Liberals and Democrats - Two Universes Apart


New member
I am a liberal, a liberal blogger which represents the progressive side of the ideological spectrum.

Desh and Cypress are Democrats, they represent the centrist side of the ideological spectrum.

Many of you probably dont read liberal blogs, like DailyKos and MyDD, and BlueStateProject, or ActBlue.

These liberal blogs, along with our cohorts in the media such as are the only progressives in America. One of our favourite things to do is bash the pussified democrats that bend over to Bush....

Thats why we funded Donna Edwards. I get attacked by Desh who calls me a Republican because I attack Democrats.... No Desh, I attack Democrats who behave like Republicans...

Take for example the General Betrayus ad on TV, that was a perfectly fine ad, but the cowardly Democrats decided that it was too politically hot to handle... When your gutless like that you deserve to lose the elections....

There is a growing movement among liberal bloggers to recruit candidates under the Progressive banner.... To challenge Democrats from the left...

Sure Democrats can blame Bush for the War, Katrina, FISA, NCLB, etc...

But they were complicit in all those items too, in fact they voted for most of the things that Bush wanted.... Who voted for the War besides John McCain, well John Edwards and Hillary Clinton did....

Who voted for the useless Katrina relief fund, well Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama did....

Who voted for FISA in the first place? Hillary Clinton...

Who voted for NCLB, that would be Ted Kennedy....

So its fine blaming Republicans for all the fucked up mess in the US but its also time to hold the Democrats accountable too.... If your complicit in the fact, than your party to the blame....

Really there are only a few liberals in the Senate during the past 4 years...

1 Republican: Lincoln Chafee
3 Democrats: Paul Wellstone, Bernie Sanders, Russ Feingold with apologies to Barbara Boxer

Why does this matter? Just as Democrats have taken blacks for granted for the past 40 years, Democrats also think that liberals will vote for them...Well it sure costed them in 2000 now didnt it...

So next time another Democrat whines about how Bush fucked up Iraq, I'll be happy to point out that they in fact helped Bush to fuck up Iraq....

The Beginning of the Progressive movement and the End of the Democrats is just starting...Hope you guys are along for the ride...

Left / right is an illusion. they just use different words to describe their hierarchichal tyranny.

The true split is populist v. elitist. This is the truth the world is desperate to hide/expose.
I just try and read the nooz. I mostly avoid blogs.
I like newsmyway, BBC, and the PBS nightly news and the nightly business report on PBS.
I am a Conservative and I agree that we will never agree (with Liberals) on how to move America forward. I do believe that we can disagree and can do so without personal attacks on Military Leaders and many others. Both sides of our political spectrum share guilt in this area and in that regard I live in a glass house. To some extent, we do have to work together whether we like it or not. America is too important for us to waste most our effort attacking each other. For better or worse, our 2 party dominated system is not going away.
Welcome to the site Joe.

I like regulations which keep my food safe, buildings safe, consumer products safe streets policed, homes and buildings fire safe.
I am very tired of being told government can do nothing right when it does things right every damn day of my life.

I really dont think having the ability to get medical care should depend on wether you are rich or not.

You see being a conservative is about not mvoing forward but staying in the same place. Being liberal is about moving forward.

I have an expectation that conservatives can understand my point of view if they would just quite refusing facts.
Left / right is an illusion. they just use different words to describe their hierarchichal tyranny.

The true split is populist v. elitist. This is the truth the world is desperate to hide/expose.

I am a populist, a good ole girl, one of my heroes, Jim Hightower!

I imagine you fall under this category, also?
I am a Conservative and I agree that we will never agree (with Liberals) on how to move America forward. I do believe that we can disagree and can do so without personal attacks on Military Leaders and many others. Both sides of our political spectrum share guilt in this area and in that regard I live in a glass house. To some extent, we do have to work together whether we like it or not. America is too important for us to waste most our effort attacking each other. For better or worse, our 2 party dominated system is not going away.
Hello, and welcome to the board.
Oh, forgive me, please...

Hello Joe, what do you know?

Old corny Kansas line!