Liberal Editor Suggests Making the Recession ‘Worse’


New member
Thursday, October 15, 2009
By Edwin Mora

( - Emily Douglas, Web editor for The Nation magazine, said Wednesday that making the “recession worse” and making goods “more expensive” for Americans are means to reduce consumerism and preserve the environment.

Douglas was one of three journalists participating in a panel discussion, “Covering Climate: What’s Population Got to Do With It,” which was held at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. The other two panelists were Dennis Dimick, executive editor of National Geographic, and Andrew Revkin, environmental reporter for The New York Times (who participated via Web camera).

An audience member who identified herself as an employee of the U.S.
Agency for International Development, the federal agency that distributes foreign aid, asked the speakers: “Do either one of you have any idea what it’s going to take to reverse our culture of consumerism here in the United States?”

Douglas immediately replied: “Make the recession worse.”

In response to follow-up questions from after the event, Douglas said that this was a “tongue-in-cheek answer.”

At the panel discussion, however, the moderator asked Douglas for her final thoughts, and she addressed both the question about curbing American consumerism and a statement an audience member had made about advocates of manmade climate-change painting doomsday scenarios.

video here..

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We should let the economy burn. The proles don't know what's good for them.

That an idea, then you can move to China, however they have killed off so many of their females, maybe you wouldn't like it so much. There's always Cuba, maybe you would like it there.
What I meant was that we shouldn't have put in any stimulus and we shouldn't have bailed out the banks. We should've let the economy fall to the ground so that we'd have a full blown depression that would last two decades. The voting public only wakes up and allows reform in the middle of a tragedy; we could strike a 50 year blow to the right like FDR did, and come out stronger as a nation with the right-wing virus in retreat.