Let's be honest


Nobody really comes to these forums to actually debate. It is a fallacy and a myth. Maybe at the advent of political forums that was the original intent, but for those who have been doing this for a while, there is no debate.

This is nothing more than a place to come and vent, post opinions and flame others. To think otherwise is naive in the extreme.

With that said, can we please stop all of the bitching and moaning about thread bans, ignore and forced ignore. Nobody here really gives a flying fuck what anyone else thinks anyway. In the history of message boards nobody has claimed "Wow, that is a great point. You have changed my mind on that issue"

What is there left to debate?

Abortion? Taxes? Trayvon?

Don't get me wrong, I love coming here, but I have no pretense that this is a place for actual debate.
changing ones mind is a gradual process. I have probably changed my mind on a few things after posting on here for so long, but it's a gradual thing, not something that is usually going to happen on any given day.
changing ones mind is a gradual process. I have probably changed my mind on a few things after posting on here for so long, but it's a gradual thing, not something that is usually going to happen on any given day.

What have you changed your mind on?

I have found that if anything, message boards tend to harden beliefs not lessen them. I maybe should not have been so absolute, but in general I don't see people changing their minds.