Liberals Win, Cold War is Back!

Joe Biden guaranteed us that Obama would be tested within the first 6 months of his presidency, but I don't think even Biden anticipated the 'testing' to start within the first 6 hours! Russia announced what amounts to the return of Cold War policy Wednesday, just hours after the election was official. I guess they weren't as impressed with Obama as the liberals who elected him? I guess they didn't get the memo of how our adversaries are supposed to all genuflect toward the US and realize how great and wonderful we are, with Obama as president? It will be interesting to see if Obama still plans to dismantle our nuclear arsenal and adopt the liberal 'isolationist' policy of retreat from world affairs, or maybe the Democrats will return to Carter-era 'diplomacy' to work with the Russians? Hey, it worked so wonderfully the first time, right?

In the meantime, Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist Muslim brotherhood, will issue a statement of personal congratulations to the new president tomorrow. They are said to be very excited about the prospects of 'working with' the new administration. In Israel, a shortage of gas masks has been reported. More to come.
Didjya catch the celebrations around the world? I mean, all 4 corners of the globe - people dancing in the streets, chanting Obama's name, absolutely jubilant.

I've never seen anything like it. People are absolutely ecstatic; there is hope again.

You? You seem as small as a pea today. You & O'Reilly & Limbaugh & the rest. You guys are tiny, tiny people, and acting the part.
Didjya catch the celebrations around the world? I mean, all 4 corners of the globe - people dancing in the streets, chanting Obama's name, absolutely jubilant.

I've never seen anything like it. People are absolutely ecstatic; there is hope again.

You? You seem as small as a pea today. You & O'Reilly & Limbaugh & the rest. You guys are tiny, tiny people, and acting the part.

LOL... Yeah, like I said... Hamas will be sending a formal congrats letter to Obama tomorrow... Hezbollah and alQaeda to certainly follow soon! The French are especially jubilant.... I know you and John Kerry are proud of that... speaking of John, he is now lobbying for Secretary of State.... lovely!
LOL... Yeah, like I said... Hamas will be sending a formal congrats letter to Obama tomorrow... Hezbollah and alQaeda to certainly follow soon! The French are especially jubilant.... I know you and John Kerry are proud of that... speaking of John, he is now lobbying for Secretary of State.... lovely!

Your hackery is amazing. After 8 years of this disaster you couldn't peel your lips off of, you're trippin' out about the president elect less than 24 hours after the election was called, making absurd predictions, and overall showing your underpants with W's lips squarely on the inside front.

Keep living in the 1930's South Dix. Time will do you proud.
Your hackery is amazing. After 8 years of this disaster you couldn't peel your lips off of, you're trippin' out about the president elect less than 24 hours after the election was called, making absurd predictions, and overall showing your underpants with W's lips squarely on the inside front.

Keep living in the 1930's South Dix. Time will do you proud.

I don't know, maybe you are still up on cloud 9 from the victory and just haven't caught the international news, but nothing I have said is a 'prediction' it is fact.

"In fact, the Kremlin gave Mr Obama a glacial welcome to the world stage when Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president, ordered the deployment of nuclear-capable missiles on Nato's borders for the first time since the Cold War."

JERUSALEM – The Hamas terrorist group believes the election of Sen. Barack Obama is an "historic victory" for the world and an opportunity to change U.S. foreign policy toward engagement with America's foes, Ahmed Yousef, Hamas' chief political adviser in the Gaza Strip, told WND in an exclusive interview today.

Yousef, speaking by cell phone from Gaza, said Hamas is drafting a letter of congratulation to be sent tomorrow directly to Obama. He said the current draft of the letter praises the president-elect as "another John F. Kennedy, or great Roosevelt."

"We want to be one of the first to congratulate him," Yousef said.
I don't know, maybe you are still up on cloud 9 from the victory and just haven't caught the international news, but nothing I have said is a 'prediction' it is fact.

"In fact, the Kremlin gave Mr Obama a glacial welcome to the world stage when Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president, ordered the deployment of nuclear-capable missiles on Nato's borders for the first time since the Cold War."

JERUSALEM – The Hamas terrorist group believes the election of Sen. Barack Obama is an "historic victory" for the world and an opportunity to change U.S. foreign policy toward engagement with America's foes, Ahmed Yousef, Hamas' chief political adviser in the Gaza Strip, told WND in an exclusive interview today.

Yousef, speaking by cell phone from Gaza, said Hamas is drafting a letter of congratulation to be sent tomorrow directly to Obama. He said the current draft of the letter praises the president-elect as "another John F. Kennedy, or great Roosevelt."

"We want to be one of the first to congratulate him," Yousef said.

Keep those blinders on Dix. Just see what you want to see. In the end, Bush will still let you blow him. Don't fret about that.

Bottom line, your defunct, corrupt, imperialistic wet dream was kicked to the curb, and roundly. Now a new, defunct. less imperialistic wet dream will take power. You brought this on yourself, you and all the other Bush asslickers who drove the once-great Republican party right into the sewer.

You owe this election to yourself. Be proud. You're a big part of Obama's foundation.
Oh, I am not the one with blinders on here, you are. I posted the damn links to confirm what I said and show you how blind you are. I don't blow Bush, never have, but if that makes you feel better to think, so be it. As far as I'm concerned, I am glad the Bush era in American politics is over... the McCain era too, for that matter. I am ready to find a true conservative voice and take back my country.

Now, go back to whacking off to Obama and the Liberals celebrating this 'monumental' cluster fuck. We'll get to your comeuppance soon enough buddy, don't you worry!
Oh, I am not the one with blinders on here, you are. I posted the damn links to confirm what I said and show you how blind you are. I don't blow Bush, never have, but if that makes you feel better to think, so be it. As far as I'm concerned, I am glad the Bush era in American politics is over... the McCain era too, for that matter. I am ready to find a true conservative voice and take back my country.

Now, go back to whacking off to Obama and the Liberals celebrating this 'monumental' cluster fuck. We'll get to your comeuppance soon enough buddy, don't you worry!

I'm not a big Obama fan. I just found it telling that you Bush people were so willing to embrace the "Muslim" thing and all the other lies. But yeah, he'll probably outspend even your gods and put the country into deeper debt. Blame yourself for that. Blame those who supported, without condition, this runaway spending train, this imperialist disaster that you so lovingly embraced from the get go these last 8 years. Blame yourself. You were the most willful of the lemmings, following your beloved pack leader right off the cliff and calling for everyone else to do so. Well, they did, and those who didn't voted Obama into the Whitehouse. Thank yourself you good ol' boy.

This election clearly was a reaction to the disaster you cheerled for 8 fucking years. Be proud Dix.

Dixie. What is your problem? You've gotten what you wanted. You and your compadres made it clear you wanted a Republican party of ultra conservative southern reactionaries and now, that is what you have. As I warned you, your actions would make the Republican party a southern regional party and that has now come to pass. Why aren't you happy about it?
Didjya catch the celebrations around the world? I mean, all 4 corners of the globe - people dancing in the streets, chanting Obama's name, absolutely jubilant.

I've never seen anything like it. People are absolutely ecstatic; there is hope again.

You? You seem as small as a pea today. You & O'Reilly & Limbaugh & the rest. You guys are tiny, tiny people, and acting the part.

Did you see the spontaneos gathering in front of the White House? I bet Bush was shitting himself!

If that didn't wake up the Republican party then they are doomed to histories dust bin.
I'm not a big Obama fan. I just found it telling that you Bush people were so willing to embrace the "Muslim" thing and all the other lies. But yeah, he'll probably outspend even your gods and put the country into deeper debt. Blame yourself for that. Blame those who supported, without condition, this runaway spending train, this imperialist disaster that you so lovingly embraced from the get go these last 8 years. Blame yourself. You were the most willful of the lemmings, following your beloved pack leader right off the cliff and calling for everyone else to do so. Well, they did, and those who didn't voted Obama into the Whitehouse. Thank yourself you good ol' boy.

This election clearly was a reaction to the disaster you cheerled for 8 fucking years. Be proud Dix.

That's not completely true Beefy though it is a big part of the truth so your point is mostly valid but consider this.

Obama's appeal is as a transformational/transitional political figure.

#1. He's transformational in that he is expected to swing our government back towards the center from the far right. It remains to be seen if he goes to far. Let's hope he doesn't make the same inept political mistakes Carter made.

#2. He's transitional in that the nation has now rejected Southern views and policies for more moderate and enlightened Midwestern views.

#3. He's transformational in that he represents a new generation rising to power. This was probably the last hurrah of the Vietnam generation and now it's my generations turn (I'm the same age as Obama).

#4. He's transformational as a racial minority. For the first time in world history a racial minority will be the head of state of a great power.

But you are mostly correct. This last election was a referendum rejecting the policies of reactionary Repulicans that we have all suffered through for the last 8 years.

No what we wish is that you would aquire a clue.

There seems to be no end to the lame attempts to claim anything bad that happens after the election was over as Obama's doing while your favorite pair of jeans is still in the office fucking things up.
I thought the Cold War was "back" when they invaded Georgia...wasn't Bush President then?

And wasn't Reagan supposed to have "won" the Cold War? Guess it's time to re-write history on that...
Didjya catch the celebrations around the world? I mean, all 4 corners of the globe - people dancing in the streets, chanting Obama's name, absolutely jubilant.

I've never seen anything like it. People are absolutely ecstatic; there is hope again.

You? You seem as small as a pea today. You & O'Reilly & Limbaugh & the rest. You guys are tiny, tiny people, and acting the part.

I still don't see why it matters what the world thinks about our elections.
I'm not a big Obama fan. I just found it telling that you Bush people were so willing to embrace the "Muslim" thing and all the other lies. But yeah, he'll probably outspend even your gods and put the country into deeper debt. Blame yourself for that. Blame those who supported, without condition, this runaway spending train, this imperialist disaster that you so lovingly embraced from the get go these last 8 years. Blame yourself. You were the most willful of the lemmings, following your beloved pack leader right off the cliff and calling for everyone else to do so. Well, they did, and those who didn't voted Obama into the Whitehouse. Thank yourself you good ol' boy.

This election clearly was a reaction to the disaster you cheerled for 8 fucking years. Be proud Dix.

:lmao: Hey Pinheads... Beefhead is giving you all a present! It's the "excuse" you can use when everything goes to hell in a handbasket under Obama! It's Republicans fault for making you elect an incompetent president!!!! Priceless!
I still don't see why it matters what the world thinks about our elections.

Well, we live on this planet called earth, see, and we're part of one country that exists on that planet. That country cooperates with & benefits from good relations with other countries on that planet called earth, on everything from dealing with rogue countries to trade to rooting out terrorists to intelligence to a wide array of economic transactions & issues. Being viewed in a good light by a variety of countries actually helps in this light.
Well, we live on this planet called earth, see, and we're part of one country that exists on that planet. That country cooperates with & benefits from good relations with other countries on that planet called earth, on everything from dealing with rogue countries to trade to rooting out terrorists to intelligence to a wide array of economic transactions & issues. Being viewed in a good light by a variety of countries actually helps in this light.

Oh, look at the elitist!
I tend to take a Washingtonian view towards the outside world. We are a separate country because it is not good enough for us. I am very much a free trader, but commerce is basically the only thing other countries are useful for.