Liberal Fascism


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As much as I like to write most of anything I put up, I HAVE to paste this up, because it demonstrates PERFECTLY where OUR COUNTRY has gone, how FAR we have sunk. Now MEXICO sends representatives here to tell AMERICA (through Arizona) WHAT LAWS THEY CAN OR CAN'T PASS! I would support a crusade to pass this Law in ALL 50 STATES, because THAT'S what we NEED! Read on.

Liberal Fascism

Let's go to a story out of Arizona now. You know, Arizona on January 1st passed a new law that if you knowingly hire illegal immigrants, they are going to fine the bat crap out of you. Basic will you they are going to shut you down. They are going to put you out of business. Good. Good, good, good, good, good. How long have we been saying that? Shut the spigot off. Stop with the magnet that is drawing people across the border, and those are jobs, illegal jobs. And if you knowingly hire illegals, you should be severely fired. Well, they passed this law in Arizona and now what has happened in Arizona is unbeknownst to a lot of Arizona lawmakers, apparently we found out yesterday, they didn't know that Mexican lawmakers came across legally, came across our border and sat down with Arizona lawmakers and had a discussion on, gosh, we can't afford these people to come back. If you enforce this law, those illegal immigrants are going to come back across the border. And I'm not kidding you, this is what Mexico said to Arizona lawmakers. "We can't afford the schools, we can't afford the hospitals, we can't afford the jobs. These people are going to starve."

Well, you know what, we can't afford the schools, we can't afford the hospitals. Our hospitals are shutting down. Have you been to an emergency room lately? We can't afford it, either. So we tried and tried to get somebody from Arizona, one of the lawmakers from Arizona on this yesterday for television. A lot of the lawmakers said, really? Oh, that didn't happen. Yeah, it did. Happened in your capitol. Really? We finally got one lawmaker who was in the meeting. He happened to be a guy who's also vehemently opposed to this law. I knew blood would shoot out of my eyes but I didn't know this guy would play every card he could from the get-go. Listen to this exchange from last night's TV show.

The Glenn Beck Program on Headline News, every weeknight at 7p and 9p ET.

Ben Miranda is from Arizona who attended the meeting with Mexican legislators and he doesn't like the law. So I know, Ben, we're going to have a grand old time. You were at the meeting, what were the purpose of the meeting, who was there, what happened?

VOICE: First of all I think it's a multitude of issues that were covered. By the way, Glenn, it wasn't a protest and also it was simply to open up dialogue, so two neighboring states could exchange views, opinions.

GLENN: Ben, do you work for the United States of America and the State of Arizona?

VOICE: Not only that, I'm a Vietnam veteran.

GLENN: Thank you for your service, sir.

VOICE: I came back from Vietnam. When I got back, it was Barry Goldwater who gave me the bronze star.

GLENN: Good for you. Don't tell me about how Mexico can't handle the jobs, the housing, the schools or the hospitals because you know what, we can't, either.

VOICE: Well, Glenn, don't tell me I'm not a patriot.

GLENN: Stop, stop. Stop, stop. Stop. Stop. Did I, at any point, say that he wasn't a patriot? How did it go from, don't tell me that they can't afford it when we can't. "Don't you call me un-American." I didn't call you un-American. I mean, it makes as much sense as a brand-new key! No, I take it back. This makes more sense than what he just did! Stop. Stop, stop. Stop. This, you know what, if you're still sane in eight minutes, it will be a miracle. Here's the rest of the interview.

This country you work for, ours is the priority.

VOICE: I'm a patriot and I work for the United States of America and I tell you there's nothing wrong with dialogue, Glenn. Let me tell you when Gorbachev came here, when Kruschev came here, there was nothing --

GLENN: Can we stop the rhetoric? Let's stop the rhetoric. We can talk all you want. Stop the rhetoric. Excuse me. I get it. America gets it. Talk all you want.

VOICE: Okay.

GLENN: Don't tell me that you care about how Mexico can't afford the schools and the hospitals.

VOICE: Absolutely, absolutely.

GLENN: Excuse me, and we can't, either. So it's a priority, Ben. Which one is it going to be?

VOICE: I care about this country because I served this country, I defended this country. I defended you.

GLENN: Did you get the bronze star from Goldwater?

VOICE: Absolutely, absolutely. And Glenn, let me ask you. Are you a veteran? Are you a veteran?

GLENN: Hang on just a second. Is my opinion worth less because I'm not a vet?

VOICE: No, it's not. But let me tell you when someone implies that because of who I am, because of the fact that I'm willing to have dialogue with people from a foreign country.

GLENN: This is exactly what's happening --.

Stop just a second. Stop just a second. This guy's Hispanic. Now he's also just called me a racist, "Because of who I am." Now he's implied that I have only said this because he's Hispanic. A little melody.

(Song playing.)

GLENN: Stop. This is exactly what Jonah Goldberg talks about in his book, Liberal Fascism, that you've got to read. This is exactly what he talks about. This is fascism. This is Liberal Fascism. Want to have a conversation. While he's saying it's important to have a dialogue, he will not have a dialogue with me. He calls, says that I am calling him unAmerican, he says that I say that he's not a patriot, he says that I'm calling into question his patriotism because of who he is. So in other words, I'm a racist. But he will not talk to me about our own healthcare system, our own schools. And what is the priority? Arizona schools, Arizona hospitals, or Mexican hospitals and Mexican schools, boats on a cruise ship, because you can't put too many people into too few lifeboats. The lifeboats sink!

If we are the United States of America and we are Mexico's lifeboat, there are only so many we can put into this lifeboat before it sinks. And then what happens? Then everybody's drowning. At some point you have to kick the boats away from the other ship that's going down and say, sorry, we can't take any more. We'll come back when we have more boats.

I don't understand it. Is there any more left of this agonizing interview, Dan?

GLENN: Obama and Hillary Clinton right now. All it is is rhetoric coming from you.

VOICE: Who's Hillary here then.

GLENN: Pardon me?

VOICE: Who's Hillary here? What I'm saying is listen --

GLENN: You're Hillary. You're crying racism and un-American and everything else. I'm not.

VOICE: By the way, she's going to make a great President but that's beside that. All I'm asking for is dialogue with a foreign country, Glenn. That's all I'm asking.

GLENN: That's great, Ben, thank you very much and you've had it with me. Appreciate it.

VOICE: You're most welcome.

GLENN: Thank you for telling me about the bronze star. I sincerely mean it, sir, thank you for your service. Now I'd like some updated service and help us out of this situation while these people across our border are bleeding us dry.

(Song playing.)

GLENN: You know what, Dan, this one's not appropriate. You've got to go back to the other one. You've got to go back to the other one. After that guy, you've got to go back to the other one.

(Soviet Union national anthem playing.)

GLENN: You will conform. You will help everybody out. You will surrender your riches to the masses. You will step in line. You will support the United Nations. You will not question global warming.

What happened to our country? I want to go back to the 1970s where we all universally hated our President, for good reason! But we loved our country and we had some faith that the pinheads in Washington were not all dirty. You know what, I know that everybody in this country -- well, I can't say that. There's Michael Moore. Everybody except Michael Moore... and Sean Penn... loves this country. Jeez, now I'm making a list of how many people. All right, the majority of people love this country. There are those that are so misguided on what our country was founded on. Our country was founded on the individual. Our country was founded on individuals helping other individuals, not the Government doing it, not the Government saying, that's not fair; you better not do that. Individuals allowed to fail and individuals allowed to rise up.

We were founded as a country that was going to be a beacon. We are not a beacon because we're being told to turn down our frickin' lights because we're blinding everybody else in the world. Because they can't get their act together. Well, I got news for you, gang. We don't have to switch to fluorescent lights. We're not going to be able to afford the electricity soon because they're tying us all together.
Oh, BTW. If you REALLY want to learn a lot about America, and where we are going, read "Liberal Fascism", by Jonah Goldberg, and "State of Fear", by the brilliant Michael Crighton
Well, you know what, we can't afford the schools, we can't afford the hospitals.

Typical American greed. Let people starve and die so that you don't have to pay 0.000000000000001% extra taxes, but let's spend half the nations economy on the military to deter our non-existant enemies.