Let's talk abortion

Here's his own quotes

"Yes, it is still legal. And you people should be proud of yourselves. Your death toll beats Hitler, Stalin, PolPot, and a whole lot of others combined. Congratulations."

"Your entire diatribe simply proves what a braindead useless lump of putrid shit you are. You are completely ignorant of medicine, completely ignorant of the basics of biology, and are claiming to be literally proud of the ability to kill innocent children. And then you wonder why you are lumped in with Hitler and PolPot."

Here's what he said when I made it a big deal.

"In the first place, as I have carefully explained, I did NOT compare abortion to the holocaust or slavery."

And here's what he said before I made it a big deal.

"And damned right I compare pro-abortion to pro-slavery."
And... it's not comparable to slavery because slaves were allowed to live.
Not comparable to the holocaust either, those people had at least lived some of their lives.

No... abortion is in a realm all it's own, and I'm sure there is a special place in hell for those who are supporting and condoning it. It's the willful taking of innocent human life, the most innocent of all human life, to be exact.
No, I didn't mean you present a good argument, I mean, you existing makes a good argument for it.

See, abortion IS good sometimes!

No... abortion is in a realm all it's own, and I'm sure there is a special place in hell for those who are supporting and condoning it. It's the willful taking of innocent human life, the most innocent of all human life, to be exact.

You believe in hell? AHAHAHAHAHA! I guess it is true. Pro-lifers ARE idiots!
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No, I didn't mean you present a good argument, I mean, you existing makes a good argument for it.

See, abortion IS good sometimes!

No... abortion is in a realm all it's own, and I'm sure there is a special place in hell for those who are supporting and condoning it. It's the willful taking of innocent human life, the most innocent of all human life, to be exact.

You believe in hell? AHAHAHAHAHA! I guess it is true. Pro-lifers ARE idiots!

Yeah, it would have been good if your mother had practiced it.

Yep, I believe in Hell, and Heaven too. Something like 95% of the world's population believes in a higher power, so I think it's safe to say who the real idiots are.
Oh my God you are such a bad debator Dixie. Time to go back to what I'm good at!

I'm sure there is a special place in hell for those who are supporting and condoning it.

I'm sure that wouldn't include you....

I mean, you existing makes a good argument for it.

Yeah, it would have been good if your mother had practiced it.

I'm sure you weren't suppoting abortion just then. If it were then you'd be going to hell too. DERRRRR!

Yep, I believe in Hell, and Heaven too. Something like 95% of the world's population believes in a higher power, so I think it's safe to say who the real idiots are.

We sure do and it's you Dixie. Couple hundred years ago, 95% of humans thought smart women were witches and the earth was flat. Doesn't make it right. Now I'm not comparing religion to those things but I am using those cases to show you that majorities don't make something true or not.
There is no direct comparison between slavery, the Holocaust, and abortion. Though it is fun to make Kingy's blood pressure pop the cuff.

Where the actual parallel exists is the JUSTIFICATION of slavery, the Holocaust, and abortion uses the same process: the dehumanization of the target group. We justified slavery because slaves were not "human enough" to be allowed human rights. Hitler justified the holocaust, his followers supported his conclusions, and much of the public had little to no objection because the Jews were deamed to not be "human enough" to warrant respect and equality. Native Americans were killed, and a determined program of genocide waged against us because we were not "human enough" to be called "persons" under the law. Each and every time through history, people have justified calling a selected group or class of humans as being "not human enough" based on some observed differences (or in some cases, perceived) between the targeted group, and the rest of "real" humans.

Those mistakes have been both recognized, and rectified under the law. Many hundreds of thousands of good men died changing those mistakes.

Yet today, we have another class of human beings who law refuses to recognize, because they are "not human enough" to be called persons. There is no denying they are living humans. (Except by those too fucking ignorant to comprehend basic biological science.) Yet society still believes they have the right to call some humans "person" while denying that definition from a select group of humans, and corresponding protection of their human rights, based on the fact that they are different from "real" or "fully human" persons.

And there lies the parallel. It's the same tired "they aren't human enough" argument that allows us to kill unborn human children at will. It was wrong every single time before in history, and it is wrong now.
Hmmmm, a debate?!!!!!!!!

yeah, you said i am such a bad debater, but i didn't realize we were having a debate. i thought you just wanted to spew some of your typical immoral beliefs on us and take pot shots at people you disagree with. if you want a 'debate' on abortion, i can give you one, but we first have to lay down some ground rules. scientific evidence has to be presented to support your viewpoints, nothing is predicated on your particular feelings or beliefs. likewise, religious beliefs have no bearing on the issue, just basic human morality and ethics. do we agree on these basic rules of debate?
Where the actual parallel exists is the JUSTIFICATION of slavery, the Holocaust, and abortion uses the same process: the dehumanization of the target group. We justified slavery because slaves were not "human enough" to be allowed human rights. Hitler justified the holocaust, his followers supported his conclusions, and much of the public had little to no objection because the Jews were deamed to not be "human enough" to warrant respect and equality. Native Americans were killed, and a determined program of genocide waged against us because we were not "human enough" to be called "persons" under the law. Each and every time through history, people have justified calling a selected group or class of humans as being "not human enough" based on some observed differences (or in some cases, perceived) between the targeted group, and the rest of "real" humans.

Excellent point!
I repeat Good Luck's quotes.

"In the first place, as I have carefully explained, I did NOT compare abortion to the holocaust or slavery."

"And damned right I compare pro-abortion to pro-slavery."

You have no credibility and no one but the far-right takes you seriously.

Now you Dixie.

yeah, you said i am such a bad debater, but i didn't realize we were having a debate. i thought you just wanted to spew some of your typical immoral beliefs on us and take pot shots at people you disagree with. if you want a 'debate' on abortion, i can give you one, but we first have to lay down some ground rules. scientific evidence has to be presented to support your viewpoints, nothing is predicated on your particular feelings or beliefs. likewise, religious beliefs have no bearing on the issue, just basic human morality and ethics. do we agree on these basic rules of debate?

Woah, hold on a second. No religious beliefs are allowed but human morals and ethics pass? Lucky for you I'm an athiest. So I have to provide links and scientific evidence? ok what's science got to do in whether abortion is legal or not? The development stages like no brain in the first 12 weeks or technically a fetus is human life? Whoopty do! We know fetuses are life. We know plants are life. We know bugs are life. What the hell does that argument make?
Killing life isn't wrong in human morality. If it were then killing animals, plants and bacteria would. Murder is wrong. Murder = killing human life. And technically a fetus is not human life in the eyes of our law.

Abortion reduces our population crisis, poverty and strengthens the economy.

Screw you guys, I'm goin home!