Lets be honest. If Hillary is elected, BILL will actually be president

i dont know if you noticed this but bill is doing everything he can to sabotage hillary. Half her current issues are due to his "mistakes"
The constitution says he can't have a third term but he will. And this guy is a psychopath who burned 80 americans alive at waco. A domestic terrorist for sure.

Bill will have become the first black President, and the second black spouse in the white house.


That's a joke post, right? RIGHT?

I think Rana believes she and Bill were partners ala Frank and Clair Underwood in House of Cards and HRC may have seen it that way as well during his turn.
I don't think her ego will tolerate much Bubba if she gets her turn. She has resisted including him, unsuccessfully, and I think that eats at her enough that she will not tolerate him should she get past Sanders and Trump. She'll let the ship go down first.
But l ets face facts, he's gotten old fast and really isn't up to the task. Any more than she is.
They said she needed to beat BO as she would be too old to wait and they were right. Dems made a major flaw waiting for her and having nobody prepared post BO.
Best thing that could happen is for BO to let FBI off the leash and indict her and let Biden get drafted. But they screwed around too long and let Sanders go too far and are painted into a corner.
Ain't politics fun ?
I think Rana believes she and Bill were partners ala Frank and Clair Underwood in House of Cards and HRC may have seen it that way as well during his turn.
I don't think her ego will tolerate much Bubba if she gets her turn. She has resisted including him, unsuccessfully, and I think that eats at her enough that she will not tolerate him should she get past Sanders and Trump. She'll let the ship go down first.
But l ets face facts, he's gotten old fast and really isn't up to the task. Any more than she is.
They said she needed to beat BO as she would be too old to wait and they were right. Dems made a major flaw waiting for her and having nobody prepared post BO.
Best thing that could happen is for BO to let FBI off the leash and indict her and let Biden get drafted. But they screwed around too long and let Sanders go too far and are painted into a corner.
Ain't politics fun ?

It amuses me when people just know what's in the minds of those two regarding their political careers. Not a single fact to support the suppositions.

Btw, Trump is older than Hillary. He needs to get out of politics and into a rocking chair, and start whittlin'.
Funny, when Bill Clinton was running for president one of the criticisms was that he was going to allow Hillary Clinton to have to much power.
The very first time I met HRC she bragged that a vote for her husband would get America two Clintons for the price of one.
I think Rana believes she and Bill were partners ala Frank and Clair Underwood in House of Cards and HRC may have seen it that way as well during his turn.
I don't think her ego will tolerate much Bubba if she gets her turn. She has resisted including him, unsuccessfully, and I think that eats at her enough that she will not tolerate him should she get past Sanders and Trump. She'll let the ship go down first.
But l ets face facts, he's gotten old fast and really isn't up to the task. Any more than she is.
They said she needed to beat BO as she would be too old to wait and they were right. Dems made a major flaw waiting for her and having nobody prepared post BO.
Best thing that could happen is for BO to let FBI off the leash and indict her and let Biden get drafted. But they screwed around too long and let Sanders go too far and are painted into a corner.
Ain't politics fun ?

No, House of Cards is fiction, and I know that if Hillary is elected, that she will be President.

Bill did not try and be Senator or any other office she has held. They will treat this office as any other she has held.