Liberals' Love-Hate Relationship With the Law


This is a very insightful read into the mindset of some of the most dangerous group of pervert assholes on this planet.

Think about the part that speaks to leftist rebellion, and apply it to the idiots on this forum with their zealotry over rules and how those rules ultimately got one of their own banned (The Dude). Also pay attention to who the biggest crybabies are when those rules are enforced.

The controversies raging about the merits of two very different Obama administration policies, the Affordable Care Act and addressing Iran’s nuclear program, shed light on the common political outlook that underlies them.

President Obama’s signature domestic initiative and his grandest foreign affairs undertaking alike reflect a defining feature of the progressive or left-liberal mind. Both betray an incoherent opinion, or rather incoherent set of opinions, about politics and law. In both cases, Obama began by exaggerating the primacy of the rule of law. Subsequently, without fanfare, apology, or apparent regret he blithely disregarded the requirements of law.

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