Liberal cowardice.


New member
Liberals are usually very vocal in their attacks, generally all spouting the exact same rants, word for word as if learned by rote.

However the silence of the fanatical liberal totalitarian is deafening when their policies are exposed.

When recent speeches by the liberal elite were released, showing that the intention was never to raise tax on just the 1%, but on all American workers, the liberals fell silent.
They can't defend it, they can't deny it, blaming bush has got tired, so they ignore it until their masters spin up an answer for them.
Then they will all repeat thst spin, word for word as if learned by rote.

Deval Patricks liberal ideas of empowering criminals, releasing sex offenders and "understanding " the misunderstood( hardened criminals and paedophiles) has caused several children to be raped by their daycare staff.
Some as young as 8 days old.
Apparently Deval is angered!!
Becsuse his liberal ideas are responsible for this man being free to repeat these acts.

Lets see if liberals will now change heart on their soft on crime ideas?

I won't hold my breath!
liberals and conservatives both lie to the people about the policies they desire. the libs and their taxes, the cons and their terror policies.
If we could understand your blabbering, we'd comment. Be sure to include a link.
I did on the original thread, governor Patrick is angry, in the current affairs forum.
You viewed it, but in your frenzied support for criminals you said nothing.
Silence is agreement.
You agree with empowering criminals and weakening victims.
I did on the original thread, governor Patrick is angry, in the current affairs forum.
You viewed it, but in your frenzied support for criminals you said nothing.
Silence is agreement.
You agree with empowering criminals and weakening victims.

So why start a new thread? Are you an idiot, attention whore, troll, or all of the above?
So why start a new thread? Are you an idiot, attention whore, troll, or all of the above?
The threads were different.
One about free em all Deval and his anger about one specific case, yet he was the one who created the environment in which it happened.
This thread is about liberals hatred for families workers and regular folk, whilst holding criminals up as some kind of victims .
Two separate issues that may interlink.

We know liberals love criminals.
Interesting how fanatical liberal totalitarians free sex offenders, murderers and violent criminals but hate those who refuse to sell cigarettes to those trying to pay with food stamps/EBT.

Crimes against people are fine, people don't matter.
Crimes agains your dogma however, unforgivable !
People on welfare need their smokes , booze and drugs!

What harm is real crime, it only hurts people!
People don't matter, not like the liberal dogma matters!