Liars On Parade


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A month ago FOX liars turned their network over to the coronavirus fraud. Nothing else will be said on any FOX news show until after the public swallows the lies hook, line, and sinker. The liars were out in full force yesterday. Dr. Fauci was not there. I guess he was too busy elsewhere making deals for his patents.

Fauci is a stalwart enthusiast of “patentable” vaccines, skilled in attracting massive government funding for vaccines that either never materialize or are spectacularly ineffective or unsafe.

Fauci is not the only holdover from the Clinton/Obama administrations.

NOTE: Why Gutless did not fire Clinton/Obama holdovers like Fauci is becoming clear. He needs all the help he is getting from Democrat parasites to make this change:

Deborah Birx is another holdover in addition to coming from the State Department. She is worse than Fauci. The cowardly lion showed his loyalty to the United Nations when he gave Birx the microphone with instructions to get in a standard sales pitch for New World Order garbage.

Put on your analyzing hat. Move the cursor to 57:20 and listen closely:

Allow me to close with a bit of gallows humor.

Finally, the most trusted television mouths on FOX cite the number of coronavirus deaths every hour on the hour like nobody dies from anything else.

Two descendent’s of liberal icon RFK (1925 - 1968) died from the coronavirus:



Kennedy Granddaughter and Her 8-Year-Old Son Missing After Canoeing Accident
by Mike Vulpo
Fri., Apr. 3, 2020 12:35 PM
I remember when one Dumb Shit on this forum was saying Florida had less cases than Illinois, I said wait 5 days.

It only took one ... :laugh:
I remember when one Dumb Shit on this forum was saying Florida had less cases than Illinois, I said wait 5 days.

It only took one ... :laugh:

To Bourbon: Which state has the most diagnosed fake cases? ANSWER: It is a 50-way tie.

The cowardly lion showed his loyalty to the United Nations when he gave Birx the microphone with instructions to get in a standard sales pitch for New World Order garbage.

Parenthetically, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres should have been on the stage with Birx. They could have given him the floor while the iron was still hot:

United Nations wants 10% global tax and wants it now!
'There is no time to lose in mounting' response to coronavirus pandemic
By WND Staff
Published April 2, 2020 at 4:56pm
Parenthetically, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres should have been on the stage with Birx.

I always thought nobody would ever take the Most Successful U.N. Parasite title away from Goofy Annan. I was wrong. The ol’ Goofer cannot hold a candle to this guy:

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres says he wants the world to donate 10% of world GDP toward fighting the coronavirus in the developing world. He goes on to talk of all the socialist platitudes the world needs to adopt, which this new money would promote.

You have to wonder how stupid this man thinks we are in the United States. Such a multi-trillion-dollar fund would only fill the pockets of corruptocrats the world over, especially in Africa and the Orient, and by far the biggest part of it would come from the United States.

Said to have the world’s second-largest economy, China knows what happens to money given to the UN -- it just gets parceled out among a cabal of dictators who burn it up on lavish living, fancy cars, and personal jets. The Chinese will just hang onto their dough for their own dictator. After all, they can claim with wounded humility that they, too, are still developing.

Then there’s the fact that the only countries capable of actually doing something about the virus are America and Germany, with help from Asians who have trained in American and German universities. The labs where they do this work get support from their own pipelines and don’t need someone else’s probably dirty money with its political demands on how it’s to be used.

That’s all in addition to the difficulty in these times of raising such amounts. The world economy has taken a heavy hit already from this virus and banks aren’t likely to have the liquidity to support such a drain on resources. Pretty near everybody is in hock up to their necks with nearly all loanable capital in the needed range already obligated.

These facts are evident to anybody who watches what’s going on, yet Guterres pitches his plan before the UN anyway. We can guess the script from here: Donald Trump turns it down, the world ignores it, liberals cry havoc and let slip the dogs of slander.

That, after all, is all they know and what they do best.

April 6, 2020
The Guterres wish list
By Richard Jack Rail


The tsunami that originated in the Indian Ocean is my first example. Indonesia was hit the hardest. Before the tidal wave receded then-Secretary General Goofy Annan was calling for money to rebuild the devastated areas. Of course, the money was supposed to go through the U.N. over a period of ten years (10 billion for openers).

And let us not forget how Annan got the job:

NOTE: President Bill Clinton vetoed a second term for Boutros Boutros Galli so Goofy Annan could hold the seat for Secretary-General Bill Clinton.


Over the years my opposites scoffed every time I warned that a President Hillary Clinton and a Secretary-General Bill Clinton would kill America’s independence as sure as night follows day. Many said that he would never get the job because the General Assembly would not vote for him. Others said that China and Russia would oppose Clinton with a Security Council veto when, in fact, those governments would have welcomed him with open arms as would the General Assembly. Ask yourself why?​
Those who called Coronavirus a fraud should be criminally charged.

To jimmymccready: Parasites perpetrating, and profiting from the fraud, should be charged, tried, convicted, and imprisoned for life. That includes FOX mouths who are making fortunes in tax deductible advertising dollars selling the fraud 24-7.

Most importantly, Trump should be impeached for signing stimulus bills that enrich the Parasite Class to the tune of trillions of tax dollars.
Most importantly, Trump should be impeached for signing stimulus bills that enrich the Parasite Class to the tune of trillions of tax dollars.

Democrats are seldom right about anything. They are right about Trump’s never-ending face time on television. The man is so immersed in his own bullshit he has to believe that a public trapped in their homes cannot wait to tune into his repetitious daily briefings:

Progressive groups that are spending millions to define President Donald Trump as an incompetent ignoramus and egomaniac during the coronavirus crisis are betting that Trump’s own words at his press briefings will be their “greatest ammunition,” according to a Monday Washington Post report.

As Trump uses the daily briefings to run circles around an inept and clueless legacy media that still seem to be stuck in the 2000s, the coronavirus, according to a recent Mother Jones report, “made it clear to progressive operatives and advocates that they had an immediate role to play, and that they could make a big difference by launching ad campaigns that define Trump on the election’s new and biggest question.”

According to the Post, Trump’s “marathon” briefing sessions only give progressive groups more ammunition because “all of Trump’s performances are scooped up by Democratic super PACs — which employ entire teams dedicated to watching the president and logging his various comments. The most damning sound bites have begun to form the drumbeat of the November election.”

Progressive Groups Betting Trump’s Briefings Will Be Left’s ‘Greatest Ammunition’
by Tony Lee
6 Apr 2020

If Trump had any brains he would stuff a sock in his mouth instead of refilling the cookie jar for Democrats every day:


Last night Trump’s liars told the same lies again. Once again, the lies are told to give cover to the lies governors and mayors are telling parasites in parasite states and parasite cities. Obviously, the liars operate on the assumption that every American will believe the lies when Trump and his partners in crime tell the lies.

Trump’s Special Report yesterday evening made me think about books. Books tell their lies to one reader at a time. Trump’s liars reach millions every night when they are reported on every ‘news’ show.

Trump unveils plan for states to reopen amid pandemic
The Associated Press
Apr 16th 2020 6:31PM

Notice that a New York bullshit artist praises the liars selling the coronavirus scam. I leave his motives for you to figure out.

Deborah Birx is another holdover in addition to coming from the State Department. She is worse than Fauci. The cowardly lion showed his loyalty to the United Nations when he gave Birx the microphone with instructions to get in a standard sales pitch for New World Order garbage.

I called another one:
President admitted that during a press conference in April that “two very smart people” came into his office and urged him to lock down the economy or 2.2 million Americans would die from the China virus.

But President Trump did not say who those “two very smart people” were.

HUGE UPDATE: Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Used Imperial College Model — NOW CONFIRMED AS A COMPLETE FRAUD — To Persuade President Trump to Lock Down Entire US Economy!
By Jim Hoft
Published May 6, 2020 at 7:47pm

Here is another call: The lock down will never end, nor will the lies stop, until the United Nations gives Trump permission.
Fauci's infectious disease agency broke federal spending law and rules, audits show
By Daniel Payne and John Solomon
Updated: July 22, 2020 - 11:26pm

Breaking spending laws is not the worst of it:

A month ago FOX liars turned their network over to the coronavirus fraud. Nothing else will be said on any FOX news show until after the public swallows the lies hook, line, and sinker. The liars were out in full force yesterday. Dr. Fauci was not there. I guess he was too busy elsewhere making deals for his patents.

Fauci is a stalwart enthusiast of “patentable” vaccines, skilled in attracting massive government funding for vaccines that either never materialize or are spectacularly ineffective or unsafe.

I wonder why President Trump praises a guy who knows his way around tax dollars?