Liberals cause another shouting spree!


New member
Dumb fuck liberals released a murderer early.
He murders again.
Liberals fault.
Watch them blame the NRA!

Liberals were behing the sandy hook shooting.
This was Obamas plan.
It helps him force his gun control agenda!!
That's why he ordered it .

Sandy hook, aurora and the Oregon mall shooting were ORGANISED and implemented by the liberal powers that be in order to force their gun control agenda.
see republican party?

this is who you let take over your party becuase your ideas are so BAD you have to scrabble arround for real votes and cheat in elections to win.

someday maybe your ideas will be good enough to find some Un batshitcrazy voters to court and stop cheating.

Ive been waiting my entire life for you to act in a manner befitting what the founders left us.

Get some ideas that are not ripped off the pages of your sociopathic CEO owners notebook

Sandy hook, aurora and the Oregon mall shooting were ORGANISED and implemented by the liberal powers that be in order to force their gun control agenda.

You are an ignorant mother fucker (literally!).

Can someone move this shit to the crazy conspiracy forum?
Shouldn't this be in conspiracies? There should be a way to fit it in two at once... LOL.

Even if it were true, it would be near impossible to convince people that Obama got this nutjob to kill children just to pass laws limiting magazine size and cosmetic rules on "assault weapons"...
You are an ignorant mother fucker (literally!).

Can someone move this shit to the crazy conspiracy forum?

this not much different than your posts about guns. nor is it that different from evince's. i believe he is using absurdity to make his point about how ridiculous you and some other liberals sound when you talk about guns.

and why do you constantly try to moderate this board?
but you do?
Yes because progressives are so enlightened. ;)

I find it amusing that libtards claim that they the Constitution really means that the federal government should take care of us from cradle to grave while at the same time berating its authors for being a bunch of wealthy old white guys who were only looking out for themselves.
Thank you for proving what a brain dead mother fucking perv you are. It's amazing you're anti-abortion, yet you're living proof they work.

1. why do you say i am perv? what basis?

2. where did i say i was anti abortion?

3. why can't you answer my question about why you constantly try to moderate this board?

typical howey post, nothing but lies