Liberals introduce "terrorist recividism"

The Supreme Court's conclusion in Johnson v. Eisentrager (1950) involved similar claims by Germans arrested by U.S. forces in China, and then imprisoned in occupied Germany.

Their habeas claims were rightly rebuffed.

As Justice Robert Jackson wrote for the court, "Such extraterritorial application of organic law [the Constitution] would have been so significant an innovation in the practice of governments that, if intended or apprehended, it could scarcely have failed to excite contemporary comment."

Such a rule would, indeed, have been bizarre, but today, handicapping the U.S. in its foreign relations and putting it at a permanent disadvantage compared to every other country on earth is the policy of the Jackass Party.

By granting constitutional rights to Guantanamo detainees, the Supreme Court ignored its own settled precedent, on which the president and Congress were entitled to rely, and rewrote the Constitution itself.
I see no mention of terrorist recividism. It would be a tad bit pointless, because if you're a living terrorist you're somewhat of a failure.