Let's FORGET about Rev. Wright, Seriously.


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We who love this country, who don't want to see it made into a 2nd-rate power, a Socialist Joke like many European Models of Socialism, we CARE about what happens to this Nation we love, and we CARE what happens to our CHILDREN who will inherit it.

It isn't about Rev. Wright's Race Hatred, or even about Baracks knowledge of it(BTW, Brian Ross of ABC has just released a statement saying that Obama's speech yesterday was a reversal of a One-Year Decptive "spin" about Obama's knowledge of Wright's racism, and ABC also says Barack Obama is STONEWALLING ABC about RELEASING THE DATES THAT OBAMA ATTENDED RE.WRIGHTS SERMONS. These dates will tell us whether Obama was LYING when he told us "He had never HEARD Wright spew the Hate")
As Democrats always tell us, it's not the SIN, but the COVERUP, thatwill finish you. But as I said, no more about Rev. Wright.

What we need to do is find out if there has been a PATTERN of Racism, and Racist Freinds and Acquaintences, of Barack: 1.)We won't mention his Mentor, Rev. Wright;(2.) Barack has a Direct Link to the New Black Panther Party, on HIS website, headed up by Malik Zulu Shabazz, who The Anti-Defamation League calls NBPP “the largest organized anti-Semitic black militant group in America. … Under Shabazz, the group continues to organize demonstrations across the country that blend inflammatory bigotry with calls for black empowerment and civil rights.”

In addition, it demands slavery reparations, the release of all black prisoners from American jails, trials of blacks only by all-black juries, an end to all black cooperation with police departments, exemption for blacks from the all-volunteer U.S. military and a separate country for African-Americans.

“We believe that Black People should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that holds us captive and does not protect us. We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like Black People, are being victimized by the white racist government of America,” the Web site reads.

“As our political objective, we want NATIONAL LIBERATION in a separate state or territory of our own, here or elsewhere, ‘a liberated zone’ (’New Africa’ or Africa), and a plebiscite to be held throughout the BLACK NATION in which only we will be allowed to participate for the purposes of determining our will and DIVINE destiny as a people. FREE THE LAND!” another point states.
Mr. Shabazz is ANOTHER of Barack's "Influences".

3.) Another good friend of Barack's is James Meeks, he was on Barack's Exploratory Committeees and Steereing Committees. Here's a couple of James Meeks thoughts:"...we've got some preachers that are house niggers, you got some elected officials that are house niggers. And rather then them trying to break this up they gonna fight you to protect that white man!"
Channel 2 News Reporter, Mike Flannery, called Meeks on his usage of the word and asked why he used the word to describe fellow African Americans in government?

"The word nigger is not in the African community a bad word. It's a term of endearment and I don't see it as derogatory or offensive."

Amazing gymnastics, there, Rev. Meeks.

But, Flannery went on to point out that Meeks was absolutely not using the word as a "term of endearment" but as a way of name calling to show that blacks in government not toeing Meeks' ideological line were traitors to their people.

"No body will be offended by it except for an individual it applies to."

So, it is a "term of endearment" ... unless it "applies to" someone who should then be offended?


Of course, this is all politics and not niceties. Meeks is a hypocrite using his bully pulpit to advance his political career and must do these back flips to justify his bellicose rhetoric and his name-calling.

Earlier in his "sermon" Meeks stampeded straight for the race card by equating white government officials to "slave masters."

"...we don't have slave masters, we got mayors but they still the same white people who are presiding over systems where black people are not able ... to be educated"
So you see, from these 3 gentlemen, Wright, Shabazz, and Meeks, to his wife Michelle calling on all Blacks to "Fight the White Opressor", and "Today, for the first time, I'm proud to call myself an American", a pattern emerges, of a man NOT FIT to hold the most Important Job there IS! This is the PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES WE'RE TALKING ABOUT! Forget about the man's FAR Leftist Agenda, the $875 MILLION in NEW spending, the rhetoric about punishing the companies that make our Economic Engine RUN(altough those ALONE disqualify him), even THOSE aside, you STILL have the fact HE HAS NEVER RUN A DUNKIN' DONUTS!
Sometimes I think I'm in a DREAM, that we can't REALLY be talking aboput electing this man PRESIDENT! Can somebody tell me? WHY? What are his GOOD points? What is the thing he has DONE, or the thing that is GREAT about him, that QUALIFIES him to this most LOFTY of positions? SERIOUSLY!

Here is but ANOTHER internet story, taken from the Newspapers.
One day after Barack Obama delivered a speech calling for improved race relations in America, the blogosphere was buzzing Wednesday about whether his campaign planned to remove an endorsement by the New Black Panther Party from his Web site.

The New Black Panthers, who inherited their name from the Black Panther Party of the 1960s, has a page on the Obama campaign’s public forums that says it is backing Obama because he “represents ‘positive change’ for all of America. Obama will stir the ‘Melting Pot’ into a better ‘Molten America,’” the group says.

The NBPP, which has been led since 2001 by Malik Zulu Shabbazz, is identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a tolerance education organization, as an extremist hate group. The Anti-Defamation League calls NBPP “the largest organized anti-Semitic black militant group in America. … Under Shabazz, the group continues to organize demonstrations across the country that blend inflammatory bigotry with calls for black empowerment and civil rights.”

The NBPP lists on its Web site a 10-point plan for full employment for black Americans as well as housing, education, free health care and an end to the death penalty.

In addition, it demands slavery reparations, the release of all black prisoners from American jails, trials of blacks only by all-black juries, an end to all black cooperation with police departments, exemption for blacks from the all-volunteer U.S. military and a separate country for African-Americans.

“We believe that Black People should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that holds us captive and does not protect us. We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like Black People, are being victimized by the white racist government of America,” the Web site reads.

“As our political objective, we want NATIONAL LIBERATION in a separate state or territory of our own, here or elsewhere, ‘a liberated zone’ (’New Africa’ or Africa), and a plebiscite to be held throughout the BLACK NATION in which only we will be allowed to participate for the purposes of determining our will and DIVINE destiny as a people. FREE THE LAND!” another point states.

The NBPP also calls for an end to “the capitalistic domination of Africa in all of its forms: imperialism, criminal settler colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, sexism, zionism, Apartheid and artificial borders.”

Obama has been trying to recover from claims he has not sufficiently denounced his controversial pastor and spiritual adviser, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., who has made anti-American statements. On Tuesday, Obama gave a speech saying he disagreed with much of Wright’s positions on U.S. policy, but he can understand the roots of his rage.

Shabazz told World Net Daily, which broke news of the Web page on Wednesday, that he likes the way Obama responded to the charges about Wright.

“I think the way Obama responded to the attack on him and the attempt to sabotage his campaign shows true leadership and character. He had a chance to denounce his pastor and he didn’t fall for the bait. He stood up and addressed real issues of racial discord,” Shabazz said.

The backing of the NBPP highlights concerns that Obama may not have done enough to divorce himself from radical groups that view him as an opportunity to advance black causes.

“Maybe Mr. Obama has not heard the ‘New Black Panthers’ say anything untoward,” wrote Steve Gilbert of Sweetness-Light.com, playing on earlier claims by Obama about his pastor. “Or perhaps he thinks we need to understand where they are coming from.”
What's the matter, Liberals? I see one of you looked, but was afraid to respond. I'm not saying ANYTHING here that isn't true, it's in all the papers. You Libs, people like desh-I really feel sorry for you sometimes, even though you LIE, and spout propaganda, like some obvious teen-ager talking about welfare checks, and desh tries to propagandize it into what ALL "Right-wingers" think.
I think secretly, desh, and all you Libs, like to see Blacks strung up to a tree, just like Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat, West Virginia. You know, the guy who used to wear the White Sheet over his head, with the eye holes?
I ALSO think desh, and all you Libs, like to see secretaries gotten drunk, then had attempted rape, then murdered, driven off a bridge in Chappaquiddick, like Senator Ted Kennedy, Democrat, Mass. You know, the guy who got away with MURDER?

You Liberals KNOW both of these Senators, right? Because they are your Party's "Elder Statesmen", your HEROS. So you ALL must look up to them, and emulate their action, and habits. See Liberals like desh are pitiful because I don't think he's fully AWARE of what a piece of Hypocritical Poop he belongs to. All the years Democrats cried wolf, kept FALSELY attacking Republicans, calling Conservatives "RACIST". NOW, as Justice always IS, it is SWEET. You are being "Hoisted on your Own Pitard" Know what that means, Libs? Look it up, Haaaahahahaha!