Liberals: Growing Government In All Times


New member
As we have seen in downturns, Liberals say that we need government help so people can get by, be it unemployment insurance increases, gov heatlh spending, corporate or personal welfare, education.

But then in good times, Liberals say that "in a nation as wealthy as ours no one should have to go without _____". And they try and increase spending on things like healthcare, social welfare, education.

So really they just advocate more spending all the time, in good or bad. How can we possibly lead to anything but bankruptcy?
Dano why do you waste time with usc?
I'd be more fair to him based on what we've seen. Look at the bailout issue, most of the Dem flock has taken the usual route of wanting more spending, but uscitizen has shown his independence in breaking from what they want.

If anyone is willing to be reasonable and not just tow the party line, then they are a person worth my spending time on.
I'd be more fair to him based on what we've seen. Look at the bailout issue, most of the Dem flock has taken the usual route of wanting more spending, but uscitizen has shown his independence in breaking from what they want.

If anyone is willing to be reasonable and not just tow the party line, then they are a person worth my spending time on.

Yeah but this is like the first time that he has done it too.

Normally he's just a dumbed-down version of the other libs. Even when he wasn't on ignore I didn't waste much time with him. I'd rather debate someone more on my level.

It would be like arguing with Jarod over Dungheap, or Dixie instead of you. I just don't think he's worth the effort. He claims insight and understanding into things which he clearly not familiar with. He is breathtakingly ignorant on a host of issues, which is truly astounding for the amount of time he apparently spends online.
Yeah but this is like the first time that he has done it too.

Normally he's just a dumbed-down version of the other libs. Even when he wasn't on ignore I didn't waste much time with him. I'd rather debate someone more on my level.

It would be like arguing with Jarod over Dungheap, or Dixie instead of you. I just don't think he's worth the effort. He claims insight and understanding into things which he clearly not familiar with. He is breathtakingly ignorant on a host of issues, which is truly astounding for the amount of time he apparently spends online.

Buyllcrap epi. I was against the finiancial sector bailout from the beginning.

Epi i did predict where we are now far better than those with far more education than I on here and that includes you. I guess that is what really grates on you.

I have never fully toed the left wing line.
Just because I despised Bush and thought he was a loser from day one you apparently shoehorned me in with all those liberals.
Yeah but this is like the first time that he has done it too.

Normally he's just a dumbed-down version of the other libs. Even when he wasn't on ignore I didn't waste much time with him. I'd rather debate someone more on my level.

It would be like arguing with Jarod over Dungheap, or Dixie instead of you. I just don't think he's worth the effort. He claims insight and understanding into things which he clearly not familiar with. He is breathtakingly ignorant on a host of issues, which is truly astounding for the amount of time he apparently spends online.

uscitizen, He don't know you vewwwy well, do he?
I'd be more fair to him based on what we've seen. Look at the bailout issue, most of the Dem flock has taken the usual route of wanting more spending, but uscitizen has shown his independence in breaking from what they want.

If anyone is willing to be reasonable and not just tow the party line, then they are a person worth my spending time on.

I don't tow the party line. I'm far to the left of my party.