik, is a sin?

Perhaps running raving mentalists against weak candidates is a master stroke of genius proportions.
Im not a member of the media and I dont live in Delaware. Im just amazed at O'Donnell ..this Unknown Candidate from the little state of Delaware coming under all this scrutiny from the National Press, yet her opponent is barely mentioned. The left or I should say left stream media has a real issue with Conservative Women. Especially if they are attractive.

Coons and his baggage? I hear he is carrying it ..it starts with his fascination with Castro and Marx.

You mean to tell me the person with an interesting public background that ran in a contested primary and defeated the Republican Party favorite who happened to be a good ol' boy who has held held state-wide elective office consistently since 1981 and who was viewed jsut s short while ago as a long shot candidate is getting press coverage? I never thought that such a person would be deserving of coverage.

As for Chris Coons, I know quite a bit about him. If you have any questions please let me know and perhaps I could address them. Also, I find it slightly humorous that on the one hand you attempt to deflect from O'Donnell's anti-onanism campaign of the mid-1990s in that other thread while you make veiled references to Chris Coons of 1984.

So if this Coons chap is so terrible, and was favourite to be beaten by the potential Republican nominee Mr Castle, then why chose to run some weird woman who reckons touching yourself 'down there', yes there you dirty oik, is a sin?

Perhaps running raving mentalists against weak candidates is a master stroke of genius proportions.
Well Charver, as were fond of saying here on our side of the pond "Only in America!" :)
Originally Posted by charver View Post
So if this Coons chap is so terrible, and was favourite to be beaten by the potential Republican nominee Mr Castle, then why chose to run some weird woman who reckons touching yourself 'down there', yes there you dirty oik, is a sin?

Perhaps running raving mentalists against weak candidates is a master stroke of genius proportions.
Well Charver, as were fond of saying here on our side of the pond "Only in America!"

Well Charver, as were fond of saying here on our side of the pond "Only in America!" :)

You see its very simple .. its seems very hard for some people to understand why whats going on here is very Impressive ... Principle and an unwillingness to Compromise is running rough shed over an establishment that has led us into these fire and brimstone conditions.
O'Donnell is an interesting candidate ...she does have a troubled past .....but so do millions of other Americans. O'Donnell's platform fits the platform of those who want Conservative Principles back on the Hill. Castle was the Old Guard, the Neo-Con Rhino we want out. Who gives a flying fuck what O'Donnel thinks of Masturbation? Only the Huffington Post Subscribers would be obsessed with that.

However, the way the Liberals..., who are supposed to be on the side of those who are victims of this Depression... are going after her is very telling.

People like Mott are going to use O'Donnell as the Poster Child for the Tea Party ... they are going to attempt to capitalize on her financial troubles and foreclosure, the fact that she openly admitted a curiosity about the Church of Wicca (like millions of other young girls) and overly scrutinize the way she has handled her Campaign Donations... this one is real cute .. they actually waited until the day after she won to announce it. Slime Balls.

Everything about O'Donnell screams normal lower middle class... and yet the elitists are going to paint her as abnormal. Shariah Law is Ok to bring over here to America but we cant have a Senator who held a curiosity about Wicca when she was in her 20's

O'Donnell is one of Several Tea Party Backed candidates to upset the Apple Cart... she is the only one that is 10 points behind her opponent who has some baggage of his own... all the other Lipton Backed Candidates are even or way ahead.... people like Mott dont want to talk about them..... they just want to slam hard on O'Donnell and ... make her the Banner Ad.
You see its very simple .. its seems very hard for some people to understand why whats going on here is very Impressive ... Principle and an unwillingness to Compromise is running rough shed over an establishment that has led us into these fire and brimstone conditions.
O'Donnell is an interesting candidate ...she does have a troubled past .....but so do millions of other Americans. O'Donnell's platform fits the platform of those who want Conservative Principles back on the Hill. Castle was the Old Guard, the Neo-Con Rhino we want out. Who gives a flying fuck what O'Donnel thinks of Masturbation? Only the Huffington Post Subscribers would be obsessed with that.

However, the way the Liberals..., who are supposed to be on the side of those who are victims of this Depression... are going after her is very telling.

People like Mott are going to use O'Donnell as the Poster Child for the Tea Party ... they are going to attempt to capitalize on her financial troubles and foreclosure, the fact that she openly admitted a curiosity about the Church of Wicca (like millions of other young girls) and overly scrutinize the way she has handled her Campaign Donations... this one is real cute .. they actually waited until the day after she won to announce it. Slime Balls.

Everything about O'Donnell screams normal lower middle class... and yet the elitists are going to paint her as abnormal. Shariah Law is Ok to bring over here to America but we cant have a Senator who held a curiosity about Wicca when she was in her 20's

O'Donnell is one of Several Tea Party Backed candidates to upset the Apple Cart... she is the only one that is 10 points behind her opponent who has some baggage of his own... all the other Lipton Backed Candidates are even or way ahead.... people like Mott dont want to talk about them..... they just want to slam hard on O'Donnell and ... make her the Banner Ad.

Awwwww you wackos have made ad homs on not only the politicians you oppose but their family members and children and you can't take it when we laugh at the asinine antics of one of your heros. Get a life dude! LOL LOL LOL
That's ironic as hell, since the Democrat Party has now put masturbation as a plank on its platform.
Naa, it's the other way around. O'Donnell did and were laughing like hell at her silly ass! :)

Kinda makes you wonder what her position is on shaking hands or dancing? LOL LOL LOL

I tell ya this right wing shit is priceless comedy.
Naa, it's the other way around. O'Donnell did and were laughing like hell at her silly ass! :)

Kinda makes you wonder what her position is on shaking hands or dancing? LOL LOL LOL

I tell ya this right wing shit is priceless comedy.

You fucking hack! The Lame Stream Media went out of its way to dig up a video of her talking NOT TO A POLITICAL assembly, but to her youth group!

It is therefore the assinine libs making hay out her comments to a Christian youth group years ago, not her using her beliefs as a platform.
Naa, it's the other way around. O'Donnell did and were laughing like hell at her silly ass! :)

Kinda makes you wonder what her position is on shaking hands or dancing? LOL LOL LOL

I tell ya this right wing shit is priceless comedy.

The Democrats are the ones who brought it up in this election.

But I'll re-phase: The Democrat Party is now pro-taxes, pro-abortion, and pro-masturbation.
The Democrats are the ones who brought it up in this election.

But I'll re-phase: The Democrat Party is now pro-taxes, pro-abortion, and pro-masturbation.

Is the Republican party now anti-masturbation and pro-witchcraft?
I don’t begrudge Ms. O’Donnell being a witchcraft-dabbler, or having picnics on satanic altars. What high school metal head didn’t crank Iron Maiden and raise the goblet of rock to toast Satan? The fact that Ms. O’Donnell was “Running With the Devil” (hat tip: Van Halen) is actually the first cool @ss thing I’ve heard about her.

But her proposed national Ban on masturbation will go over like a lead balloon. It may even lead to widespread panic among computer science-majors and Star Trek convention enthusiasts.
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