Libertarian's Take on the Election

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect

Very interesting take. I was also noticing how the media jumped all over Bernie, because they are desperately clinging to Hillary in this contest.

The 2016 election is to date the most insane spectacle in my (relatively short!) lifetime, filled with situational Democrats and Republicans making serious runs for those parties' nominations, the quick dismissal of a money-rich favorite named Bush, discussions of sex organs, and who knows what fresh hell once the second hour of John Stossel's Libertarian Party candidates debate airs this Friday at 9 P.M. Eastern on Fox Business.

Oh, yeah, and the LP debate is just around the corner.
Nobody gives a flying fuck about a "libertarian debate." The Libertarians, (like every other third party), are little more than a foot note on America's political scenery.

The Demopublicans and Republicrats own both the right and left national media, they have control over the national debate, they control ballot access and all of the Wall Street and special interest money. They have built a political system founded on and based in bribery and thereby most every voter stupid enough to participate in the corrupt system usually only participates to vote for his/her share of somebody else's money.