Let's focus on this problem...

It's now coming out that Adam Lanza's mother had been trying to have him committed, and this is what prompted him to snap. I don't know if this is true, we can't rely on any information these days from the media, they don't have the same reporting standards anymore in journalism, so who knows? What I do know is, we made it exceedingly difficult to have adults committed or institutionalized years ago, and liberals led the charge.

Most of us remember this well. There was this movie entitled "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" with Jack Nicholson playing a patient in a mental hospital. Just like with the gun control issue, and every other liberal issue, the liberals were beating their drums for society to "correct this injustice" of locking away people who "hadn't caused anyone any harm" and were not really a threat or danger, as long as they were properly medicated. They tugged at our heartstrings, influenced us with their movies, kept beating the drums, and eventually we caved and allowed our laws to be amended and changed.

Now, it is virtually impossible to have anyone committed against their will. I know this through personal experience with a family member. Unless you have a paper trail, unless they have attempted to harm themselves or others, and there has been police reports filed, your hands are essentially tied. Even IF you have this evidence, it's not a guarantee you can have anything done about it, this is still left up to courts, doctors and judges. Ohhh... but they can be 'medicated' and they are harmless!

Here's the problem with medication as a solution. Once you've been put on the medication, you have to stay on the medication for life, if you come off the medication, the horrible thing that it is preventing, manifests itself ten-fold, and usually very violently. Again, I know this from personal experience as well. So we now have tens of thousands of Adam Lanza's out there, like ticking time bombs, ready to explode at any moment. They only need that one thing to set them off. If the story is true, in this case, it was the fact that his mother was trying to have him locked away in an institution. Had it been easier, perhaps he wouldn't have been free to have done this heinous deed? Had it been as simple as her filing some papers or making a phone call, perhaps Adam would have been safely behind locked doors that day?

Are we going to have a "national discussion" on THIS? Or are the liberals simply going to be allowed to continue screaming for more gun control that does not work to prevent these kind of incidents?
It's now coming out that Adam Lanza's mother had been trying to have him committed, and this is what prompted him to snap. I don't know if this is true, we can't rely on any information these days from the media, they don't have the same reporting standards anymore in journalism, so who knows? What I do know is, we made it exceedingly difficult to have adults committed or institutionalized years ago, and liberals led the charge.

Most of us remember this well. There was this movie entitled "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" with Jack Nicholson playing a patient in a mental hospital. Just like with the gun control issue, and every other liberal issue, the liberals were beating their drums for society to "correct this injustice" of locking away people who "hadn't caused anyone any harm" and were not really a threat or danger, as long as they were properly medicated. They tugged at our heartstrings, influenced us with their movies, kept beating the drums, and eventually we caved and allowed our laws to be amended and changed.

Now, it is virtually impossible to have anyone committed against their will. I know this through personal experience with a family member. Unless you have a paper trail, unless they have attempted to harm themselves or others, and there has been police reports filed, your hands are essentially tied. Even IF you have this evidence, it's not a guarantee you can have anything done about it, this is still left up to courts, doctors and judges. Ohhh... but they can be 'medicated' and they are harmless!

Here's the problem with medication as a solution. Once you've been put on the medication, you have to stay on the medication for life, if you come off the medication, the horrible thing that it is preventing, manifests itself ten-fold, and usually very violently. Again, I know this from personal experience as well. So we now have tens of thousands of Adam Lanza's out there, like ticking time bombs, ready to explode at any moment. They only need that one thing to set them off. If the story is true, in this case, it was the fact that his mother was trying to have him locked away in an institution. Had it been easier, perhaps he wouldn't have been free to have done this heinous deed? Had it been as simple as her filing some papers or making a phone call, perhaps Adam would have been safely behind locked doors that day?

Are we going to have a "national discussion" on THIS? Or are the liberals simply going to be allowed to continue screaming for more gun control that does not work to prevent these kind of incidents?

I guess we can lay this at the feet of the liberals, seeing as how they are the ones who objected to forcing the mentally ill to be medicated.
That and the inability for family members to have someone committed, without their agreement.

Why do liberals hate the mentally ill and children?
It's now coming out that Adam Lanza's mother had been trying to have him committed, and this is what prompted him to snap. I don't know if this is true, we can't rely on any information these days from the media, they don't have the same reporting standards anymore in journalism, so who knows? What I do know is, we made it exceedingly difficult to have adults committed or institutionalized years ago, and liberals led the charge.

Most of us remember this well. There was this movie entitled "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" with Jack Nicholson playing a patient in a mental hospital. Just like with the gun control issue, and every other liberal issue, the liberals were beating their drums for society to "correct this injustice" of locking away people who "hadn't caused anyone any harm" and were not really a threat or danger, as long as they were properly medicated. They tugged at our heartstrings, influenced us with their movies, kept beating the drums, and eventually we caved and allowed our laws to be amended and changed.

Now, it is virtually impossible to have anyone committed against their will. I know this through personal experience with a family member. Unless you have a paper trail, unless they have attempted to harm themselves or others, and there has been police reports filed, your hands are essentially tied. Even IF you have this evidence, it's not a guarantee you can have anything done about it, this is still left up to courts, doctors and judges. Ohhh... but they can be 'medicated' and they are harmless!

Here's the problem with medication as a solution. Once you've been put on the medication, you have to stay on the medication for life, if you come off the medication, the horrible thing that it is preventing, manifests itself ten-fold, and usually very violently. Again, I know this from personal experience as well. So we now have tens of thousands of Adam Lanza's out there, like ticking time bombs, ready to explode at any moment. They only need that one thing to set them off. If the story is true, in this case, it was the fact that his mother was trying to have him locked away in an institution. Had it been easier, perhaps he wouldn't have been free to have done this heinous deed? Had it been as simple as her filing some papers or making a phone call, perhaps Adam would have been safely behind locked doors that day?

Are we going to have a "national discussion" on THIS? Or are the liberals simply going to be allowed to continue screaming for more gun control that does not work to prevent these kind of incidents?

Dixie, I wouldn't wish for this If I were you. You would be first in line on the crazy train.
I guess we can lay this at the feet of the liberals...

I didn't say that, and I don't think this can be 'blamed' on any one thing, or really, anyone but Adam Lanza. But if we are supposed to have an intelligent "national debate" on how to better prevent this sort of thing from happening again in the future, I think we need to revisit 'involuntary commitment' and the difficulty people like his mother face every day, in trying to get help. In a somewhat foolish attempt to 'liberate' people in mental institutions, we have created a serious problem and risk for the rest of society. It should not take an act of Congress to have a mentally disturbed person institutionalized. I'm sorry that Hollywood can create sympathetic characters who are locked away by family for no reason other than being different, we are all mature enough to understand reality. Unless we want what happened in CT to happen again, we need to face reality on this, and stop pretending that gun control solves all problems and is the only solution here.
It's now coming out that Adam Lanza's mother had been trying to have him committed, and this is what prompted him to snap. I don't know if this is true, we can't rely on any information these days from the media, they don't have the same reporting standards anymore in journalism, so who knows?
Thanks to Fox News.

What I do know is, we made it exceedingly difficult to have adults committed or institutionalized years ago, and liberals led the charge.
Maybe, but it was Ronald Reagan who signed the PAIMI into law.

Most of us remember this well. There was this movie entitled "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" with Jack Nicholson playing a patient in a mental hospital. Just like with the gun control issue, and every other liberal issue, the liberals were beating their drums for society to "correct this injustice" of locking away people who "hadn't caused anyone any harm" and were not really a threat or danger, as long as they were properly medicated. They tugged at our heartstrings, influenced us with their movies, kept beating the drums, and eventually we caved and allowed our laws to be amended and changed.
So what's your point here? Are you saying the mentall ill don't have rights? That they can be abused of those rights with no legal recourse?

Now, it is virtually impossible to have anyone committed against their will. I know this through personal experience with a family member.
You? :o

Unless you have a paper trail, unless they have attempted to harm themselves or others, and there has been police reports filed, your hands are essentially tied. Even IF you have this evidence, it's not a guarantee you can have anything done about it, this is still left up to courts, doctors and judges. Ohhh... but they can be 'medicated' and they are harmless!

Here's the problem with medication as a solution. Once you've been put on the medication, you have to stay on the medication for life, if you come off the medication, the horrible thing that it is preventing, manifests itself ten-fold, and usually very violently. Again, I know this from personal experience as well. So we now have tens of thousands of Adam Lanza's out there, like ticking time bombs, ready to explode at any moment. They only need that one thing to set them off. If the story is true, in this case, it was the fact that his mother was trying to have him locked away in an institution. Had it been easier, perhaps he wouldn't have been free to have done this heinous deed? Had it been as simple as her filing some papers or making a phone call, perhaps Adam would have been safely behind locked doors that day?

Are we going to have a "national discussion" on THIS? Or are the liberals simply going to be allowed to continue screaming for more gun control that does not work to prevent these kind of incidents?
Dixie though I would agree with you that short of a total ban on all firearms gun control doesn't work but I should point out that in the search for a solution to the problem of mentally ill people who committ these attrocious acts of violence that your hyperpartisanship doesn't work either. Nor did you for a second hold personally accountable killers dip shit mother who permitted these dangerous firearms around her mentally disturbed son. Not only did her lack of judgement cost her her own life but it also cost the life of her son, twenty young children and six educators.

So yea maybe gun control doesnt work but your ideological rants about "liberals" sure as hell isn't a solution to the problem either.
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I seriously doubt that, but there are probably some posters here who need to be institutionalized, for sure.

The thing is though, say someone decided that your habit of writing a page for every sentence worth of info you wish to convey indicated you are insane and dangerous;
Don't you think it is good that you have some protection from involuntary commitment?
How many people were wrongly commited?
You do realize that insane people never think they are crazy right?
The thing is though, say someone decided that your habit of writing a page for every sentence worth of info you wish to convey indicated you are insane and dangerous;
Don't you think it is good that you have some protection from involuntary commitment?
How many people were wrongly commited?
You do realize that insane people never think they are crazy right?
That's what makes this issue so difficult from a legal standpoint. We have here the convergence of two constitutional rights. The rights of the public to own and bear arms and the rights of mentally ill people to due process of law.
Thanks to Fox News.

Maybe, but it was Ronald Reagan who signed the PAIMI into law.

Who controlled Congress at the time? Who sent the bill to his desk?

So what's your point here? Are you saying the mentall ill don't have rights? That they can be abused of those rights with no legal recourse?

Nope, I didn't say they don't have rights. However, I don't believe people who are mentally disturbed have the right to be roaming around free in society. I think that REASONABLE people can probably find a 'middle ground' here, don't you?

Dixie though I would agree with you that short of a total ban on all firearms gun control doesn't work but I should point out that in the search for a solution to the problem of mentally ill people who committ these attrocious acts of violence that your hyperpartisanship doesn't work either. Nor did you for a second hold personally accountable killers dip shit mother who permitted these dangerous firearms around her mentally disturbed son. Not only did her lack of judgement cost her her own life but it also cost the life of her son, twenty young children and six educators.

So yea maybe gun control doesnt work but your ideological rants about "liberals" sure as hell isn't a solution to the problem either.

What if the woman (who was asleep) had her guns securely locked away in a gun safe, and her son broke in while she slept? What if there had been no guns in the house but knives instead? Can you assure me that he wouldn't have stabbed his mother to death, then gone to the school and went on a stabbing rampage? And I'll be fair about this, there is nothing to say that if Adam had been in an institution somewhere, he wouldn't have gone berzerk and killed those caring for him, there are all kinds of things we just don't know and will never know.

My "ideological rants about liberals" are prompted by what is now about a week of incessant ranting from the left to ban guns. They began their ranting the day of the shootings, before the corpses had been removed from the crime scene, and they haven't shut up. They couldn't even have enough decency to allow people to mourn and grieve, even after repeated attempts to get them to shut the hell up for a little bit, and let us bury dead children at Christmas. Now we hear the president saying we have to "have a national discussion" and what he really means is, we have to ban guns without any further discussion.

Look.... If we had the ability to put people like this in institutions against their will, and the mother STILL allowed her son to be in her home, then she shouldn't be allowed to also have guns there, period. I'm okay with that, but that isn't what we had here.
That's what makes this issue so difficult from a legal standpoint. We have here the convergence of two constitutional rights. The rights of the public to own and bear arms and the rights of mentally ill people to due process of law.

Yes, you are getting closer to the answer. The simplest answer is allow teachers to arm themselves if they choose. Take down those stupid "fun freee zone" signs.

Hell want to raise taxes? Not a parent alive would squeal knowing their teachers were properly trained to defend their children

Lanza killed himself as soon as he heard police arrive because he knew the operational advantage he had just ended. If teachers were firing at him from the get go, it would have kept him off of the children and allowed more time for police to get there.

Sounds like a crazy scene right? But kids are still alive which you say you want
Yes, you are getting closer to the answer. The simplest answer is allow teachers to arm themselves if they choose. Take down those stupid "fun freee zone" signs.

Hell want to raise taxes? Not a parent alive would squeal knowing their teachers were properly trained to defend their children

Lanza killed himself as soon as he heard police arrive because he knew the operational advantage he had just ended. If teachers were firing at him from the get go, it would have kept him off of the children and allowed more time for police to get there.

Sounds like a crazy scene right? But kids are still alive which you say you want

Not going to happen. Teachers are 90% liberals...libs are mostly scared of guns. Even if you could get the teachers to want guns, bleating Desh clones would never allow them to carry.

Bleating libtards do LOVE cops though, and one awake cop at that school would have stopped Lanza DEAD. Of course, he wouldn't have even gone to the school if he knew there was a cop there.