Liberal Youth far more Depressed than their Conservative counterparts


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Lib youth more depressed than Conservative youth--especially the girls.

Columbia University (not exactly a Conservative U) revealed a striking difference between Conservatives and Liberal teenagers. Conservatives are generally happier than their leftist counterparts--not by a little, but by a significant measure.

Conservatism was defined in the study as "support of individual liberty, right-wing social and religious values, and unregulated free markets."

Liberalism was defined as "support of equal opportunity, free but semi-regulated markets, civil liberties, and social justice."

Researchers found that "Conservatives reported lower average depressive affect, self-derogation, and loneliness scores and higher self-esteem scores then all other groups."

Imagine that, Conservatives have higher self-esteem scores than all other groups. That makes perfect sense because its the Conservatives who want individual freedom to make decisions on their own lives that gives them that motivating factor to succeed, whereas, the depressed liberals look to government programs and govt overreach to pacify their pitiful/victim me-to lonely lives of despair.

Much more troubling information on the depressive state of today's liberal youth inside the link. I'm sure most of the members here already know of just how depressed, lonely and suicidal the liberal youth are today, but giving this research from perhaps the most liberal University (Columbia) in the nation could and should
be a wake up call for any liberal or leftist who takes the time to read it.
Lib youth more depressed than Conservative youth--especially the girls.

Columbia University (not exactly a Conservative U) revealed a striking difference between Conservatives and Liberal teenagers. Conservatives are generally happier than their leftist counterparts--not by a little, but by a significant measure.

Conservatism was defined in the study as "support of individual liberty, right-wing social and religious values, and unregulated free markets."

Liberalism was defined as "support of equal opportunity, free but semi-regulated markets, civil liberties, and social justice."

Researchers found that "Conservatives reported lower average depressive affect, self-derogation, and loneliness scores and higher self-esteem scores then all other groups."

Imagine that, Conservatives have higher self-esteem scores than all other groups. That makes perfect sense because its the Conservatives who want individual freedom to make decisions on their own lives that gives them that motivating factor to succeed, whereas, the depressed liberals look to government programs and govt overreach to pacify their pitiful/victim me-to lonely lives of despair.

Much more troubling information on the depressive state of today's liberal youth inside the link. I'm sure most of the members here already know of just how depressed, lonely and suicidal the liberal youth are today, but giving this research from perhaps the most liberal University (Columbia) in the nation could and should
be a wake up call for any liberal or leftist who takes the time to read it.

Are conservative youth fascists? Do they support the fascism of Trump and the GOP?
That study is 2 years old.

Yeah, and the liberal youth of today while biden has been potus have been even more indoctrinated into the depressive, suicidal environment brought about by democrat policies
and their victimhood beliefs. So, what is your belief or your possible reasoning as to why the liberal youth are so depressive and so suicidal?
Yeah, and the liberal youth of today while biden has been potus have been even more indoctrinated into the depressive, suicidal environment brought about by democrat policies

The study you linked was 2 years old when our nation was departing from the fascism of President Trump.
The study you linked was 2 years old when our nation was departing from the fascism of President Trump.

Nice try in avoiding the obvious depression and suicidal tendencies of the liberal youth. If you got anything worthwhile or even close to addressing this horrible affliction of the liberal youth, then please go for it, otherwise, stay the hell away.
Nice try in avoiding the obvious depression and suicidal tendencies of the liberal youth. If you got anything worthwhile or even close to addressing this horrible affliction of the liberal youth, then please go for it, otherwise, stay the hell away.

fuck off troll
Lib youth more depressed than Conservative youth--especially the girls.

Columbia University (not exactly a Conservative U) revealed a striking difference between Conservatives and Liberal teenagers. Conservatives are generally happier than their leftist counterparts--not by a little, but by a significant measure.

Conservatism was defined in the study as "support of individual liberty, right-wing social and religious values, and unregulated free markets."

Liberalism was defined as "support of equal opportunity, free but semi-regulated markets, civil liberties, and social justice."

Researchers found that "Conservatives reported lower average depressive affect, self-derogation, and loneliness scores and higher self-esteem scores then all other groups."

Imagine that, Conservatives have higher self-esteem scores than all other groups. That makes perfect sense because its the Conservatives who want individual freedom to make decisions on their own lives that gives them that motivating factor to succeed, whereas, the depressed liberals look to government programs and govt overreach to pacify their pitiful/victim me-to lonely lives of despair.

Much more troubling information on the depressive state of today's liberal youth inside the link. I'm sure most of the members here already know of just how depressed, lonely and suicidal the liberal youth are today, but giving this research from perhaps the most liberal University (Columbia) in the nation could and should
be a wake up call for any liberal or leftist who takes the time to read it.

“The Blaze,” for real?

First off, it is not from Columbia University, you can read the entire study, and no where is Columbia mentioned, it’s “the Blaze,” remember

And what Senior in high school actually knows do even ponders what political ideology he follows, let along even the difference between the two, again, “the Blaze”

Called framing, take a study, poll, or even news story, and cherry pick to frame the narrative the way you want, a common trait of all these shit sites as “the blaze”
Lib youth more depressed than Conservative youth--especially the girls.

Columbia University (not exactly a Conservative U) revealed a striking difference between Conservatives and Liberal teenagers. Conservatives are generally happier than their leftist counterparts--not by a little, but by a significant measure.

Conservatism was defined in the study as "support of individual liberty, right-wing social and religious values, and unregulated free markets."

Liberalism was defined as "support of equal opportunity, free but semi-regulated markets, civil liberties, and social justice."

Researchers found that "Conservatives reported lower average depressive affect, self-derogation, and loneliness scores and higher self-esteem scores then all other groups."

Imagine that, Conservatives have higher self-esteem scores than all other groups. That makes perfect sense because its the Conservatives who want individual freedom to make decisions on their own lives that gives them that motivating factor to succeed, whereas, the depressed liberals look to government programs and govt overreach to pacify their pitiful/victim me-to lonely lives of despair.

Much more troubling information on the depressive state of today's liberal youth inside the link. I'm sure most of the members here already know of just how depressed, lonely and suicidal the liberal youth are today, but giving this research from perhaps the most liberal University (Columbia) in the nation could and should
be a wake up call for any liberal or leftist who takes the time to read it.

Liberals are an unhappy lot in general. Just look on this forum for, proof.
Are conservative youth fascists? Do they support the fascism of Trump and the GOP?

What's a fascist?

You never answer. Is that because you aren't a political scientist? I think I have a dog at home but I'm no veterinarian. If you're not a urologist how do you know when to pee?
“The Blaze,” for real?

First off, it is not from Columbia University, you can read the entire study, and no where is Columbia mentioned, it’s “the Blaze,” remember

And what Senior in high school actually knows do even ponders what political ideology he follows, let along even the difference between the two, again, “the Blaze”

Called framing, take a study, poll, or even news story, and cherry pick to frame the narrative the way you want, a common trait of all these shit sites as “the blaze”

Okay idiot, the Columbia University research on this subject of depression was indeed mentioned in my OP.

But I'll leave you with another link that gives the facts behind Columbia University's research on depression where they found about 86,000 twelfth graders over a 13-year period
suffered from depression. They state that these rates of depression have been increasing most sharply among progressive students--and especially among liberal girls from low-income families.

So, go ahead and try to mock or dismiss 'The Blaze' for passing on the research findings of America's #1 ultra liberal university (Columbia) for their timely, telling and disturbing findings of the liberal youth of today. Oh, and for that other idiot bidenpresident...this article by Columbia U appears in the spring/summer 2023 print edition of Columbia Magazine with the title "The Politics of Depression."
There's nothing new to learn here.

Politically conservative coeds are clueless about what's going on and only preparing to become brainless Stepford wives right after graduation.

Politically liberal coeds actually care about what's going on and are preparing to take the very serious steps to do something about it.

Of course they're more serious appearing. They're studying while the former are in line to get Taylor Swift tickets.
Okay idiot, the Columbia University research on this subject of depression was indeed mentioned in my OP.

But I'll leave you with another link that gives the facts behind Columbia University's research on depression where they found about 86,000 twelfth graders over a 13-year period
suffered from depression. They state that these rates of depression have been increasing most sharply among progressive students--and especially among liberal girls from low-income families.

So, go ahead and try to mock or dismiss 'The Blaze' for passing on the research findings of America's #1 ultra liberal university (Columbia) for their timely, telling and disturbing findings of the liberal youth of today. Oh, and for that other idiot bidenpresident...this article by Columbia U appears in the spring/summer 2023 print edition of Columbia Magazine with the title "The Politics of Depression."

Had to look hard for that one, not surprising, no where in the “Blaze” article or your post did it source the study

And I repeat, how many 12th graders in America know the difference between the two ideologies or even pay enough attention to the news to get stressed out over it, if I remember correctly, hormones are more directive at that age than politics

As I said, just another obscure study framed by a shit site to actually imply it means anything
Well, when you are a Progressive Leftist (aka Liberal), everything in the world is wrong and needs fixing. That would depress almost anyone who believes it.
Had to look hard for that one, not surprising, no where in the “Blaze” article or your post did it source the study

I bothered to look for all of 5 seconds maybe and this is the source in that article, just for your elucidation.

The politics of depression: Diverging trends in internalizing symptoms among US adolescents by political beliefs

These are additional links in the article to other sources:

How to Understand the Well-Being Gap between Liberals and Conservatives

Happiness, political orientation, and religiosity

Why are young liberals so depressed?

So, that's what that article in The Blaze got based on.
It's a bad time for liberals & even independents. It's hard for rational people to watch what's happening in our politics and world in general.

Part of me envies the MAGA crowd. Not a lot of thought there - just put all of your faith in "I alone can fix it," and the rest will (supposedly) take care of itself.
Lib youth more depressed than Conservative youth--especially the girls.

Columbia University (not exactly a Conservative U) revealed a striking difference between Conservatives and Liberal teenagers. Conservatives are generally happier than their leftist counterparts--not by a little, but by a significant measure.

Conservatism was defined in the study as "support of individual liberty, right-wing social and religious values, and unregulated free markets."

Liberalism was defined as "support of equal opportunity, free but semi-regulated markets, civil liberties, and social justice."

Researchers found that "Conservatives reported lower average depressive affect, self-derogation, and loneliness scores and higher self-esteem scores then all other groups."

Imagine that, Conservatives have higher self-esteem scores than all other groups. That makes perfect sense because its the Conservatives who want individual freedom to make decisions on their own lives that gives them that motivating factor to succeed, whereas, the depressed liberals look to government programs and govt overreach to pacify their pitiful/victim me-to lonely lives of despair.

Much more troubling information on the depressive state of today's liberal youth inside the link. I'm sure most of the members here already know of just how depressed, lonely and suicidal the liberal youth are today, but giving this research from perhaps the most liberal University (Columbia) in the nation could and should
be a wake up call for any liberal or leftist who takes the time to read it.

I believe it, living in reality is harder than pretending you live in a make believe world.
I bothered to look for all of 5 seconds maybe and this is the source in that article, just for your elucidation.

The politics of depression: Diverging trends in internalizing symptoms among US adolescents by political beliefs

These are additional links in the article to other sources:

How to Understand the Well-Being Gap between Liberals and Conservatives

Happiness, political orientation, and religiosity

Why are young liberals so depressed?

So, that's what that article in The Blaze got based on.

Great facts there T.A., and to think that a couple of leftist idiots here continue to deny what's right in front of them speaks loudly of just how disturbed they are.
Because I'm a Christian and I care deeply about everyone, I urge liberals, leftists, progressives, commies or any adult on the LEFT to take a serious look at how
and why their liberal youth are spinning out of control and are deeply depressed and have suicidal tendencies. Unfortunately, many of these liberal youth will
need to see a Psychiatrist or a Psychologist to help get them back on the road to having better mental health. My suggestion would be to have the parents of
these disturbed youth to start teaching them to adjust to learning how to be a loving, pro American, happy-contented, freedom loving Christian Republican/Conservative.
Lib youth more depressed than Conservative youth--especially the girls.

Columbia University (not exactly a Conservative U) revealed a striking difference between Conservatives and Liberal teenagers. Conservatives are generally happier than their leftist counterparts--not by a little, but by a significant measure.

Conservatism was defined in the study as "support of individual liberty, right-wing social and religious values, and unregulated free markets."

Liberalism was defined as "support of equal opportunity, free but semi-regulated markets, civil liberties, and social justice."

Researchers found that "Conservatives reported lower average depressive affect, self-derogation, and loneliness scores and higher self-esteem scores then all other groups."

Imagine that, Conservatives have higher self-esteem scores than all other groups. That makes perfect sense because its the Conservatives who want individual freedom to make decisions on their own lives that gives them that motivating factor to succeed, whereas, the depressed liberals look to government programs and govt overreach to pacify their pitiful/victim me-to lonely lives of despair.

Much more troubling information on the depressive state of today's liberal youth inside the link. I'm sure most of the members here already know of just how depressed, lonely and suicidal the liberal youth are today, but giving this research from perhaps the most liberal University (Columbia) in the nation could and should
be a wake up call for any liberal or leftist who takes the time to read it.

I suspect that the main reason kids from conservative parents do better is the lack of helicopter parenting. Kids that are never allowed to scape a knee or operate on their own without parent direction never have the ability to learn what they are made of, learn what they can do. Kids who get told over and over again that they are great even though they have not done anything know at some level that they are being lied to, and they know that they dont have skills. A few years back I was reading a very sad story about some young Seattle Uni educated tech workers thought that tending to house plants was a huge undertaking, and a lot of them did it poorly which left them depressed (If I can even keep plans alive how could I keep kids alive?). The being told all your life how great you are but then finding out that you cant even manage houseplants is a real kick to the guts they said.