Liberal Lies, Sarah Palin


God Bless America
If Palin is not a threat to Obama, why do you liberals insist on smearing her character and inventing would-be scandals? Apparently that's just how you liberals are: when your power is threatened, kick your opponent in the groin. You people have no honor whatsoever. :mad:
Palin is not a threat to Obama, he will do fine no matter what the voters do in November.

Palin is a threat to our country. She is a threat to women's rights, to education, to the infrastructure, to progress, to good judicial selection, to minorities, and to the basic idea that America is an intelligent nation that moves forward not backward. She is a dummy, face it and only partisans do not see that. Two more bottom of their class fools. Too much.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
Palin is a threat to Obama, he knows it and so does every idiot liberal out their. Obama's plan for muslim domination of the USA is going down in flames

"the media is asking more questions about Palin's pregnant daughter" than about Tony Rezko, the Chicago fixer and Obama patron who was recently convicted on corruption charges. But that's just the first item on a long list of passes the media have given Mr. Obama — passes on vital matters of character, judgment and political belief.

These range from the media's protective hesitation on his long-term relationship with former Weather Underground leader William Ayers, to their near-total absence of interest in his recent campaign choice for Muslim outreach, a young man with affiliations to not one, but four organizations with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

(The man, Mazen Asbahi, resigned in early August after one article about him appeared in the Wall Street Journal. A national security source of mine is still shaking his head in disbelief over ensuing media disinterest in this shocking story.)

You must understand printing lies about Republican candidates is OK. It’s called “vetting.” Printing the truth about liberals - that’s called “swift-boating.”
"Apparently that's just how you liberals are: when your power is threatened, kick your opponent in the groin."

Is Obama a Muslim? Does he refuse to recite the pledge?

Yeah - you're right; only liberals are like that.

Oh, and it's okay to look at someone's record; particularly someone who will be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Enough with the "leave Sarah alone!" whining.
If Palin is not a threat to Obama, why do you liberals insist on smearing her character and inventing would-be scandals? Apparently that's just how you liberals are: when your power is threatened, kick your opponent in the groin. You people have no honor whatsoever. :mad:

We all know that--the people will know that because Palin is clean, and can proove it. Then--she will mention a few of Obamas associations and their worldly work. no--she won't mention--she will hammer it, and hammer it hard--doing the medias job by informing the public.

I hear, when obama get scared--this big huge mole popes out of his face. Look for it. Oopppp--Der it is!!! :)

He is scared as hell---because Palin uses truth. What a concept!!!! lol
Palin is not a threat to Obama, he will do fine no matter what the voters do in November.

Palin is a threat to our country. She is a threat to women's rights, to education, to the infrastructure, to progress, to good judicial selection, to minorities, and to the basic idea that America is an intelligent nation that moves forward not backward. She is a dummy, face it and only partisans do not see that. Two more bottom of their class fools. Too much.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Let me guess---your black--and yo8 think it is "pay back time" with a black man in office. Your totally wrong. Nothiong but hope from the blacks in the DEM party--and your gonna get taxed more , just like everybody else. Throw the color away man---we are in this together. If you think we need to habve a government whipe our azz, and charge us for it---go live somewhere else-

You are acting like a commie, and I hope it was only conditioning, and not your own philosophies.

I do agree with your sig though. Who would take care of that first in your mind? Obama during his first four years, or Palin during the next four. My money says Palin will clean that up. McCain is a bit liberial in that respect. It is liberials in every body elses business in my neighborhood. Real consertatives (which McCain is not) mind their own--live and let live.
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Palin is not a threat to Obama, he will do fine no matter what the voters do in November.

Palin is a threat to our country. She is a threat to women's rights, to education, to the infrastructure, to progress, to good judicial selection, to minorities, and to the basic idea that America is an intelligent nation that moves forward not backward. She is a dummy, face it and only partisans do not see that. Two more bottom of their class fools. Too much.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

There it is--the word progress, meaning a progressive society in this context. It is a socialistic/communistic philosophy, and strongly goes agenst the timeless constitution developed to keep people free of this type of commie philosophy. They ar3e so fucked up--here is what happens in a nut shell. "Oh look there are some free people there, lets talk to them." "Hey, would you folks like to be taken care of so a government can have more control of your life and money, and use your money for what the government wants to use it for?" No, you say you want freedom insead--but we don't think you can ahndle it. look at all those cars and homes you have earned--you call that freedom!!" "well--we will infiltrate your univerisites and politicians, and judges--because you free Ameicans are obviously communists."

Those were some good drugs I bet.

It really is that easy for me. Americans--don't look at the grey they serve you. There is a agenda that they are not telling you about. Eiother this guy is involved with it and hates the USA, or he drank some kool-aid and flipped out on socialism. We are better than those countries. This guy is trying to teat the sanctuary land of USA down. I think he should go to prision for treason. Hell--there might be a surviving vet on this board!!!
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"Apparently that's just how you liberals are: when your power is threatened, kick your opponent in the groin."

Is Obama a Muslim? Does he refuse to recite the pledge?

Yeah - you're right; only liberals are like that.

Oh, and it's okay to look at someone's record; particularly someone who will be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Enough with the "leave Sarah alone!" whining.

Obama eliminated every apponent in his way to the senate "using chicago thug ploitics" (a quote from Bill Clinton). We are hearing Palins whole life story from birth to now. Will Obama offer that? Answer--OH HELL NO!!!! The American people would not vote for him if they knew he was a communist.

Watch Obama get kicked in the groin by a woman.
Palin is a threat to Obama, he knows it and so does every idiot liberal out their. Obama's plan for muslim domination of the USA is going down in flames

"the media is asking more questions about Palin's pregnant daughter" than about Tony Rezko, the Chicago fixer and Obama patron who was recently convicted on corruption charges. But that's just the first item on a long list of passes the media have given Mr. Obama — passes on vital matters of character, judgment and political belief.

These range from the media's protective hesitation on his long-term relationship with former Weather Underground leader William Ayers, to their near-total absence of interest in his recent campaign choice for Muslim outreach, a young man with affiliations to not one, but four organizations with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

(The man, Mazen Asbahi, resigned in early August after one article about him appeared in the Wall Street Journal. A national security source of mine is still shaking his head in disbelief over ensuing media disinterest in this shocking story.)

You must understand printing lies about Republican candidates is OK. It’s called “vetting.” Printing the truth about liberals - that’s called “swift-boating.”

Good points! I can tell you this, the selection of Palin has made me look at McCain in a whole new light. A couple of weeks ago, I couldn't have imagined ever posting the following statement... McCain is brilliant.
Good points! I can tell you this, the selection of Palin has made me look at McCain in a whole new light. A couple of weeks ago, I couldn't have imagined ever posting the following statement... McCain is brilliant.

Me too--a bit. I think McCain is torn between the consertative view points, and the liberial mafia view points. His balls are stuck on the damn fence. lol.

I sense that he was feeling poor about the direction of socialism this country is going, and he knows he helps it. The guy will do a great favor for one side, then the other, to help balance it out. I am starting to feel McCain gave America (and its founding consertative principals) a great gift when he picked Palin. I think, deep down, he likes the idea of people keeping their liberities, and I think he feels Palin is the best to help protect our individual liberities from socialism.

This choice may go down in history in school history books, as the choice that stopped socialism in America--for two more decades only. World forces for world socialism is a pertty tough opponent, unless somebody else steps up to remind us we are suppose to be free from government constraints.

This choice may keep America, America for a little while longer. The world sanctuary from oppressive governments. The very reason why we are the most culturly diverse nation on the planet. And, accept for the movement of a socialistic society (ya can't beat anybody, if you only do the same things they do), we get along together probably better than any other diverse society IMO. I love my fellow citizens, but I am very very disappointed in our citizens who want to change "the individual liberity theme" of America.

How much do speach writers make? :)
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