Liberal Irony Lesson

Truth Detector

Well-known member
1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Funny how that works.

2. We constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money. How come we never hear about welfare running out of money?

What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't.

3. The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever --- to 47 million people, as of the most recent figures available in 2013.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." The stated reason for this policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."

Thus Ends Today's Lesson On Irony

Source: unkown.
1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Funny how that works.

But not at all funny how northeastern republicans from New Jersey to Maine and everything in between are mostly all BIG time gun law, gun restriction, anti-gun, anti-second amendment sons-of-bitches, right TD?

2. We constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money. How come we never hear about welfare running out of money?

What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't.

But we also never hear how the Military Industrial Complex should never ever be allowed to run out of money because Republicans & Democrats need to feed the BIG corporate military arms machine with taxpayer’s loot to build nations and subsidize European and Asian national defenses so those nations can pay for their socialized healthcare, huh Goober?

3. The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever --- to 47 million people, as of the most recent figures available in 2013.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." The stated reason for this policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."

Thus Ends Today's Lesson On Irony
Source: unkown.

You forgot the Republican’s Bush/Paulson & Democrat’s Obama/Geithner Wall Street bailouts and BIG banks and Insurance companies that build bubbles because they’ve become totally dependent on taxpayer’s loot when their greed exceeds their sanity, you brainwashed, brain-dead partisan moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey! When’s your class on “Chem-Trails” and Jesse Ventura the “Whack-Job” gonna begin? I’m tired of waiting, Jerkoff!!!!!!!
But not at all funny how northeastern republicans from New Jersey to Maine and everything in between are mostly all BIG time gun law, gun restriction, anti-gun, anti-second amendment sons-of-bitches, right TD?

But we also never hear how the Military Industrial Complex should never ever be allowed to run out of money because Republicans & Democrats need to feed the BIG corporate military arms machine with taxpayer’s loot to build nations and subsidize European and Asian national defenses so those nations can pay for their socialized healthcare, huh Goober?

You forgot the Republican’s Bush/Paulson & Democrat’s Obama/Geithner Wall Street bailouts and BIG banks and Insurance companies that build bubbles because they’ve become totally dependent on taxpayer’s loot when their greed exceeds their sanity, you brainwashed, brain-dead partisan moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, here's an idea; why don't you start a thread called Republican irony instead of spamming my thread with a pile of your typical leftist stupidity?

I’m fairly certain the forums cabal of ignorant leftards would love join you with that one.

Hey! When’s your class on “Chem-Trails” and Jesse Ventura the “Whack-Job” gonna begin? I’m tired of waiting, Jerkoff!!!!!!!

There's no such thing as "chem-trails" you repugnant dunce. That is why morons like Jesse are idiots; they claim there is.

OMG; here’s a video showing WWII bomber CHEM-TRAILS. Yes dunce, Jesse really is that stupid and so are you for being a fawning believer in his lunatic bullshit:

Hey, here's an idea; why don't you start a thread called Republican irony instead of spamming my thread with a pile of your typical leftist stupidity?

I’m fairly certain the forums cabal of ignorant leftards would love join you with that one.

Spam? No spam! I simply point out the rightwing RINO hypocrisy in your ”cut & paste” from your Carl Rove e-mail your so proud of Goober.

So Jerkoff, how about you tell us in your own words where the errors are in my exposure of your RINO hypocrisy? Oh! That’s right! You haven’t a fucking rational or original thought of your own in your pea-brain, huh Shit-For-Brains?????
There's no such thing as "chem-trails" you repugnant dunce. That is why morons like Jesse are idiots; they claim there is.

So you say Goober, but you have yet to produce a single shred of evidence to support your ”THEORY” and Jesse Ventura was an honorable Navy Seal and you’re nothing but this forum’s local fucking RINO idiot, hopelessly attempting to defame anybody that’s not an idiot partisan RINO like yourself.

OMG; here’s a video showing WWII bomber CHEM-TRAILS. Yes dunce, Jesse really is that stupid and so are you for being a fawning believer in his lunatic bullshit:

Where’s your evidence the picture shows WWII trails or that they’re no different from the trails we see today?
Most Muslim extremists have been persecuted and bullied by your serfs, whereas your gun-nuts merely persecute and bully. Only an American weirdo could confuse the two.
Most Muslim extremists have been persecuted and bullied by your serfs, whereas your gun-nuts merely persecute and bully. Only an American weirdo could confuse the two.

What does that have to do with "chem-trails" Commie? You better put the bottle down and take a fucking nap Commie!
What does that have to do with "chem-trails" Commie? You better put the bottle down and take a fucking nap Commie!

Dunno - I expect I thought to sink to your level, McCarthyite Arsehole.

'1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Funny how that works. '
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Spam? No spam! I simply point out the rightwing RINO hypocrisy in your ”cut & paste” from your Carl Rove e-mail your so proud of Goober.

Yeah shit-for-brains; I am on Carl Roves e-mail list. Real original thinking there dimwit; you’re really too stupid.

So Jerkoff, how about you tell us in your own words where the errors are in my exposure of your RINO hypocrisy?

You seem to think that I would support RINO’s in the northeast that is anti-gun. Why would you think that? We call this a strawman and an attempt to drag the thread away from the topic. It is a typical and dishonest tactic Liberal leftist like to use; and seeing that you get thanked by them so much, you must be just as stupid as they are.

It is like your rants about this “military industrial” complex; it is a leftist canard intended to deflect away from the fact that this bloated Government spends 90 times what we spend on defense for unconstitutional nanny state Liberal agendas. It is a dimwitted canard and, because you get thanked by Liberals and sound like them, you must be just as ignorant as them.

Oh! That’s right! You haven’t a fucking rational or original thought of your own in your pea-brain, huh Shit-For-Brains?????

Let’s face it, you’re a leftist trying to pretend you’re a Libertarian and apparently stuck on vulgar and stupid.

I am quite certain you couldn’t erupt with an original idea if your pathetic life depended on it.

You rant like a Liberal, you spew propaganda like a Liberal, you parrot leftist canards like a Liberal, you get thanked by Liberals and you whine like a Liberal; I found a video of you:

Most Muslim extremists have been persecuted and bullied by your serfs, whereas your gun-nuts merely persecute and bully. Only an American weirdo could confuse the two.

What a massive pile of lie filled bile; you leftists just can't help buy erupt with such unadulterated false bullshit can you?

If you are going to participate on this forum, I am going to need some hip waders; because the bullshit gets deep with you.