Let's Be Objective, Shall We?


New member
I think the disconnect with Liberal Obama supporters over his hypocracy is because a lot call themselves athiest, or agnostic. They dont UNDERSTAND the anger aganist someone who proclaims his "Christian Values", uses them to help his candiacy, and then is discovered to be part of a church where there is CONSTANT, regular Hate-Speech, Anti-White, Anti-American Hate Speech.

First, we were supposed to IGNORE the fact he's never run a STARBUCK'S, let alone the Free World. THEN, we were supposed to IGNORE the fact that instead of Brilliantly Innovative Ideas to boost our economy, jobs, increase our Security and Safety, he's going to Tax and Spend us into our GRANDCHILDREN'S bankruptcy, and "sit down with", give credence to, any Torturing Dictator that shouts "Death to America, Death to Israel".

I think an African-American woman , who called a TV show, C-SPAN, I believe, said "I not only have a problem with Rev.Wright, or Obama, but that entire "Chiuch Family", who was Cheering and Shouting their OBVIOUS APPROVAL of that Hate Speech. I am ashamed- not of being Black, but that a PRESIDENTIAL cANDIDATE would be a member. And he won't even DENOUNCE this Racist Pastor!" Jesus said, "My father has rooms for ALL of us, at his house in Paradise". I don't think there is a RACE entry condition.
Objective? Ok. Let's objectively determine why Jewish Separatism is supposed to be a bipartisan national priority but black separatism is "bad".

IS it based on victimhood? Does anyone really want to make the case that jews have had it rougher in america than blacks?
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