Libtards get fisted on facts again


In their attempt to blame everyone but the killer they tried to smear the mother. But it looks like she did try to get help. Maybe if libtards had not stood in the way of mental health laws that could have prevented this those gorgeous precious children would still be alive.

Blood is on your hands libtards

EXCLUSIVE: Fear of being committed may have caused Connecticut gunman to snap | Fox News
I heard the classroom where 16 children were killed was staffed by a temporary teacher. As the gunman left the office he noticed the first room was locked. The door to the second room, the one with the 16 kids he killed, was unlocked. The reason the teacher didn't lock the door after hearing the commotion from the office was due to the policy that temporary teachers were not permitted to have a key to lock classroom doors.

I'm unable to verify that. Has anyone heard anything?
No but given that he shot his way into the building he could have overcome the lock pretty might have provided time to make a call for help. I have been avoiding the news and details...not allowing assault rifles and these clips that hold multiple rounds would be a good place to start...make the definition of 'assault rifle' real...