Liberal media lied to voters and themselves over Biden mental state

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Liberal media lied to voters and themselves over Biden mental state

President Joe Biden’s terrible debate performance exposed that liberal media was lying to themselves and their audiences about Biden’s mental acuity.

The media mourning session after the debate over Biden showing the country that he is not up to the job exposed just how far many in liberal media were in believing or promoting the Biden campaign’s stories about how sharp he was behind the scenes. In some cases, it may have been a genuine naive belief that a clearly deteriorating Biden was running circles around his aides in private, but for many, this was intentional. Dylan Byers of Puck News said “several members of the White House press corps” admitted in February that they should have been covering Biden’s age more than they were.

Instead, liberal media jumped at every opportunity to call any unflattering video of Biden a “cheap fake” alongside his team. They piled on the Wall Street Journal over its piece on Biden’s declining mental state. They attacked special counsel Robert Hur for noting that Biden is a forgetful old man. Liberal media covered for Biden’s age and mental state at every possible opportunity, only to come crashing back to reality Thursday night. That sentiment was best summarized by Chuck Todd, who said, “Joe Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting.”

This is the same Biden that we have seen over the last few years. It is the same Biden who can’t handle unscripted events and refuses to do live press conferences. The only people coming up with caricatures of Biden were Todd’s friends in liberal media, who were painting Biden as mentally sharp despite all available video and audio showing the reality. Whether they truly believed it themselves or not, liberal media was misleading the country by trying to pretend otherwise.

You can expect more of the same when the initial shock of the debate fades and liberal media outlets fall back into the Democratic Party line. They have proven themselves once again to be untrustworthy by running with this charade all the way through to the debate. Any other attempts at damage control on Biden’s behalf throughout this election cycle should be viewed through that lens.

the shit stains will never be part of a solution of draining the swamp

anyone with a brain sees that the media acts as a propaganda wing for progressives
you have a shit load of authoritarians on the left. many of them have brains, and do see that the playing field tilts in their direction, but they don't give a shit - they are authoritarians.

They are the real threat to Democracy they constantly denounce and are autocratic fools.