lets be honest except for


: maineman, Hasa Diga Eebowai, Topspin, Socrtease, Threedee, Darla, French 75, evince, ZappasGuitar, The Dude, Rose, iolo, illuminati Scottie, Big Money, Dantès and kiki

he starts a thread and bans half the fucking site.

then talks of honesty?

you people need to reboot your brains
you didn't read my thread twat. My thread ban was consistent with the post.

Why are you so stupid?

You know what is awesome? I can thread ban your sorry ass and you refuse to do the same. Which means I can do what I wish in your threads and your psycho ass is shunned from mine. Isn't that awesome? And you can't do a fucking thing about it except bitch and whine. Because you say you will NEVER thread ban or ignore. And if you do so now, you will be a hypocrite.
you didn't read my thread twat. My thread ban was consistent with the post.

Why are you so stupid?

You know what is awesome? I can thread ban your sorry ass and you refuse to do the same. Which means I can do what I wish in your threads and your psycho ass is shunned from mine. Isn't that awesome? And you can't do a fucking thing about it except bitch and whine. Because you say you will NEVER thread ban or ignore. And if you do so now, you will be a hypocrite.

awwwww poor dick disease got mad I didn't read his stupid fucking thread.

why would anyone read crap you made sure they cant respond to?
awwwww poor dick disease got mad I didn't read his stupid fucking thread.

why would anyone read crap you made sure they cant respond to?

pretty sure you did. how else would you have known who was threadbanned? you went through the effort of opening up his thread for a reason.
awwwww poor dick disease got mad I didn't read his stupid fucking thread.

why would anyone read crap you made sure they cant respond to?

Come on syphilis brain of course you read my thread. Why else would you start this one?

And how else did you know who was thread banned?

And if you didn't read it, why did you start this one?
your internet crush on me must be getting to you. I keep spurning your advances and it makes you crazy
dude I glanced at the banned members and copy and pasted that.

your words are all trash all the time dude
dude I glanced at the banned members and copy and pasted that.

your words are all trash all the time dude

Right sweetie, how embarrassing for you. If they are all trash all the time, then why do you even bother? Hmmm?

Fuck off sweetie pie. Notice I said fuck off and not fuck you, so you can't misconstrue what I say and accuse me or RAPE
Like I have said here many many times.

to fight your fucking lies so they don't just stand unchallenged.

its a thankless unending job but hey someone has to do it
Like I have said here many many times.

to fight your fucking lies so they don't just stand unchallenged.

its a thankless unending job but hey someone has to do it

How do you know what you are fighting if you don't even read the threads you dumb twat?

Seriously, you have to be on a ventilator because I swear you aren't smart enough to breathe on your own
your banning you asshole.

when have I ever banned you or anyone from anything?

You ban all the time fuckface
your banning you asshole.

when have I ever banned you or anyone from anything?

You ban all the time fuckface

I thread ban you. I have told you why I thread ban you.

I don't want you crapflooding my threads. I don't want you making 10 posts in consecutive order when you could have just made one point.

Tell us Deshy why do you do that? Why do you just post one after another after another in a thread? Why can't you just make one coherent argument? Explain it bitch
I thread ban you. I have told you why I thread ban you.

I don't want you crapflooding my threads. I don't want you making 10 posts in consecutive order when you could have just made one point.

Tell us Deshy why do you do that? Why do you just post one after another after another in a thread? Why can't you just make one coherent argument? Explain it bitch

she mistakes quantity for quality. she assumes that by her posting something ten times it makes it seem like she knows what she is talking about and has a plethora of posts to make about a subject. When in fact it's just always the same post worded slightly differently.

facts, liars, your party, sociopath, evil, childman, etc
she mistakes quantity for quality. she assumes that by her posting something ten times it makes it seem like she knows what she is talking about and has a plethora of posts to make about a subject. When in fact it's just always the same post worded slightly differently.

facts, liars, your party, sociopath, evil, childman, etc

I thought I Love America was a male.