Libyan TV host praises Palestinians for sacrificing their own children and using them as human shields.

Do shut up fool.
Number of civilian deaths in Syria 2011-2023, by party responsible. From Statista, as of March 2023, more than 200,000 civilians have been killed by Syrian regime forces and Iranian militias throughout the ongoing conflict in Syria.
Those numbers are provided by Hamas themselves. The UN had cut those estimates in half or more recently when it came out they were using Hamas numbers as well.
When you herd people into areas to "avoid the soldier war" then bomb that very area, you are trying to systematically kill a population, not just soldiers.
When terrorist pigs of Hamas hide in schools, hospitals, and people's buildings, sometimes there is collateral damage.
Those numbers are provided by Hamas themselves. The UN had cut those estimates in half or more recently when it came out they were using Hamas numbers as well.

When terrorist pigs of Hamas hide in schools, hospitals, and people's buildings, sometimes there is collateral damage.
There is no "battle ground" thanks to the ghetto Israel created for the Palestinians. And I noticed how you avoided the FACT that the IDF herds civilians into "safe zones" that they subsequently bomb.

There is no "battle ground" thanks to the ghetto Israel created for the Palestinians.
You mean the ghetto that the Palestinians built for themselves? That's what happens when you use all your concrete to build tunnels and all your water pipes to build missiles, etc.
And I noticed how you avoided the FACT that the IDF herds civilians into "safe zones" that they subsequently bomb.

I notice how you avoided the FACT that your pig terrorists hide among the citizenry. In addition, Israel regularly drops warnings to civilians before bombing.
Israel is guilty of genocide.
White Libs are ok with Muslims killing Muslims. This is what Muslims do to Palestinians ...

"March 10, 2014

Syria: Yarmouk under siege – a horror story of war crimes, starvation and death​

A new report by Amnesty International reveals that war crimes and crimes against humanity have been carried out on Palestinian and Syrian civilians in Yarmouk, on the outskirts of Damascus, which is under brutal siege by Syrian government forces.

The report, Squeezing the life out of Yarmouk: War crimes against besieged civilians, published ahead of the third anniversary of the crisis in Syria, highlights the deaths of nearly 200 individuals since the siege was tightened in July 2013 and access to crucial food and medical supplies was cut off. According to Amnesty International’s research, 128 of those who have died starved to death in the catastrophic humanitarian crisis that has emerged.

“Life in Yarmouk has grown increasingly unbearable for desperate civilians who find themselves starving and trapped in a downward cycle of suffering with no means of escape,” said Philip Luther, Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Amnesty International.

“Civilians of Yarmouk are being treated like pawns in a deadly game in which they have no control.” "

The only difference is ... white libs hate the Jews.
I wonder how many of her children, assuming she has any, she has been willing to sacrifice ?
Why won't that fat gluttonous pig of a woman become a suicide bomber herself, instead of breeding to create more suicidal children. She is too old and dried up to breed more, now.
You mean the ghetto that the Palestinians built for themselves? That's what happens when you use all your concrete to build tunnels and all your water pipes to build missiles, etc.

I notice how you avoided the FACT that your pig terrorists hide among the citizenry. In addition, Israel regularly drops warnings to civilians before bombing.
1. :rolleyes: Where do you get this nonsense? Here, for your education:

2. :rolleyes: Okay, let me try a more detailed, simpler approach; In the world history of conflict between countries, there is mostly an area (or areas) that are outside the main populace locations (towns, cities) where the opposing parties can battle it out before "invading/taking enemy territory". Gaza and the West Bank do not have that type of terrain for the population. It's a pretty condensed place geographically for a modern day society. And remember that it was made even more condensed by the Israeli's continually pushing illegal "settlement" areas and such. Like it or not (and there are those Palestinians who did not vote for Hamas), Hamas is part of the population. Yahoo knew this when he backed them against the PLO, as the Israeli's will tell you

3. Yeah, how's that working out? Especially since the IDF bombs the places they tell the civilian population to relocate to:

Please spare us all the pathetic propaganda from Yahoo that is echoed by you christo-fascist flunkies. It's easily debunked with facts no matter how much you lie and deny.