Liberals hate freedom

Why liberals and socialists deny the constitution.

For decades the liberals and socialists of this great country have pursued the ultimate destruction of the US Consitution by judicial tyranny through installing unamerican totalitarian minded ideologists on the federal courts.

several cases in point to prove, beyond any shadow of a doubt, are the slaughterhouse cases, wickard v. fillburn, and US v. Miller. All of these cases bent their ears on forcing liberalization through federal law enforcement by expanding the commerce clause of the US Constitution to the extent that congress can legislate what you can and cannot grow on your own property for your own purposes.

Later 21st century cases expand the commerce clause powers of congress even further through cases such as gonzalez v. raich.

One case in particular stands out to show that liberals don't like the constitution is Michigan Dept. of State Police v. Sitz, 496 U.S. 444 (1990) that totally obliterates the 4th amendment, by the United States Supreme Courts own admission, by deciding that the states interest in reducing drunk driving is greater than the 4th amendment protections guaranteed by the US Consitution EVEN THOUGH the sobriety checkpoints provided little proof that they made any dent or decrease in drunk driving throughout the US.

Liberals hate freedom and the US Constitution. Ban all Liberals.
A Liberal is the President now, jerkoff. Your too stupid to know that I guess
Chaney Bush and General Betray-us should be in jail for War Crimes
IMHO, a new term needs to be coined to describe what we commonly refer to as liberal today. The reason being, Patrick Henry, James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and many others, were LIBERALS. And they would spit in the face of anyone claiming that honor under today's definition. (Hancock would probably shoot them.)
Smarterthanyou is proving his avatar to be an oxymoron as he's dumber than fuck. Political freedom was invented by liberals. What the fuck would a conservative know about freedom?

I mean hell their good about talking about freedom....until someone actually practices it then GOOD GOD HEAVEN FORBID THAT SHOULD HAPPEN.
you do hate freedom you nanny statist fuckhead. You WANT everyone under the bootheels of brown shirts united under obama so you can see a 'utopian' society under liberalism. you're a fucking freedom hater.

Brown shirts?

I never liked his civil service plan. A voluntary one would be tolerable; I think he's probably changed it to that by now.

I'd also like to point out that I'm only a liberal when it comes to my viewpoint on social issues. I'm a social democrat in my economic views. That's not utopian, that's simply pragmatic. The libertarian viewpoint is far more delusional and utopia-seeking.
Patrick Henry, James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, and many others, were SLAVEOWNERS who owned GUNS how could they be liberals??
IMHO, a new term needs to be coined to describe what we commonly refer to as liberal today. The reason being, Patrick Henry, James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and many others, were LIBERALS. And they would spit in the face of anyone claiming that honor under today's definition. (Hancock would probably shoot them.)

I'm sorry but you just dont' know what your talking about. That's a sweeping generality and like all such generalities it is wrong. Many of the people you sighted weren't liberals, they were radical revolutionaries far to the left of what you would term a "liberal" today.

Would they be opposed to the modern social well fare state? Probably, but then again, they didn't have to worry about feeding 300 million people.

To many people have been inculcated by the propaganda of the far right which has been determined to marginalize those who oppose their political agenda as "liberals". Well liberal is not a bad thing. It's a very good thing and to generalize liberals as adherents to an all encompassing social welfare state is just spectacularly wrong.

It saddens me that you are not wise to this Goebbels propaganda method.
IMHO, a new term needs to be coined to describe what we commonly refer to as liberal today. The reason being, Patrick Henry, James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and many others, were LIBERALS. And they would spit in the face of anyone claiming that honor under today's definition. (Hancock would probably shoot them.)

Did you know that Thomas Paine was the first person to propose a welfare state?

Who shot him? The French.
The title is actually a little ironic, being that the root word of "liberal" is "liberty".

I've never really considered conservative and liberal opposites. Liberalism is a political ideology that seeks to promote liberty, while conservatism is a reaction to change. I think it would be better to say conservative vs. progressive, rather than conservative vs. liberal. Someone can be conservative and liberal at the same time, or progressive and liberal at the same time. Liberalism is a pretty broad tent, and it's stupidity to say that you're not a "real" liberal unless you believe that the poor should be left on the street to starve to death and we should get rid of the middle class.