Liberal Media


Well, our liberal media is at it again. Today, Mika Brezinski wondered aloud, as she is wont to do, if Obama wouldn't need Chuck Hagel on his ticket in order to win, because Obama gave a really dumb speech where he talked about how "he couldn't know what it's like" to walk into battle, or to have a loved one do so. Dumb, dumb, dumb Obama.

Of course! The democrats would need a Republican VP in order to win the white house. Now, when McCain was being just as dumb by admitting he didn't know shit from shineola about the economy, did Mica and her group of blank-eyed idiots wonder aloud if he needed a democrat like Edwards who the regular struggling guy liked, as VP in order to win?

Of course not! The liberal media has never, would never, and will never, make the claim that a republican needs a democrat to win the white house. But, in a year when we have witnessed the complete collapse of conservatism and the republican party itself is shitting its pants, the liberal media is more than happy to tell us, Democrats need to put a Republican on the ticket.

Imagine, what it would be like if we had a conservative media. Thank God we'll never know because we get to have this liberal media.
The fact that few on the Wright will even discuss media bias lately tells me something.

We can talk about it all you want. It has not gone away. Yes there are places such as Fox News where you can hear conservative voices. Outside that the majority of the mainstream media still tilts left.
Well, our liberal media is at it again. Today, Mika Brezinski wondered aloud, as she is wont to do, if Obama wouldn't need Chuck Hagel on his ticket in order to win, because Obama gave a really dumb speech where he talked about how "he couldn't know what it's like" to walk into battle, or to have a loved one do so. Dumb, dumb, dumb Obama.

Of course! The democrats would need a Republican VP in order to win the white house. Now, when McCain was being just as dumb by admitting he didn't know shit from shineola about the economy, did Mica and her group of blank-eyed idiots wonder aloud if he needed a democrat like Edwards who the regular struggling guy liked, as VP in order to win?

Of course not! The liberal media has never, would never, and will never, make the claim that a republican needs a democrat to win the white house. But, in a year when we have witnessed the complete collapse of conservatism and the republican party itself is shitting its pants, the liberal media is more than happy to tell us, Democrats need to put a Republican on the ticket.

Imagine, what it would be like if we had a conservative media. Thank God we'll never know because we get to have this liberal media.

Good catch. I've got some major problems with this.

First, as you say, the endless chatter and pining from the mindless punditry class about some elusive, "centrist", post-partisan dream team.

It's all bulls*t. The media blathered on endlessly about Bloomberg and now Hagel. Nobody wanted Bloomberg to run it turns out, excpet for Tweety and his cohorts in the chattering class.

Second, this mindless chatter about the post-partisan era is baloney. You know what it really means? It means the affluent punditocracy wants the status quo. They want to chatter about political horse races, and they don't want the status quo shaken up. The status quo has been falsely defined by the media and the punditry in the last two decades as being some center-right hybrid of reaganomics and clintonomics. And that's where they want it to stay.

This is what Obama needs to understand, and I hope he does. I've kind of been a little alarmed at all the post-partisan, can't we all come together crap that sometimes comes from his campaign. . You know what it reminds me of? The media and the republicans who wanted us to turn the page, and just forget there were no WMD, there was no reason to go to war, Al Gore didn't have an election stolen from him. . Why don't we all turn the page, and get over it? I hope Obama understands the transformational nature of his campaign, and THIS election cycle. People don't want vanilla, status quo Bloomberg sh*t. They don't want someone to fiddle around the margins, desparately seeking consensus with the far right fringe that has f*cked this country.

After 8 years of Bush republicans, if one can't be a tiny little bit outraged, if one can't see that the status quo needs to be taken on, if one can't see that the rightwing has virtually flushed this country down the toilet, then you have been living in a bubble.

I don't think Obama will pick Hagel. I"m almost sure of it. But, if he does it will confirm my worst fears about him. That he's not in this for change. That he's not in this to be transformational. I'm pretty sure he's not stupid enough to pick Hagel. So, for now, I'm not worried about it.
Yeah the chatter about the post partisan era means the upper class do not want to lose the advantages the Republicans gave them. ie status quo.