Liberals and religion


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I've noticed a disturbing trend in liberalism for several years now.

I frequently see liberals deriding Christians for their beliefs, but I don't recall seeing any vindictive mockery of Muslims from the left.

Since it's my opinion that both religions share many of the same beliefs, traditions and practices (barring beheadings and use of airliners as bombs), why do you suppose that is?

Let's discuss.
I've noticed a disturbing trend in liberalism for several years now.

I frequently see liberals deriding Christians for their beliefs, but I don't recall seeing any vindictive mockery of Muslims from the left.

Since it's my opinion that both religions share many of the same beliefs, traditions and practices (barring beheadings and use of airliners as bombs), why do you suppose that is?

Let's discuss.

Yeah, many of them do seem to have some sort of animosity towards Christians which they don't also have towards other faiths...

But then again, these types also believe that Evolution and the Big Bang are science rather than religion, as these types like to conflate theism with religion...
Yeah, many of them do seem to have some sort of animosity towards Christians which they don't also have towards other faiths...

Don't they mock some religions because of their beliefs on social issues and ignore the fact that Muslims believe many of the same things?

But then again, these types also believe that Evolution and the Big Bang are science rather than religion, as these types like to conflate theism with religion...

Indeed. They seem to regard anthropogenic climate change like a religious belief, don't they?
Don't they mock some religions because of their beliefs on social issues and ignore the fact that Muslims believe many of the same things?
Correct. They seem quite venomous towards Christians who don't agree with (aren't "accepting" of) homosexuality, but they don't seem nearly as venomous towards how violently Muslims treat homosexuals.

Indeed. They seem to regard anthropogenic climate change like a religious belief, don't they?
They sure do. I typically refer to it as a circularly-defined buzzword religion. The people who believe in it tend to be very fundamentalist in their belief, too... Yet, they rail on people for being religious (when they themselves are being religious)... But again, they can't seem to distinguish between religion and theism, which is the main problem in their thinking regarding these matters...

Why do you suppose liberals are so blind to their lack of consistency ?

Could be a plethora of things, and depends on each individual... In general, though, I think the blindness stems from their fundamentalism, which doesn't allow them to put deeper thought towards views which don't agree with their own.

If they would properly recognize what religion is, what theism is, what science is, what a theory is, what faith is, what belief is, and put more thought into why they believe what they believe (and check it against logic), then I think they would become more aware of their inconsistencies regarding these matters.
Could be a plethora of things, and depends on each individual... In general, though, I think the blindness stems from their fundamentalism, which doesn't allow them to put deeper thought towards views which don't agree with their own.

If they would properly recognize what religion is, what theism is, what science is, what a theory is, what faith is, what belief is, and put more thought into why they believe what they believe (and check it against logic), then I think they would become more aware of their inconsistencies regarding these matters.

I suspect you are correct. The hive mind is the same in politics, philosophy, and religion, it seems.

Do you think they are incapable of exercising critical thinking?
I suspect you are correct. The hive mind is the same in politics, philosophy, and religion, it seems.

Do you think they are incapable of exercising critical thinking?

I think they are able to critically think about things which their fundamentalism doesn't blind them from...

For example: I used to completely dismiss both Evolution and the Big Bang as false made-up bullshit, since I thought that it was in opposition to Christianity, as I used to be a fundamentalist Christian. Once I got past my fundamentalism, and gained a deeper understanding of what makes a religion a religion, what makes something part of science, what makes something logical, and etc, I could then apply that deeper understanding to my beliefs.

I am still as strong of a Christian as ever, but I am no longer a fundamentalist Christian. I now better understand Evolution and the Big Bang for what they are... unfalsifiable theories about past unobserved events... They are religions, akin to my religion of Christianity, so I should treat them in the same way. It is perfectly logical to accept or reject them on a faith basis, but attempting to prove/disprove them, or claiming that there is "no evidence for them", is when logical issues begin to arise, such as circular argument fallacies and argument from ignorance fallacies...

Personally, I have strong faith that Christianity is true, I believe that Evolution is true (but I do have much weaker faith in that belief), and I am completely agnostic regarding the Big Bang Theory (essentially, I don't care whether it is true or not, as I believe there is no way of knowing either way).
please don't convince them to pays off in the long run.....
Matthew 5:11Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.